Geocode Addresses (Geocoding)

License Level:BasicStandardAdvanced


Geocodes a table of addresses. This process requires a table that stores the addresses you want to geocode and an address locator or a composite address locator. This tool matches the addresses against the address locator and saves the result for each input record in a new point feature class.


Geocode a table of addresses



GeocodeAddresses_geocoding (in_table, address_locator, in_address_fields, out_feature_class, {out_relationship_type})
ParameterExplanationData Type

The table of addresses to geocode.

Table View

The address locator to use to geocode the table of addresses.

Address Locator

The mapping of address fields used by the address locator to fields in the input table of addresses.

Each field mapping in this parameter is in the format <input address field> <table field name> where <input address field> is the name of the input address field used by the address locator, and <table field name> is the name of the corresponding field in the table of addresses.

If you choose not to map an optional input address field used by the address locator to a field in the input table of addresses, specify that there is no mapping by using "<None>" in place of a field name.

To determine the alias name for a reference data field used by a locator style, open the Create Address Locator tool and choose the locator style. The name that appears in the Field Name column of the Field Map section is the field's alias name.

Field Info

The output geocoded feature class or shapefile.

Feature Class

Indicates whether to create a static copy of the address table inside the geocoded feature class or to create a dynamically updated geocoded feature class.

  • STATICCreates a static copy of the fields input address table in the output feature class. This is the default.
  • DYNAMICCreates a relationship class between the input address table and output feature class so that edits to the addresses in the input address table are automatically updated in the output feature class. This option is supported only if the input address table and output feature class are in the same geodatabase workspace.

    This option is only supported if you have ArcGIS for Desktop Standard or Advanced licences. An error message saying "Geocode addresses failed" will be displayed if you do not have the proper license.


Code Sample

GeocodeAddresses Example (Python Window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the GeocodeAddress function in immediate mode.

# Import system modules
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
env.workspace = "C:/ArcTutor/Geocoding/atlanta.gdb" 

# Set local variables:
address_table = "customers"
address_locator = "Atlanta_AddressLocator"
geocode_result = "geocode_result"

arcpy.GeocodeAddresses_geocoding(address_table, address_locator, "Address Address VISIBLE NONE;City CITY VISIBLE NONE;State State VISIBLE NONE;Zip Zip VISIBLE NONE", geocode_result, STATIC)


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Licensing Information

ArcGIS for Desktop Basic: Limited
ArcGIS for Desktop Standard: Yes
ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced: Yes