Configuring pop-up windows
A web map can show descriptive information about features configured to display in a pop-up window. Pop-up configurations you make on map services you own can be saved with the item properties then automatically enabled on other maps using that service. The configuration applies to the layer in the web map only and not the actual service running on your GIS Server. If you are configuring pop-up windows for a feature service layer, you can also set which fields are editable.
Pop-up windows can be included in ArcGIS Server map and feature service layers and features added to a map by map notes or layers from files. Pop-up windows for OGC WMS and OGC WMTS are not supported. Configuring pop-up windows on KML layers is not supported; any feature data in the layer is automatically displayed (you cannot configure or disable them).

You need to share your ArcGIS Server service item in the website for the pop-up windows to appear in your maps. If you share your service with groups you belong to, and not with everybody (public), only group members will see your pop-up windows.
To configure pop-up windows for displaying attributes, follow the steps below.
- Verify that you are logged in if you want to save the changes to a map you own or save a copy of a map owned by somebody else.
- Open the map in which you want to configure pop-up windows in the map viewer.
- Click the Details button.
- Click the Contents button.
- Navigate to the sublayer that contains the feature data you want to configure.
- Click the arrow to the right of the layer name and click Configure Pop-up. The Pop-up Properties window appears within the Details panel. You can configure the three sections of the pop-up window: title, contents, and media.
- Enter a title for your pop-up window.
- Use the [+] button to select field values from your data. The field values contain field aliases followed by the field names. By default, the primary field is displayed.
- Optionally, enter static text instead of or in addition to your field values.
Suppose you want your title to show population by county. You could configure your title with a combination of static text and field values, such as typing Population for, then inserting your data's field value of county names[Cnty_name], typing the equals sign = and, finally, inserting another field value that shows population, [pop2010]. You would configure your title to be the following:
Population for [Cnty_name] = [pop2010]
This gives you a title where the field values are substituted into the title, for example, Population for Clark County = 453099.
- Select an attribute option from the drop-down menu to set the contents for the pop-up window. Your choices are a list of field attributes, a description from one field, a custom attribute display, or no attribute information.
- To configure the attributes within the field or fields you want to display, click the Configure Attributes link to open the Configure Attributes window. Select which fields you want to display. You can also select a field to change its alias, order it, and format it. For number fields (such as population), select the number of decimal places to display and whether to use a 1000 separator.
If the layer supports editing, you can select which fields to edit. Be sure to also display the field (so it appears in the edit pop-up window). For editable text fields, you can select the type of text box and provide a hint.
- If you selected to show a description from one field, click the arrow underneath Select the field containing the description, and click a field name to display.
- If you've selected a custom attribute display, click the Configure button to define and format the information you want to show. The custom attribute display lets you use a combination of rich text, attributes, and links to give you the most control and flexibility over your display. If you create a custom attribute display for an editable layer, the attributes appear as a list when somebody edits the feature.
For tips on using the custom attribute option to include links in your pop-up windows, see Using URL parameters in pop-ups. You can also watch a video on configuring effective pop-up windows.
- To configure the attributes within the field or fields you want to display, click the Configure Attributes link to open the Configure Attributes window. Select which fields you want to display. You can also select a field to change its alias, order it, and format it. For number fields (such as population), select the number of decimal places to display and whether to use a 1000 separator.
- If your feature layer includes attachments, you can select to show attachments as links at the bottom of the pop-up window. Attachments are supported as a related table to a feature class in a feature service.
- Add media to your pop-up window if you want, such as images or charts.
- Click Save Pop-up when you are finished configuring your pop-up windows.
- Click Save to save the pop-up window changes to the web map.
- If you configured pop-up windows on a service you own, you can save the configuration as a property of the item. Click the arrow to the right of the layer name and click Save Item Properties.