ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF - Library Reference
Relation Method
See Also 
ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Tasks Namespace > GeometryService Class : Relation Method

The first set of graphics in the comparison.
The second set of graphics in the comparison.
The spatial relationship to be tested between the two sets of geometries. If GeometryRelation.esriGeometryRelationRelation is specified, then the comparisonString parameter must be specified.
The 'Shape Comparison Language' string to be evaluated. Strings such as RELATE(G1, G2, "FFFTTT***") are accepted, in addition to other kinds of strings. This string describes the spatial relationship to be tested when the spatialRelationship parameter is specified as esriGeometryRelationRelation.
Computes the set of pairs of geometries from graphics1 and graphics2 that belong to the specified relation. Both arrays are assumed to be in the same spatial reference. The relations are evaluated in 2D. Z coordinates are not used. Geometry types cannot be mixed within an array. Note that if the spatialRelationship is specified as esriGeometryRelationRelation, the relationParam parameter describes the spatial relationship and must be specified.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Function Relation( _
   ByVal graphics1 As IList(Of Graphic), _
   ByVal graphics2 As IList(Of Graphic), _
   ByVal spatialRelationship As GeometryRelation, _
   ByVal comparisonString As String _
) As IList(Of GeometryRelationPair)


The first set of graphics in the comparison.
The second set of graphics in the comparison.
The spatial relationship to be tested between the two sets of geometries. If GeometryRelation.esriGeometryRelationRelation is specified, then the comparisonString parameter must be specified.
The 'Shape Comparison Language' string to be evaluated. Strings such as RELATE(G1, G2, "FFFTTT***") are accepted, in addition to other kinds of strings. This string describes the spatial relationship to be tested when the spatialRelationship parameter is specified as esriGeometryRelationRelation.

Return Value

Returns a collection of paired indexes that matched the provided GeometryRelation.


Target Platforms: Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 family, Windows 7, Windows 8

See Also

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