Setting refresh interval

If your map includes a layer from the web, the information in that layer may be updated while the map is opened. For example, you might have a collector map with a damage assessment feature layer that field workers update every few minutes. Enabling a refresh interval on this damage layer helps your office team see the latest feature data from the field while keeping the map open in their browser, desktop, or device. You can enable a refresh interval between 6 seconds and one day on layers from the web, Esri map layers, and basemaps. See an example of map with a wind layer that gets refreshed every hour.

  1. Verify that you are logged in.
  2. Open the map with the web layer you want to add a refresh interval.
  3. Click the Details button.
  4. Click the Contents button.
  5. Browse to the layer where you want to set a refresh interval.
  6. Click the arrow to the right of the layer name.
  7. Click Refresh Interval.
  8. Check the box next to Refresh interval every 0.0 minutes.
  9. Enter the interval, in minutes, that you want the layer refreshed. The valid range is 0.1 (6 seconds) to 1440 (1 day).
  10. Click Save to save changes to the web map.
  11. If you own the layer and want the refresh interval to apply to the item anytime it appears in a web map, click Save Item Properties.

You will see any updates that have been made to the data in this layer at the refresh interval you specified.

Considerations for refreshing a layer
