Finding content for ArcGIS desktop products

To find layer packages and other content for ArcGIS desktop products in search results, groups, and the gallery, check the box next to Show ArcGIS Desktop Content on the Search Results or any group page. The site remembers your choice regardless of which page you check, if you sign out, or if you close your browser. You can change the selection from any page at any time.

Option to show ArcGIS desktop content

By default, the website shows web content only, which includes web and mobile applications, as well as maps, layers, and tools. If you are looking for files to add to an ArcGIS desktop application, such as ArcGIS for Desktop or ArcGIS Explorer Desktop, check the box to Show ArcGIS Desktop Content. This option shows web content plus ArcGIS desktop files such as layer packages. For a complete list of the types of items you will find on the website, see What can you add to ArcGIS Online?


The setting affects what is shown in search results, groups, and the gallery. It does not affect what you can add to the website.
