Segmentation Charts

Use Segmentation charts to create segmentation charts with your customer data, profiles, and target groups to help you better understand and target your best customers. Using an existing customer profile you have created with Create Profiles in Business Analyst, create a chart that plots the segments based on their customer percent composition, percent penetration, and index and identify your Core, Developmental, and Niche target groups. There are three segmentation charts available:

Profile Bar Chart (formerly Profile Comparison Bar chart)

The first chart type is the Profile Bar chart. This chart displays all 66 Tapestry segments as bars on a chart, where the length of each bar varies based on the value of the customer profile index for each segment and the width of the bar can vary based on percent composition or percent penetration of the customer profile for each segment. The center of the bar chart is always set to 100 since an index of 100 is average. Segments with indices that are greater than 100 are displayed to the right of center and segments with indices below average are displayed to the left of center on the bar chart.

Learn more about Profile Bar chart.

Multi-profile Bar Chart

The Multi-profile bar chart is the same as the Profile Bar chart but also allows you to display trend lines for up to four additional profiles on top of the bar chart. Use this option if you want to display the indices for more than one profile on the same chart.

Learn more about Multi-profile Bar chart.

Four Quadrant (Game Plan) Chart

The Four Quadrant chart displays all 66 Tapestry segments as a point on an x,y chart where the y-axis value represents the index of each segment and the x-axis value represents the percent composition of the segment. This chart is divided into quadrants where the default center line values are automatically set based on the values in the chart. By manually adjusting the center line values on this chart, you can adjust which segments fall into each of the four quadrants on the chart. Use this chart to easily identify and select Core, Developmental, and Niche customers based on where they fall in the chart.

Learn more about the Four Quadrant chart.

Profile Bar Chart

Select a target profile, base profile, and target group and click Next. You can expand the display window so that you can better view the chart. The chart displays all 66 Tapestry segments as bars on a chart, where the length of each bar varies based on the value of the customer profile index for each segment and the width of the bar varies based on percent composition of the customer profile for each segment. You can change the width to represent percent penetration or have no scaling by right-clicking, clicking Properties, then clicking the Scaling tab.

The center of the bar chart is always set to 100 since an index of 100 is average. Segments with indices that are greater than 100 are displayed to the right of center, and segments with indices below average are displayed to the left of center on the bar chart. The bars are shaded based on the target group they fall into. By right-clicking the mouse while your cursor is on the chart, you can access several options for modifying the chart:

  • By right-clicking and clicking Legend or Right-top corner, a legend appears that displays which groups are associated with the different shading colors.
  • By right-clicking and clicking Sorting, Sort by Group ID, or Descending, you can sort the segments based on the target group they are in.
  • By right-clicking and clicking Properties, you can change the colors used for shading the bars and display segment labels on the chart.

Once you have adjusted the chart, click Next. Enter a report name and report title in the text boxes. These should be descriptive of the profiles selected to create this report.

Multi-profile Bar Chart

Follow the same steps used to create the Profile Bar chart above, except add up to four profiles to be displayed on the chart.

All the selected profiles appear as trend lines on top of a bar chart of the profile listed first. You can remove the trend line for the profile that is displayed as the base bar chart by right-clicking on the chart, clicking Properties, then unchecking the box next to Display profile 1 trendline. You can also adjust which profile is displayed as the base bar chart by choosing a different profile in the Active Profile drop-down menu. Most of the same display options are available for this chart as they are for the Profile Bar chart above.

Four Quadrant (Game Plan) Chart

Select a target profile, base profile, and target group and click Next. Using the on-screen Game Plan chart, you can manually adjust your center lines until your target segments are assigned as you want or leave the chart as is and click Next. Enter a report name and report title in the text boxes. These should be descriptive of the profiles selected to create this report.

How to Change Segmentation Chart Display Properties

The display properties, including sort order, legend display, display color, and legend/label, for each of the three charts can be set by right-clicking the chart you want to change and selecting the desired option.

The Sorting option can be used on the bar chart options to change the sort order of the bars on the chart. By default, the bar charts are sorted in ascending order by segment ID. You can choose to sort the bars by index, percent composition, and target group ID in either ascending or descending order.

The Legend option can only be used on the bar charts to display a legend in any of the four corners of the chart. By right-clicking, clicking Legend, then selecting the desired corner, you can display a legend of the target groups.

The Reset Axes Position option is primarily used for the Four Quadrant chart to reset the percentage composition axis and index axis to the original default values but can also be used to reset the bar chart index axis to the middle.

The Properties option can be used with any of the three charts to change color and visibility settings and to change other miscellaneous options. Some options are specific to a chart type and can only be changed if you are on the chart for which they are applicable. Right-click any chart and click Properties to access the dialog box.

You can reset the colors used to identify each of the target groups for all three charts by double-clicking the TargetID and selecting a basic color from the palette or by creating custom colors. Create custom colors by clicking the Define Custom Colors button. If you are on a Multi-profile Bar chart, you can set the trend line colors in the same manner, and you can also uncheck Display profile trendline to remove a specific trend line from the chart. Similarly, if you are on the Four Quadrant chart, you can change the quadrant colors using this option.

You can create a custom color by clicking the Define Custom Colors button, left-clicking in the color spectrum box, then clicking in the right slider section to set the darkness or lightness. The color appears in the Color|Solid box and can be added to your custom colors by clicking Add to Custom Colors.

On the Misc tab, you can define the quadrant labels for the Four Quadrant chart, choose to show the segment labels on bar charts, and change the width of the trend lines on a Multi-profile Bar chart. Only options that are applicable to the chart being modified can be changed.

On the Scaling tab, you can adjust the scaling on the bar width of the bar charts. You can choose Percent Composition, Percent Penetration, or remove scaling altogether, which means all bars will have the same width.

Learn more about Segmentation charts.
