Adding route layers

As a member of an organization, you can use the map viewer to get directions between two or more locations and add the route as a layer in your map. You can configure the layer, create a route map, and perform analysis on the route. Your route map is like any other map you create with the map viewer—you can configure it, share it through a web app, story template, blog, and so on, and use it on any web map client such as an iOS device, Android phone, and ArcGIS for Desktop.

Follow the steps below to add a route layer to your map.

  1. Verify that you are signed in with an organizational account.
  2. Open the map viewer.
  3. Click the Directions button Directions to display the Directions panel to the left of the map.
  4. Get directions by adding an origin and one or more destinations. For more information, see Getting directions.
  5. Once you get your directions, click the Add as Layer button.
  6. To add an additional route, create a new set of directions and add that layer to your map. Each route appears as a layer in the Contents of your map.
  7. Optionally, configure the route layer.
  8. Save your map.

    The route layer is stored in the map; it is not an independent layer you can reuse in other maps. If you perform analysis on the route, you create a hosted feature service layer as a result of the analysis. This hosted feature service is an independent layer you can reuse in other maps.

Configuring the route layer

If you intend to share your route with others, you may want to configure the route layer for your specific audience. For example, if you work for an emergency management agency and plan to share a map of evacuation routes with your police department, you probably want to rename the route layer in the Contents and the route name in the pop-up windows to the names the police department uses.

On the route layer, you can change the transparency, rename the layer, hide it in the legend, and enable editing (only you will be able to edit the features since the layer is stored with the map). You can also move the layer up or down in the Contents if you have other feature layers in your map.

The route layer contains the three sublayers listed below. On each sublayer, you can set the visibility, configure pop-up windows, change symbols, and hide it in the legend. You cannot change the name of sublayers.
