Opening content

Open maps, layers, apps, tools, and files you find in the website by clicking the Open link under the item's thumbnail or by clicking the thumbnail itself. By default, the item opens in the most appropriate application—web apps open in a web browser, web maps open in the map viewer, and layer packages open in ArcGIS for Desktop. If you want, you can override the default. To select where an item opens, click the Open arrow under the item and click where you want to open the item. For example, you could choose to open a web map in ArcGIS for Desktop instead of the map viewer.

Some items can be opened in ArcGIS desktop applications. Desktop applications include ArcGIS for Desktop, ArcGIS Explorer Desktop, Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS, and Esri CityEngine. If you have ArcGIS for Desktop and ArcGIS Explorer Desktop installed on your machine, by default, the item is sent to the application that is currently running. So, if ArcGIS Explorer Desktop is running, it will be sent to ArcGIS Explorer Desktop, and so on. If no application is running when you open an item, ArcGIS for Desktop will start automatically and the item will be added to it.


By default, search results include web content only. To include ArcGIS desktop files such as layer packages, check the box next to Show ArcGIS Desktop Content. For more information, see Finding content for ArcGIS desktop products.

The sections below list where you open the maps, layers, apps, tools, and files you find in search results. For a comprehensive list of supported items, see What can you add to ArcGIS Online?

Open in map viewer

Web Map

Add to map

Open in Explorer Online

View application

Get application

Mobile Application


Open in ArcGIS for Desktop

The following items can be opened in ArcGIS Desktop 9.3.1 and later.

Open in ArcGIS 10 for Desktop

The following items can be opened in ArcGIS 10 for Desktop and later.

Open in ArcGIS 10.1 for Desktop

The following items can be opened in ArcGIS 10.1 for Desktop and later.

Open in Explorer Desktop

Open in Operations Dashboard

Operations View


No open options

The following tools contain details only. Details often contain information on how to access the tool through APIs. There is no open option.
