Sharing web maps
You can immediately share any web map that you find in the website by posting it on a social networking site such as Twitter, e-mailing a link, or embedding it in a website or blog. Open the map in the map viewer, click the Share button, and choose an option for sharing the map. You don't need to log in to share maps that others have shared publicly.
You can also author and share your own web maps. Use the map viewer to open a new map and add layers to it, or find an existing map that you want to save into your account so you can enhance it with your own layers. Follow the five-step process below to share your web map.
Log in to the website
Log in to the website. Before you log in for the first time, you need to create an account. For more information, see Creating an account. If you have an existing Esri Global Account, you can register it for ArcGIS Online, then use it as your login for the website. For more information, see Registering an existing Esri Global Account.
Author a web map
To author a web map, open the map viewer, choose an area, and decide what to show. You can choose the basemap, add layers, display attributes with pop-up windows, include bookmarks to specific places, and include a description of the map. For more information, see About authoring web maps.
Save your web map
Once you've created a web map, click the Save button; enter a title, tags, and summary; choose a folder in My Content; then click Save. For more information, see Saving web maps.
Make your web map public
Before you share your web map outside the website, you need to make it public. To do this, click the Share button and check the box next to Share with everyone (public). You can also use the share option in My Content. For more information, see Sharing items.

Your organization may restrict members from sharing items outside the organization. If this is the case, users and publishers won't see options to share content or groups with everybody (public). Administrators, however, can choose to share any item in the organization publicly.
Share your web map
There are several ways you can share public web maps you find or that you've created:
- Copy the short URL and paste it into an e-mail, blog, or website. For more information, see Linking to web maps.
- Embed the map in a website. For more information, see Embedding web maps.
- Publish a web mapping application with one of the provided templates. You can host the application on your own server or publish it to the Esri cloud. See Publishing applications from web maps for more information.

When you share a web map through a link or embed it in a website, the extent you last viewed is automatically captured and included in the link or embedded map. When the map is opened, it shows the extent you were viewing when you shared it. This allows you to share and embed web maps that open at specific locations. For example, if you find a demographic map for the entire United States, you can zoom in to your city and share a link that opens the map at that city.