ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF - Library Reference
GetSamplesParameters Class Members
See Also  Properties 
ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Tasks Namespace : GetSamplesParameters Class

The following tables list the members exposed by GetSamplesParameters.

Public Constructors

public ConstructorGetSamplesParameters ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the GetSamplesParameters class.  

Public Properties

public PropertyMosaicRuleSpecifies the mosaic rule defining the image sorting order. Additional filtering may be applied to the where clause and fids.  
public PropertyPixelSizeThe raster that is visible at the specified pixel size in the mosaic dataset will be used for sampling. If pixel size is not specified, then service's pixel size is used.  
public PropertyReturnFirstValueFirstGets or sets a value indicating whether to return all values at a point (subject to the maxMosaicImageCount limit of the image service), or return the first non-NoData value based on current mosaic rule. Default is true.  
public PropertySampleCountThe number of sample locations from the provided path. If neither sampleCount nor sampleDistance is provided, no densification is done for path (polyline) and a default sampleCount (100) is used for area (polygon/envelope).  
public PropertySampleDistanceA fixed distance used to sample points from the provided path. The unit is the same as input geometry. If neither sampleCount nor sampleDistance is provided, no densification is done for path (polyline) and a default sampleCount (100) is used for area (polygon/envelope).  

See Also

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