This document discusses the JSON symbol (and its supporting) objects as returned by the REST API.
The following objects are discussed here:
Color is represented as a 4-element array. The 4 elements represent values for red, green, blue and alpha in that order. Values range from 0 through 255.
[ <red>, <green>, <blue>, <alpha> ]
[ 67, 0, 255, 40 ]
Simple marker symbols can be used to symbolize point geometries.
The type
property for simple marker symbols is esriSMS
{ "type" : "esriSMS", "style" : "< esriSMSCircle | esriSMSCross | esriSMSDiamond | esriSMSSquare | esriSMSX >", "color" : <color>, "size" : <size>, "angle" : <angle>, "xoffset" : <xoffset>, "yoffset" : <yoffset>, "outline" : { //if outline has been specified "color" : <color>, "width" : <width> } }
{ "type": "esriSMS", "style": "esriSMSSquare", "color": [76,115,0,255], "size": 8, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0, "outline": { "color": [152,230,0,255], "width": 1 } }
Simple line symbols can be used to symbolize polyline geometries or outlines for polygon fills.
The type
property for simple line symbols is esriSLS
{ "type" : "esriSLS", "style" : "< esriSLSDash | esriSLSDashDot | esriSLSDashDotDot | esriSLSDot | esriSLSNull | esriSLSSolid >", "color" : <color>, "width" : <width> }
{ "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSDot", "color": [115,76,0,255], "width": 1 }
Simple fill symbols can be used to symbolize polygon geometries.
The type
property for simple fill symbols is esriSFS
{ "type" : "esriSFS", "style" : "< esriSFSBackwardDiagonal | esriSFSCross | esriSFSDiagonalCross | esriSFSForwardDiagonal | esriSFSHorizontal | esriSFSNull | esriSFSSolid | esriSFSVertical >", "color" : <color>, "outline" : <simpleLineSymbol> //if outline has been specified }
{ "type": "esriSFS", "style": "esriSFSSolid", "color": [115,76,0,255], "outline": { "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid", "color": [110,110,110,255], "width": 1 } }
Picture marker symbols can be used to symbolize point geometries.
The type
property for picture marker symbols is esriPMS
These symbols include the base64 encoded imageData
as well as a
that could be used to retrieve the image from the server.
Note that this is a relative URL. It can be dereferenced by accessing the
feature layer image resource.
"type" : "esriPMS",
"url" : "<imageUrl>", //relative URL
"imageData" : "<base64EncodedImageData>",
"contentType" : "<imageContentType>",
"width" : <width>,
"height" : <height>,
"angle" : <angle>,
"xoffset" : <xoffset>,
"yoffset" : <yoffset>
{ "type" : "esriPMS", "url" : "471E7E31", "imageData" : "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABoAAAAaCAYAAACpSkzOU5ErkJggg==", "contentType" : "image/png", "width" : 19.5, "height" : 19.5, "angle" : 0, "xoffset" : 0, "yoffset" : 0 }
Picture fill symbols can be used to symbolize polygon geometries.
The type
property for picture fill symbols is esriPFS
These symbols include the base64 encoded imageData
as well as a
that could be used to retrieve the image from the server.
Note that this is a relative URL. It can be dereferenced by accessing the
feature layer image resource.
{ "type" : "esriPFS", "url" : "<imageUrl>", //relative URL "imageData" : "<base64EncodedImageData>", "contentType" : "<imageContentType>", "outline" : <simpleLineSymbol>, //if outline has been specified "width" : <width>, "height" : <height>, "angle" : <angle>, "xoffset" : <xoffset>, "yoffset" : <yoffset>, "xscale": <xscale>, "yscale": <yscale> }
{ "type" : "esriPFS", "url" : "866880A0", "imageData" : "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAFQAAABUCAYAAAAcaxDBAAAAAXNSR0IB2cksfwAAAAlwSFlzAAAOxAAADsQBlSsOGwAAAM9JREFUeJzt0EEJADAMwMA96l/zTBwUSk5ByLxQsx1wTUOxhmINxRqKNRRrKNZQrKFYQ7GGYg3FGoo1FGso1lCsoVhDsYZiDcUaijUUayjWUKyhWEOxhmINxRqKNRRrKNZQrKFYQ7GGYg3FGoo1FGso1lCsoVhDsYZiDcUaijUUayjWUKyhWEOxhmINxRqKNRRrKNZQrKFYQ7GGYg3FGoo1FGso1lCsoVhDsYZiDcUaijUUayjWUKyhWEOxhmINxRqKNRRrKNZQrKFYQ7GGYh/hIwFRFpnZNAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==", "contentType" : "image/png", "outline" : { "type" : "esriSLS", "style" : "esriSLSSolid", "color" : [110,110,110,255], "width" : 1 }, "width" : 63, "height" : 63, "angle" : 0, "xoffset" : 0, "yoffset" : 0, "xscale" : 1, "yscale" : 1 }
Text symbols are used to add text to a feature (labeling).
The type
property for text symbols is esriTS
{ "type" : "esriTS", "color" : <color>, "backgroundColor" : <color>, "borderLineColor" : <color>, "verticalAlignment" : "<baseline | top | middle | bottom>", "horizontalAlignment" : "<left | right | center | justify>", "rightToLeft" : <true | false>, "angle" : <angle>, "xoffset" : <xoffset>, "yoffset" : <yoffset>, "kerning" : <true | false>, "font" : { "family" : "<fontFamily>", "size" : <fontSize>, "style" : "<italic | normal | oblique>", "weight" : "<bold | bolder | lighter | normal>", "decoration" : "<line-through | underline | none>" } }
{ "type": "esriTS", "color": [78,78,78,255], "backgroundColor": null, "borderLineColor": null, "verticalAlignment": "bottom", "horizontalAlignment": "left", "rightToLeft": false, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0, "font": { "family": "Arial", "size": 12, "style": "normal", "weight": "bold", "decoration": "none" } }