ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF - Library Reference
IdentifyParameters Class Members
See Also  Properties 
ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Tasks Namespace : IdentifyParameters Class

The following tables list the members exposed by IdentifyParameters.

Public Constructors

public ConstructorIdentifyParameters ConstructorConstructor.  

Public Properties

public PropertyDPIResolution of the current map view in dots per inch. The default is 96.  
public PropertyDynamicLayerInfosGets or sets the DynamicLayerInfoCollection used to define the way a Dynamic Layer is drawn. In the context of the IdentifyParameters Class, this Property allows Identify information to be obtained for a Dynamic Layer.  
public PropertyGdbVersionGets or sets the geodatabase version on which the identify will be performed.  
public PropertyGeometryThe geometry to identify on. The valid geometry types are Envelope, Point, Multipoint, Polyline, or Polygon.  
public PropertyHeightHeight of the map currently being viewed in pixels.  
public PropertyLayerDefinitionsCollection of layer definition expressions that allows you to filter the features of individual layers in the exported map image. Definition expressions for layers that are currently not visible will be ignored by the server.  
public PropertyLayerIdsOptional. When layer Ids are specified, the server treats it as a boolean "AND" operator. For example, if the LayerOption Visible is specified and the LayerIds are set to [2,5], only layers with Ids 2 and 5, if visible, are identified. To idenfity sub-layers that are not visible in the default map service definition, you may need to use the "All" LayerOption to return results.  
public PropertyLayerOptionSpecifies which method to use when using Identify. "Top": Only the topmost visible layer is identified. "Visible": All visible layers are identified. "All": All layers are identified, even if they are not visible. Performance note: if your service has many layers, a request using "All" will not perform well. A visible layer means you can see it in the map at the current extent. If a layer is turned off or not in range based on its scale dependency settings, it cannot be identified. To idenfity sub-layers that are not visible in the default map service definition, you may need to use the "All" option to return results.  
public PropertyMapExtentThe extent or bounding box of the map currently being viewed. Unless the SpatialReferenceWKID parameter has been specified, the mapExtent is assumed to be in the spatial reference of the map.  
public PropertyMaxAllowableOffsetGets or sets the max allowable offset. This option can be used to specify the maximum allowable offset to be used for generalizing geometries returned by the identify operation.  
public PropertyReturnGeometryIf true, each returned feature includes the geometry. Since the geometry makes up a significant portion of the result, only use when you plan to use the geometry of the feature, for example, to include them on a map. By default, this is true.  
public PropertyReturnMIf true, M values will be included in the results if the features have M values. Otherwise M values are not returned. The default is false.  
public PropertyReturnZIf true, Z values will be included in the results if the features have Z values. Otherwise Z values are not returned. The default is false.  
public PropertySpatialReferenceThe spatial reference of the input and output geometries as well as the mapExtent. If sr is not specified, the geometry and the mapExtent are assumed to be in the spatial reference of the map, and the output geometries are also in the spatial reference of the map. The SpatialReference supports wkid as well as wkt for custom spatial references.  
public PropertyTimeExtentGets or sets the time instant or the time extent to identify.  
public PropertyTimeOptionsGets or sets the layer time options. Time options can be set to indicate whether or not the layer should use the time extent specified by the time parameter or not, whether to draw the layer features cumulatively or not and the time offsets for the layer.  
public PropertyToleranceThe distance in screen pixels from the specified geometry within which the identify should be performed.  
public PropertyWidthWidth of the map currently being viewed in pixels.  

See Also

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