ArcObjects Library Reference (System)  

IAngleFormat Interface

Provides access to members that format angles.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


The members in the IAngleFormat interface define how the ValueToString method in the associated INumberFormat interface formats numbers.

The AngleFormat coclass also inherits the INumericFormat interface, so both these interface's properties determine how numbers are formatted.

When To Use

Use the IAngleFormat interface to format numbers that represent angles.


Read/write property AngleInDegrees Indicates if the ValueToString argument is in degrees.
Read/write property DisplayDegrees Indicates if the formatted number is an angle in degrees.

CoClasses that implement IAngleFormat

CoClasses and Classes Description
AngleFormat An object for formatting numbers in an angle format.


If the AngleInDegrees property is not set the same as the DisplayDegrees property (both of these are Boolean [True/False] properties), a radian-to-degree conversion (or vice versa) will take place when the ValueToString method formats the value.

AngleInDegrees has to do with the ValueToString argument value. If the value is in degrees, set AngleInDegrees True. If AngleInDegrees is False, the argument is assumed to be a radian value.

DisplayDegrees has to do with the ValueToString result. If you want the resulting formatted number to be a degree value, set DisplayDegrees True. A degree symbol (°) is also appended to the resulting formatted number. If DisplayDegrees is False, the formatted number is a radian value and no degree symbol is appended.

The corresponding StringToValue method also uses these two properties. To obtain the numerical value that was used as a parameter to the ValueToString method, make sure the AngleInDegrees and DisplayDegrees properties are set are the same as they were when the ValueToString method was used. These settings may seem like they work in reverse when using the StringToValue method, but if you consider that StringToValue is intended to obtain numerical values from formatted strings, this makes more sense.

See Also

ILatLonFormat2 Interface | RateFormat Class | IFractionFormat Interface | ICustomNumberFormat Interface | IAngleFormat Interface | ScientificFormat Class | INumberFormat Interface | AngleFormat Class | LatLonFormat Class | INumericFormat Interface | PercentageFormat Class | CustomNumberFormat Class | IRateFormat Interface | IPercentageFormat Interface | NumericFormat Class | CurrencyFormat Class | ILatLonFormat Interface | IScientificNumberFormat Interface | FractionFormat Class

.NET Snippets

Decimal Degree Angle Radian Example | Convert Decimal Degree To Radian