ArcGIS API for Silverlight - Library Reference
ArcGISImageServiceLayer Class Members
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ESRI.ArcGIS.Client Namespace : ArcGISImageServiceLayer Class

The following tables list the members exposed by ArcGISImageServiceLayer.

Public Constructors

public ConstructorArcGISImageServiceLayer ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.ArcGISImageServiceLayer class.  

Public Fields

public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TokenPropertyIdentifies the Token dependency property.  

Public Properties

public PropertyAllowedMosaicMethods Gets the allowed mosaic methods  
public PropertyAllowRasterFunction Gets a value indicating whether raster function is allowed.  
public PropertyAttributionTemplate Gets the attribution template of the layer.  
public PropertyBandCount Gets the number of bands that are available in the ArcGISImageServiceLayer.  
public PropertyBandIds Gets or sets which bands will be displayed (or visible) by the ArcGISImageServiceLayer.  
public PropertyCapabilities Gets the capabilities (i.e. Image,Metadata,Pixels,Catalog,Download,Mensuration,Edit)  
public PropertyCompressionQuality Controls how much data loss the image will be subjected to by the compression algorithm. Valid value ranges of compression quality are from 0 to 100.  
public PropertyCopyrightTextGets the copyright text reported by the ArcGISImageServiceLayer.  
public PropertyDefaultCompressionQuality Gets the default compression quality of jpeg format exported image.  
public PropertyDefaultMosaicMethod Gets the default mosaic method.  
public PropertyDefaultResamplingMethod Gets the default resampling method.  
public PropertyDescriptionGets the text description of the ArcGISImageServiceLayer.  
public PropertyDisableClientCaching Gets or set the property indicating if browser caching should be disabled for each request.  
public PropertyDispatcher (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
public PropertyDisplayName Gets or sets the display name. Display name is used in printing and legend control. (Inherited from ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Layer)
public PropertyEditFieldsInfo Gets the edit fields info. If a layer has editor tracking enabled, its EditFieldsInfo property will include information about editor tracking fields: creationDateField, creatorField, editDateField and editorField.  
public PropertyEffectGets or sets the pixel shader effect to use for rendering this Layer. (Inherited from ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Layer)
public PropertyFieldsGets the List of Field objects associated with an attribute table for ArcGISImageServiceLayer that is based on Mosaic datasets.  
public PropertyFullExtent The full extent of the layer (Inherited from ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Layer)
public PropertyHasColormap Gets a value indicating whether this instance has colormap.  
public PropertyHasHistograms Gets a value indicating whether this instance has histograms.  
public PropertyHasRasterAttributeTable Gets a value indicating whether this instance has raster attribute table.  
public PropertyID Gets or sets the layer ID (Inherited from ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Layer)
public PropertyImageFormat Gets or sets the image format for the ArcGISImageServiceLayer.  
public PropertyInitialExtent The initial extent reported by the service.  
public PropertyInitializationFailure Gets or sets the initialization failure if the initialization failed. (Inherited from ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Layer)
public PropertyInterpolation The resampling process of extrapolating the pixel values while transforming the raster dataset when it undergoes warping or when it changes coordinate space.  
public PropertyIsInitialized Returns true if the layer has been initialized. (Inherited from ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Layer)
public PropertyIsReadOnly Gets a value indicating whether this instance is read only.  
public PropertyMaxDownloadImageCount Gets the max download image count.  
public PropertyMaxImageHeight Gets the height of the max image.  
public PropertyMaxImageWidth Gets the width of the max image.  
public PropertyMaximumResolution Gets or sets the maximum resolution (map units per pixel) where this layer is visible. (Inherited from ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Layer)
public PropertyMaxMosaicImageCount Gets the max mosaic image count.  
public PropertyMaxRecordCount Gets the max record count.  
public PropertyMaxValues Gets the maximum numerical value for each band in an ArcGISImageServiceLayer.  
public PropertyMeanValues Gets the mean of all the numerical value for each band in an ArcGISImageServiceLayer.  
public PropertyMensurationCapabilities Gets the mensuration capabilities.  
public PropertyMinimumResolution Gets or sets the minimum resolution (map units per pixel) where this layer is visible. (Inherited from ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Layer)
public PropertyMinValues Gets the minimum numerical value for each band in an ArcGISImageServiceLayer.  
public PropertyMosaicOperator Gets the mosaic operator.  
public PropertyMosaicRule Gets or sets the mosaic rule.  
public PropertyName Gets the name of the ArcGISImageServiceLayer in the REST service.  
public PropertyNoData Gets or sets the image pixel value representing no information for the ArcGISImageServiceLayer.  
public PropertyNoDataColor Gets or sets the RGB image pixel value representing no information for the ArcGISImageServiceLayer.  
public PropertyNoDataInterpretationGets or sets the no data interpretation. This property defines how transparency should be evaluated for each pixel and each color band based on the ArcGISImageServiceLayer.NoData and ArcGISImageServiceLayer.NoDataColor value.  
public PropertyObjectIdField Gets the name (string) of the object ID field associated with an attribute table for ArcGISImageServiceLayer that is based on Mosaic datasets.  
public PropertyOpacity Gets or sets the layer opacity (Inherited from ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Layer)
public PropertyOwnershipBasedAccessControl Gets the ownership based access control. If ownership-based access control is enabled on rasters, OwnershipBasedAccessControl property of a layer will include AllowOthersToUpdate and AllowOthersToDelete properties.  
public PropertyPixelSizeX Gets the width of a pixel in map units for an ArcGISImageServiceLayer.  
public PropertyPixelSizeY Gets the height of a pixel in map units for an ArcGISImageServiceLayer.  
public PropertyProxyURL Gets or sets the URL to proxy the request through.  
public PropertyRasterFunctionInfos Gets the raster function infos.  
public PropertyRasterTypeInfos Gets the raster type infos.  
public PropertyRenderingRule Gets or sets the rendering rule which provides a set of predefined raster functions to dynamically change the display of the ArcGISImageServiceLayer.  
public PropertyServiceDataType Gets the image service data type for the ArcGISImageServiceLayer.  
public PropertyServiceDescriptionGets the service description reported by the ArcGISImageServiceLayer.  
public PropertyShowLegend Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show legend. (Inherited from ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Layer)
public PropertySingleFusedMapCache Gets a value indicating whether map is a single fused map cache.  
public PropertySortField Gets the sort field of default mosaic rule when byattribute is used.  
public PropertySortValue Gets the sort value of default mosaic rule when byattribute is used.  
public PropertySpatialReference Gets the default spatial reference of the layer. (Inherited from ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Layer)
public PropertyStdvValues Gets the standard deviation of all the numerical value for each band in an ArcGISImageServiceLayer.  
public PropertyTimeExtent Gets the valid TimeExtent object for the ArcGISImageServiceLayer or null/Nothing if this service does not support time based queries.  
public PropertyTokenGets or sets the token for accessing a secure ArcGIS service.  
public PropertyUrlGets or sets the URL to an ArcGISImageServiceLayer.  
public PropertyVersion Gets the version of ArcGIS Server where the map service is published.  
public PropertyVisible Gets or sets the visibility of the layer (Inherited from ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Layer)
public PropertyVisibleTimeExtent Gets or sets the time extent where this layer is visible. (Inherited from ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Layer)

Public Methods

public MethodAddRasters Adds the rasters.  
public MethodClearValue (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
public MethodDeleteRasters Deletes the rasters.  
public MethodGetAnimationBaseValue (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
public MethodGetColorMapAsyncAsynchronous task to get the colormap information associated with the ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.ArcGISImageServiceLayer.  
public MethodGetHistogramsAsyncAsynchronous task to get the histograms information associated with the ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.ArcGISImageServiceLayer.  
public MethodGetRasterAttributeTable Gets the raster attribute table resource, which returns categorical mapping of pixel values (e.g. a class, group, category, or membership). This resource is supported if hasRasterAttributeTable property of the service is true.  
public MethodGetRasterCatalogItems Gets the raster catalog items.  
public MethodGetRasterInfo Gets the raster information (such as its width, height, number of bands, pixel type, etc) This resource is supported if Catalog Capability is true.  
public MethodGetRasterKeyProperties Gets the raster key properties. This resource is supported if Image and Catalog Capability is true.  
public MethodGetRasterMetadata Gets the raster metadata. This resource is supported if Image and Metadata Capability is true.  
public MethodGetRasterThumbnailUri Gets the raster thumbnail URI. This resource is supported if Catalog Capability is enabled.  
public MethodGetServiceKeyProperties Gets the service key properties. This resource is supported if Image is true.  
public MethodGetUrlOverridden.  Gets the URL that references the map image.  
public MethodGetValue (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
public MethodInitializeOverridden.  Initializes the resource. Override this method if your resource requires asynchronous requests to initialize, and call the base method when initialization is complete.  
public MethodReadLocalValue (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
public MethodRefresh Refreshes the dynamic layer. (Inherited from ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.DynamicLayer)
public MethodSetValue (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
public MethodToBitmapRenders the layer to a System.Windows.Media.Imaging.WriteableBitmap. (Inherited from ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Layer)
public MethodUpdateRaster Updates the raster.  

Protected Methods

protected MethodCancel Stops loading of any pending images (Inherited from ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Layer)
protected MethodGetSourceOverridden.  Gets the source image to display in the dynamic layer. Override this to generate or modify images.  
protected MethodOnLayerChanged Notifies the map that the layer has changed and requires a redraw. (Inherited from ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Layer)
protected MethodOnMapChangedOverride to know when a layer's Layer.Map property changes. (Inherited from ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Layer)
protected MethodOnProgress (Inherited from ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.DynamicLayer)
protected MethodOnPropertyChanged (Inherited from ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Layer)

Public Events

public EventInitializationFailed This Event fires when a Layer has been initialized and has encountered a problem. (Inherited from ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Layer)
public EventInitialized Raised when the layer has been initialized (Inherited from ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Layer)
public EventPropertyChanged Property changed event (Inherited from ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Layer)

See Also

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