Publishing applications from web maps
You can put any shared web map into a web application by using templates. Keep in mind that different templates offer various bits of functionality, such as different layouts and color schemes, editing and identify tools, social media feeds, side by side map viewers, and so on. Some of the templates let you configure the application to create a customized look and feel. Use the Preview button as described below to help you decide which template to use.
To create an application from a web map, follow the steps below.

A published web application is based on a web map authored with the map viewer. Any changes the author makes to the web map including its extent, layers, description, and so on, are reflected in the web application. If a public web map is made private (or deleted), the map no longer appears in the application.
- Open a saved web map in the map viewer. To learn more about web maps, see About authoring web maps.
- Click the Share button. You can only make a web application with a map that is shared. If you own the map, share it by specifying sharing options in the Share window. If you don't own the map, contact the owner and have them share it as necessary.
- Click the Make a Web Application button. The Make a Web Application window opens with a gallery of templates you can use to create your application. The configurable templates have a Configurable icon
on the template thumbnail.
- Hover the pointer over a template thumbnail to see a description of the template.
- Click the Publish link underneath the template thumbnail and choose Preview to see how your map will look in the template.
- Click the Publish link underneath the template thumbnail and choose Publish to create your application.
- Type a title for your application.
- Type tags. Alternatively, you can click the Choose from your tags link to open the list of tags you've used previously, and
choose the tags you want to use for this item.
Tags are words or short phrases that describe your item. Separate terms with commas. Federal land is considered one tag, while Federal, land is considered two tags.
- Type a summary.
- Click the Save & Publish button. The Share window displays text that you have successfully published your web mapping application. Your application is published to ArcGIS Online and an unshared item is added to My Content. To make your application accessible to others, you need to share it. For more information, see Sharing items.
- If you selected a configurable template, click the go to the item now link on the Share window. This opens the item details for the web application. Click the Configure App button. The template opens where you can change components of the application, such as the theme, widgets, and miscellaneous items. Click Save when you are done configuring the application.

Your organization may restrict members from sharing items outside the organization. If this is the case, users and publishers won't see options to share content or groups with everybody (public). Administrators, however, can choose to share any item in the organization publicly.

Alternatively, you can download a template if you want to configure the web application and deploy it to your organization's web server. For more information, see Downloading web application templates.