| Class | Description |
| Address | An address. |
| AddressCandidate | An address candidate that represents a result from an AddressToLocations operation. |
| AddressesToLocationsEventArgs | EventArgs for the Locator.AddressesToLocationsCompleted event. |
| AddressesToLocationsResult | AddressesToLocationsResult contains information found from a AddressesToLocations locator service call. |
| AddressesToLocationsTaskResult | AddressesToLocationsTaskResult contains the results from a address to locations operation performed using the AddressesToLocationsTaskAsync method. |
| AddressEventArgs | EventArgs for the Locator.LocationToAddressCompleted event. |
| AddressToLocationsEventArgs | EventArgs for the AddressToLocations Locator geocode service operation. |
| AddressToLocationsParameters | Parameters for the AddressToLocations geocode service operation. |
| AddressToLocationsResult | AddressToLocationsResult contains the results from a address to locations operation performed using the AddressToLocationsTaskAsync method. |
| AngularUncertaintyValue | Class that represents a angular measurement that contains an uncertainty value. |
| AreasAndLengths | Contains a list of areas and corresponding lengths. |
| AreasAndLengthsEventArgs | EventArgs for the GeometryService.AreasAndLengthsCompleted event. |
| AreasAndLengthsResult | AreaAndLengthsResult contains the results from a Reshap operation performed using the AreasAndLengthsTaskAsync method. |
| AreaUncertaintyValue | Class that represents a area measurement that contains an uncertainty value. |
| AttributeParameter | Used in RouteParameter.attributeParameterValues |
| AutoCompleteResult | AutoCompleteResult contains the results from a Reshap operation performed using the AutoCompleteTaskAsync method. |
| BaseGeodataTransformation | Base class for ProjectiveTransformation and PolynomialTransformation |
| BaseRouteParameters | Base route parameters in shared between RouteParameters, RouteClosestFacilityParameters and RouteServiceAreaParameters |
| BeginEditEventArgs | Arguments for the begin edits event. |
| BufferParameters | Sets the distances, units, and other parameters for a buffer operation. |
| BufferResult | BufferResult contains the results from a Reshap operation performed using the BufferTaskAsync method. |
| ClassBreaksDefinition | ClassBreaksDefinition |
| ClassDescription | Class description used as input of the ComputeClassStatisticsTask task. |
| ClassificationDefinition | Base class for ClassificationDefinition. |
| ColorRamp | ColorRamp |
| CompositeTransformations | CompositeTransformations |
| ComputeClassStatisticsEventArgs | EventArgs for ComputeClassStatisticsTask.ComputeClassStatisticsAsync task. |
| ComputeClassStatisticsParameters | Parameter object used for the ComputeClassStatisticsTask task. |
| ComputeClassStatisticsResult | Contains the result information for the ComputeClassStatisticsTask task. |
| ComputeClassStatisticsTask | Compute Class Statistics task is used to dynamically compute statistics from an image server. This operation is supported by any image service published with Mosaic Datasets or a Raster Dataset (from 10.2 onwards). The result of this operation contains class statistics signatures by the maximum likelihood classifier. |
| ComputeHistogramsEventArgs | EventArgs for ComputeHistogramsTask.ComputeHistogramsAsync and ComputeHistogramsTask.ComputeHistogramsAsync task. |
| ComputeHistogramsParameter | Parameter object used for the ComputeHistogramsTask.ComputeHistogramsAsync and ComputeHistogramsTask.ComputeHistogramsAsync task. |
| ComputeHistogramsTask | Compute histograms task is used to dynamically create a histogram from an image server. |
| ComputeTiePointsEventArgs | EventArgs for ComputeTiePointsTask.ComputeTiePointsAsync task. |
| ComputeTiePointsParameters | Parameter object used for the ComputeTiePointsTask task. |
| ComputeTiePointsResult | Contains the result information for the ComputeTiePointsTask task. |
| ComputeTiePointsTask | Task used to dynamically compute tie points from an image server. This operation is supported by an image service published from mosaic datasets (from 10.2 onwards). The result of this operation contains tie points that can be used to match the source image to the reference image. |
| ConvexHullResult | ConvexHullResult contains the results from a Reshap operation performed using the ConvexHullTaskAsync method. |
| CutEventArgs | EventArgs for service operations that return a list of Graphic objects and a Integer array of cut indexes. |
| CutResult | CutResult contains the results from a Reshap operation performed using the CutTaskAsync method. |
| DeleteEventArgs | EventArgs for the UploadTask.DeleteCompleted event of the UploadTask. |
| DeleteTaskResult | Result for the UploadTask.DeleteTaskAsync method. |
| DensifyParameters | Parameters contains additional properties that defines how the densify task will be preformed. |
| DensifyResult | DensifyResult contains the results from a Reshap operation performed using the DensifyTaskAsync method. |
| DifferenceResult | DifferenceResult contains the results from a Reshap operation performed using the DifferenceTaskAsync method. |
| DirectionsFeatureSet | A FeatureSet that has properties specific to routing. The features property contains the turn-by-turn directions text and geometry of the route. |
| DistanceEventArgs | EventArgs for the GeometryService.DistanceCompleted event |
| DistanceParameters | Parameters contains additional properties that defines how the distance task will be preformed. |
| DistanceResult | DinstanceResult contains the results from a Reshap operation performed using the DistanceTaskAsync method. |
| EditException | Edit exception. |
| EditResultItem | An item in the results from an edit operation. |
| EditResults | Results of the edit operation |
| EndEditEventArgs | Arguments for the end edit event. |
| FeatureSet | A collection of Features. |
| FindEventArgs | EventArgs for the FindTask.ExecuteCompleted event of the FindTask. |
| FindParameters | The parameters used to execute the FindTask. |
| FindResult | A result from the executing the FindTask. |
| FindTask | Task for finding features from a map service. |
| FindTaskResult | FindTaskResult contains results for a ExecuteTaskAsync(FindParameters). Contains the results from the find task and a boolean value that indicates if there is more data on the server that matches the criteria but was not returned because of a server limit. |
| GeneralizeParameters | Parameters contains additional properties that defines how the generalize task will be preformed. |
| GeneralizeResult | GeneralizeResult contains the results from a Reshap operation performed using the GeneralizeTaskAsync method. |
| GenerateRendererParameters | The parameters used to generate renderer task. |
| GenerateRendererResult | Renderer result |
| GenerateRendererResultEventArgs | EventArgs for the GenerateRendererTask.ExecuteCompleted event of the GenerateRendererTask. |
| GenerateRendererTask | Generates renderer from supplied classification definition and an optional where clause. |
| GeometryEventArgs | EventArgs for service operations that return a single Geometry object. |
| GeometryRelationPair | Contains the indices of the geometries from the set of geometries passed to the Relation operation of the geometry service. |
| GeometryService | Represents a geometry service resource exposed by the ArcGIS Server REST API. It is used to perform various operations on geometries such as project, simplify, buffer, and relationships. The Auto Complete operation is performed on a geometry service resource. The AutoComplete operation simplifies the process of constructing new polygons that are adjacent to other polygons. It constructs polygons that fill in the gaps between existing polygons and a set of polylines. |
| Geoprocessor | Represents a geoprocessing task service resource exposed by the ArcGIS Server REST API. A geoprocessing task resource represents a single task in a geoprocessing service published using the ArcGIS Server and it supports one of the following two main operations: Execute - performed on a geoprocessing task resource when the execution type is synchronous. The only applicable events are ExecuteComplete and Fault. SubmitJob - performed on an asynchronous geoprocessing task resource. The only applicable events are JobComplete, Cancel, and Fault. In addition, for a jobId: GetInput - checks status of the job identified by jobId. The only applicable events are GetInputComplete and Fault. GetResultData - checks status of the job identified by jobId. The only applicable events are GetResultDataComplete and Fault. GetResultImageLayer - checks status of the job identified by jobId. The only applicable events are GetResultImageComplete and Fault. CheckStatus - checks status of the job identified by jobId. The only applicable events are StatusUpdate and Fault. Set the Url to the ArcGIS Server REST resource that receives the geoprocessing request. |
| GetResultImageEventArgs | EventArgs for the Geoprocessor.GetResultImageCompleted geoprocessor event. |
| GetResultImageLayerEventArgs | EventArgs for the Geoprocessor.GetResultImageLayerCompleted geoprocessor event. |
| GetSamplesEventArgs | EventArgs for GetSamplesTask.GetSamplesAsync task. |
| GetSamplesParameters | Parameter object used for the GetSamplesTask task. |
| GetSamplesResult | Contains the result information for the GetSamplesTask task. |
| GetSamplesTask | Get samples task is used to dynamically get sample values from an image server. |
| GPBoolean | A boolean input to a geoprocessing task. |
| GPDataFile | A data file input to a geoprocessing task. |
| GPDate | A date input to a geoprocessing task. |
| GPDouble | A double input to a geoprocessing task. |
| GPExecuteCompleteEventArgs | EventArgs for the Geoprocessor.ExecuteCompleted geoprocessor event. |
| GPExecuteResults | The results of executing a geoprocessing task. |
| GPFeatureRecordSetLayer | Represents a GPFeatureRecordSetLayer geoprocessing task inputs. For a large set of geometries, you can specify the Url property to the input features stored in a JSON structure in a file on a public server. |
| GPItemID | This item represents and item that has been uploaded to the GPServer endpoint using the new Upload ability in ArcGIS Server v10.1. a GPItemID can be used in place of GPDataFile and GPRasterData by uploading the required item to the server then passing the ItemID to the Geoprocessing task instead. |
| GPLinearUnit | A linear unit input to a geoprocessing task. |
| GPLong | An input to a geoprocessing task. |
| GPMessage | Represents a message generated during the execution of a geoprocessing task. It includes information such as when the processing started, what parameter values are being used, the task progress, warnings of potential problems and errors. |
| GPMultiValue<T> | A MultiValue input to a geoprocessing task. |
| GPParameter | Base class for parameters passed to geoprocessing tasks. |
| GPParameterEventArgs | EventArgs for the Geoprocessor.GetResultDataCompleted and Geoprocessor.GetInputCompleted geoprocessor events. |
| GPRasterData | A raster data file input to a geoprocessing task. This is used for parameters of type GPRasterData or GPRasterDataLayer. |
| GPRecordSet | Represents a GPRecordSet geoprocessing task inputs. For a large set of records, you can specify the Url property to the input records stored in a JSON structure in a file on a public server. |
| GPResultImageLayer | Layer containing an image result from a geoprocessing task |
| GPServiceInfo | GP Service Info |
| GPServiceInfoEventArgs | EventArgs for the Geoprocessor.GetServiceInfoCompleted geoprocessor event. |
| GPString | A string input to a geoprocessing task. |
| GraphicsEventArgs | EventArgs for service operations that return a list of Graphic objects. |
| IdentifyEventArgs | EventArgs for the IdentifyTask.ExecuteCompleted event of the IdentifyTask. |
| IdentifyParameters | The parameters used to execute the IdentifyTask. |
| IdentifyResult | A result from executing the IdentifyTask. |
| IdentifyTask | Task for identifying features from a map service. |
| IdentifyTaskResult | IdentifyTaskResult contains the results from a Reshap operation performed using the ExecuteTaskAsync method. |
| IdentityTransformation | IdentityTransformation |
| ImageServiceAddParameters | ImageServiceAddParameters |
| ImageServiceEditBaseParameters | ImageServiceEditBaseParameters |
| ImageServiceEditEventArgs | EventArgs for the ImageServiceEditTask.AddRastersCompleted, ImageServiceEditTask.UpdateRasterCompleted, and ImageServiceEditTask.DeleteRastersCompleted event of the ImageServiceEditTask. |
| ImageServiceEditResultItem | An item in the results from an edit operation in ImageService. |
| ImageServiceEditResults | ImageServiceEditResults |
| ImageServiceIdentifyEventArgs | EventArgs for the ImageServiceIdentifyTask.ExecuteCompleted event of the ImageServiceIdentifyTask. |
| ImageServiceIdentifyParameters | The parameters used to execute the IdentifyTask against a image service layer that has a catalog of images. |
| ImageServiceIdentifyResult | A result from executing the IdentifyTask. |
| ImageServiceIdentifyTask | Task for identifying features from a image service. |
| ImageServiceIdentifyTaskResult | ImageServiceIdentifyTaskResult contains the results from a Reshap operation performed using the ExecuteTaskAsync method. |
| ImageServiceUpdateParameters | ImageServiceUpdateParameters |
| IntersectResult | IntersectResult contains the results from a Reshap operation performed using the IntersectTaskAsync method. |
| JobInfo | Represents information pertaining to the execution of an asynchronous geoprocessing task on the server. |
| JobInfoEventArgs | EventArgs for the Geoprocessor.StatusUpdated and Geoprocessor.JobCompleted geoprocessor events. |
| LabelPointsResult | LabelPointsResult contains the results from a Reshap operation performed using the LabelPointsTaskAsync method. |
| LengthsEventArgs | EventArgs for the GeometryService.LengthsCompleted event. |
| LengthsResult | ReshapeResult contains the results from a Reshap operation performed using the ReshapeTaskAsync method. |
| LinearUncertaintyValue | Class that represents a linear measurement value that contains an uncertainty value. |
| Location | Location |
| LocationToAddressResult | LocationToAddressResult contains the results from a location to address operation performed using the LocationToAddressTaskAsync method. |
| Locator | Represents a geocode service resource exposed by the ArcGIS Server REST API. It is used to generate candidates for an address. It also used to find an address for a given location. |
| LocatorFieldInfo | Represents field info for fields found in a locator service. |
| LocatorFindEventArgs | EventArgs for the Find Locator geocode service operation. |
| LocatorFindParameters | Parameters for the find geocode service operation. |
| LocatorFindResult | LocatorFindResult contains information found from a find geocode service operation. |
| LocatorInfo | Basic information about a locator found in a composite locator |
| LocatorServiceInfo | Contains general information about locator service. |
| LocatorTaskFindResult | LocatorTaskFindResult contains the results from a locator find operation performed using the FindTaskAsync method. |
| MensurationAreaEventArgs | Result event argument for MensurationTask.AreaAndPerimeterCompleted. |
| MensurationAreaParameter | Class used to define parameters for the MensurationTask.AreaAndPerimeterAsync task. |
| MensurationAreaResult | Result object for the MensurationTask.AreaAndPerimeterAsync task. |
| MensurationHeightEventArgs | Result event argument for MensurationTask.HeightFromBaseAndTopCompleted, MensurationTask.HeightFromBaseAndTopShadowCompleted and MensurationTask.HeightFromTopAndTopShadowCompleted. |
| MensurationHeightParameter | Class used to define parameters for the MensurationTask.HeightFromBaseAndTopAsync, MensurationTask.HeightFromBaseAndTopShadowAsync and MensurationTask.HeightFromTopAndTopShadowAsynctasks. |
| MensurationHeightResult | Result object for the MensurationTask.HeightFromBaseAndTopAsync, MensurationTask.HeightFromBaseAndTopShadowAsync and MensurationTask.HeightFromTopAndTopShadowAsync tasks. |
| MensurationLengthEventArgs | Result event argument for MensurationTask.DistanceAndAngleCompleted. |
| MensurationLengthParameter | Class used to define parameters for the MensurationTask.DistanceAndAngleAsync task. |
| MensurationLengthResult | Result object for the MensurationTask.DistanceAndAngleAsync task. |
| MensurationParameterBase | Abstract base class that has properties that MensurationLengthParameter, MensurationAreaParameter,MensurationHeightParameter, MensurationPointParameter, have in common. |
| MensurationPointEventArgs | Result event argument for MensurationTask.CentroidCompleted and MensurationTask.PointCompleted. |
| MensurationPointParameter | Class used to define parameters for the MensurationTask.CentroidAsync and MensurationTask.PointAsync tasks. |
| MensurationPointResult | Result object for the MensurationTask.CentroidAsync and MensurationTask.PointAsync task. |
| MensurationResultBase | Abstract base class that has common properties for all Mensuration results. MensurationHeightResult,MensurationLengthResult, MensurationAreaResult and MensurationPointResult. |
| MensurationTask | Class that provides various measurement services for an ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.ArcGISImageServiceLayer. |
| OffsetParameters | Parameters contains additional properties that defines how the offset task will be preformed |
| OffsetResult | OffsetResult contains the results from a Reshap operation performed using the OffsetTaskAsync method. |
| OrderByField | OrderByField is used to indicate a sorting order for a particular field. |
| OutFields | The fields to return in a QueryTask FeatureSet. |
| OutStatistic | Contains information about performing a statistic analysis on a field. |
| ParameterInfo | Parameter Info |
| PolynomialTransformation | PolynomialTransformation |
| ProjectionResult | ProjectionResult contains the results from a Reshap operation performed using the ProjectTaskAsync method. |
| ProjectiveTransformation | ProjectiveTransformation |
| Query | The parameters used to execute the QueryTask. |
| QueryCountEventArgs | EventArgs for the QueryTask.ExecuteCountCompleted event. |
| QueryCountResult | Result for the QueryTask.ExecuteCountTaskAsync method. |
| QueryEventArgs | EventArgs for the QueryTask.ExecuteCompleted event. |
| QueryResult | Result for the QueryTask.ExecuteTaskAsync method. |
| QueryTask | Task for querying a layer from a map service. |
| RelationEventArgs | EventArgs for the relation geometry service operation. |
| RelationResult | RelationResult contains the results from a Reshap operation performed using the RelationTaskAsync method. |
| RelationshipEventArgs | EventArgs for the ExecuteRelationshipQueryCompleted event. |
| RelationshipParameter | The RelationshipParameter contains properties to define a relationship when using the ExecuteRelationshipQuery or ExecuteRelationshipQueryAsync Method of the QueryTask. |
| RelationshipResult | The result returned after the ExecuteRelationshipQuery or ExecuteRelationshipQueryAsync is performed by the QueryTask. |
| ReshapeResult | ReshapeResult contains the results from a Reshap operation performed using the ReshapeTaskAsync method. |
| RouteClosestFacilityParameters | Input parameters for a RouteTask.SolveClosestFacilityAsync. |
| RouteEventArgs | EventArgs for the RouteTask.SolveCompleted event. |
| RouteParameters | Input parameters for a RouteTask.SolveAsync. |
| RouteResult | Represents the route result - which, together with barriers and messages make up the RouteEventArgs. |
| RouteServiceAreaParameters | Parameters indicate guidelines that are required when determining what the service area of a facility. |
| RouteTask | Solves routing problems by finding a least-cost path between multiple locations. |
| Sample | Class that contains information about an image server sample returned by a GetSamplesTask. |
| ServiceException | Exception that represents an error returned from the REST API |
| SimplifyResult | SimplifyResult contains the results from a Reshap operation performed using the SimplifyTaskAsync method. |
| SolveClosestFacilityResult | SolveClosestFacilityResult is the result object returned from RouteTask.SolveClosestFacilityTaskAsync |
| SolveRouteResult | SolveRouteResult is the result object returned from RouteTask.SolveTaskAsync |
| SolveServiceAreaResult | SolveServiceAreaResult is the result object returned from RouteTask.SolveServiceAreaTaskAsync |
| TaskBase | Base class for tasks. |
| TaskEventArgs | Base EventArgs for the task events. |
| TaskFailedEventArgs | EventArgs for the Fault task event. |
| TimeOption | Contains properties to indicate how to render an individual sub-layer of a time-enabled ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer. |
| TrimExtendResult | TrimExtendResult contains the results from a Reshap operation performed using the TrimExtendTaskAsync method. |
| UncertaintyValueBase | Class that represents a measurement that contains an uncertainty value. |
| UnionResult | UnionResult contains the results from a Union operation performed using the UnionTaskAsync method. |
| UniqueValueDefinition | UniqueValueDefinition |
| UploadEventArgs | EventArgs for the UploadTask.UploadCompleted event of the UploadTask. |
| UploadItem | UploadItem |
| UploadParameters | The parameters used to execute the UploadTask. |
| UploadProgressEventArgs | EventArgs for the UploadTask.UploadProgress event of the UploadTask. |
| UploadResult | UploadResult |
| UploadTask | Task for uploading resource to GP Service, Feature Service and Image Service |