Using a single symbol
You can display features in your map with a single symbol. Drawing your data with just a single symbol gives you a sense of how features are distributed—whether they're clustered or dispersed—and may reveal hidden patterns. For example, mapping a list of restaurant locations, you would likely see that the restaurants are clustered together in a business district.
To use a single symbol to display features, follow the steps below.
- Verify that you are logged in if you want to save the changes to a map you own or save a copy of a map owned by somebody else.
- Open the map you want to change in the map viewer.
- Click the Details button.
- Click the Contents button.
- Navigate to the sublayer that contains the symbols you want to edit.
- Click the arrow to the right of the layer name.
- Click Change Symbols. The Change Layer Symbols window appears within the Details panel.
- Select Single Symbol.
- Click the Change Symbol button. The Change Symbol window opens.
- Choose a symbol set then click the symbol you want to use.
- If you want to add your own image, click the Add an Image link, then browse to the URL of your image file. For best results, the image should be no greater than 120 pixels wide by 120 pixels high. Other sizes will be adjusted to fit. Acceptable image formats are PNG, GIF, and JPEG.
- To change the size, move the Symbol size slider to the left (smaller) or right (bigger). You can also enter numbers for the pixels.
- To change the color, click inside the colored box to open the color pallette and click a color.
- To change the transparency, move the Transparency slider to the left (less transparent) or right (more transparent). You can also enter numbers for percentage.
- To change the outline color, click inside the colored box to open the color pallette and click a color.
- To change the width of the outline, move the Outline width slider to the left (less wide) or right (wider). You can also enter numbers for pixels.
- Click Apply to apply the changes on the map.
- Click Done when you have finished changing the symbol.
- Click the arrow to the right of the layer name and click Save to save the symbol changes to the web map.
- If you changed symbols on a service layer you own, you can save the symbology as a property of the item. Click the arrow to the right of the layer name and click Save Item Properties.
Not all symbols have options for changing color, transparency, and outline.