Directory of maps and globes

The following Data Appliance 5.1 for ArcGIS map cache and globe services are available for you to publish and use with your ArcGIS applications. Click the service name to view a full service description including copyright/attribution information.

The services are grouped into the following categories:


National Geographic World Map

National Geographic world map

This map is designed to be used as a general reference map for informational and educational purposes as well as a basemap by GIS professionals and other users.

Ocean Basemap

Ocean Basemap

Ocean Basemap includes bathymetry, surface and subsurface feature names, and derived depths.

USA Topographic Maps

USA topographic map

This map presents land-cover imagery for the world and detailed topographic maps for the United States at various scales.

World Imagery

World Imagery basemap

This map is a compilation of satellite and aerial imagery worldwide.

World Light Gray Base (Canvas Map)

World light gray base (canvas map)

This basemap provides a neutral background for your data with minimal colors, labels, and features.

World Physical Map

World Physical Map

This map presents the Natural Earth physical map for the world.

World Shaded Relief

World Shaded Relief map

This map portrays surface elevation as shaded relief. It is intended for use as a basemap layer to add shaded relief to other GIS maps.

World Street Map

Highway-level street map

This map presents a street map with highway-level data for the world and detailed streets in many populated areas of the world.

World Topographic Map

World Topographic Map

This map includes administrative boundaries, cities, water features, physiographic features, parks, landmarks, highways, roads, railways, and airports.

Reference layers

World Boundaries and Places

World boundaries and places reference layer

This maps includes country boundaries, first-order (state/province) internal administrative boundaries for most countires, and place-names for the world. The map is designed to be overlaid on imagery basemaps.

World Boundaries and Places Alternate

World boundaries and places alternate reference layer

This maps includes country boundaries, first-order (state/province) internal administrative boundaries for most countires, and place-names for the world. The map is designed to be overlaid on lighter backgrounds such as shaded relief basemaps.

World Light Gray Reference

World light gray reference layer

This reference map provides labels for selected cities and towns around the world in support of the World Light Gray Base (Canvas Map).

World Transportation

World transportation reference layer

This map presents transportation data, including highways, roads, railroads, and airports, for the world. This map should be overlaid on imagery basemaps.

USA Elevation

USA elevation globe

This globe presents 30-meter elevation data for the contiguous United States. This globe is intended for 3D visualization of terrain in 3D viewers.

World Elevation

World elevation globe

This globe presents 90-meter and 1-kilometer elevation data for the world. This globe is intended for 3D visualization of terrain in 3D viewers.

Specialty maps

DeLorme World Basemap

DeLorme world basemap

DeLorme's topographic basemap is a seamless global dataset that portrays transportation, hydrography, jurisdiction boundaries, and major geographic features.
