Disabling the ArcGIS Portal Directory
The ArcGIS Portal Directory provides a browsable HTML-based representation of all your portal items, services, web maps, groups, and content. It also contains all of the actions you can perform on your portal through REST. The Portal Directory can be a useful development tool; however, it's recommended that you disable the Portal Directory for production systems when you don't want users browsing your list of items, finding your services in a web search, or making requests to your portal through HTML forms.
To disable the Portal Directory, follow the steps below.
- Log in to the machine hosting Portal for ArcGIS with an account with administrative privileges and stop the portal. For full instructions, see Stopping and starting the portal.
- On Windows, open a text editor as an administrator (for example, using the Run As Administrator context menu item) and open the file <Portal for ArcGIS installation location>\webapps\arcgis#sharing\WEB-INF\classes\resources\gw-config.properties. On Linux, open <Portal for ArcGIS installation location>/webapps/arcgis#sharing/WEB-INF/classes/resources/gw-config.properties in a text editor.
- Set the config.services-directory-disabled property to true, for example, config.services-directory-disabled=true.
- Save and close the gw-config.properties file.
- Start Portal for ArcGIS.