ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF - Library Reference
PrintTask Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods  Events
ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Printing Namespace : PrintTask Class

The following tables list the members exposed by PrintTask.

Public Constructors

public ConstructorPrintTask ConstructorOverloaded.   

Public Properties

public PropertyClientCertificateGets or sets the client certificate that is sent to the host and used to authenticate the request.  
public PropertyCredentialsGets or sets the network credentials that are sent to the host and used to authenticate the request.  
public PropertyDisableClientCachingIf true, adds a timestamp parameter ("_ts") to the request to prevent it from being loaded from the browser's cache.  
public PropertyIsBusyGets a value that indicates whether a Web request is in progress.  
public PropertyProxyURLGets or sets the URL to proxy the request through.  
public PropertyTokenToken for accessing a secure ArcGIS task.  
public PropertyUpdateDelayThe time interval in milliseconds between each print job status request sent to an asynchronous print task. The default is 1000.  
public PropertyUrlGets or sets the URL of the task.  

Public Methods

public MethodCancelAsyncCancels a pending asynchronous operation.  
public MethodCancelJobCancels the asynchronous GP job before it is completed.  
public MethodCancelJobAsyncCancels the asynchronous GP job before it is completed.  
public MethodCancelJobStatusUpdatesCancels the job status updates such that the StatusUpdated and JobCompleted Events stops firing.  
public MethodCancelJobTaskAsyncOverloaded. Cancels the asynchronous GP job before it is completed.  
public MethodExecuteExecutes print, a server-synchronous operation.  
public MethodExecuteAsyncOverloaded. Executes print, a server-synchronous operation. Raises the ExecuteCompleted.  
public MethodExecuteTaskAsyncOverloaded. Sends a request to the server to execute a synchronous Export Web Map Task.  
public MethodGetServiceInfoGets the service info.  
public MethodGetServiceInfoAsyncGets the service information PrintServiceInfo Raises the GetServiceInfoCompleted.  
public MethodGetServiceInfoTaskAsyncOverloaded. Gets the print service information PrintServiceInfo  
public MethodSubmitJobSubmits a print job request to the server to execute an asynchronous geoprocessing task.  
public MethodSubmitJobAsyncSubmits a print job request to the server to execute an asynchronous geoprocessing task. Raises the StatusUpdated and JobCompleted.  
public MethodSubmitJobTaskAsyncOverloaded. Submits a print job request to the server to execute an asynchronous geoprocessing task.  

Public Events

public EventExecuteCompletedOccurs when the print is completed. This event is raised when Print method is called.  
public EventGetServiceInfoCompletedOccurs when get service information is completed. This event is raised when GetServiceInfo method is called.  
public EventJobCompletedOccurs when print job is completed. This event is raised when SubmitPrintJob method is called.  
public EventStatusUpdatedOccurs when the print status is updated. This event is raised when SubmitJobAsync is called.  

See Also

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