A class extension for building and maintaining geocoding indexes.
Product Availability
The GeocodingIndexClassExtension is an object class extension for geocoding index Tables that are automatically maintained. This object only applies to pre-9.2 locator indexes.
Supported Platforms
Extended Error Information
Use the ISupportErrorInfo method InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo to determine if the object supports extended error information. If the object supports extended error info, VC++ developers should use the OLE/COM IErrorInfo interface to access the ErrorInfo object. Visual Basic developers should use the global error object Err to retrieve this extended error information.
Interfaces | Description |
IClassExtension (esriGeoDatabase) | Provides access to members that initialize and shutdown the class extension. |
IGeocodingIndexCompute | Provides access to members that calculate geocoding index values. |
IObjectClassExtension (esriGeoDatabase) | Indicator interface for object class extensions. |
IRelatedObjectClassEvents (esriGeoDatabase) | Provides access to events that occur when related objects are created. |
ISupportErrorInfo | Indicates whether a specific interface can return Automation error objects. |
When you register a Table as a geocoding index, use the IClassSchemaEdit::AlterClassExtensionCLSID method. With this method, you must specify a PropertySet that contains properties for the object class extension. The properties that this PropertySet must contain are:
- LeftZoneFieldName - The name of the Field in the reference data Table or FeatureClass that contains the left zone attribute; this property is only required if your geocoding index indexes the left zone attribute.
- LeftZoneSoundexFieldName - The name of the Field in the geocoding index Table that contains the Soundex value for the left zone attribute; this property is only required if your geocoding index indexes the left zone attribute.
- RightZoneFieldName - The name of the Field in the reference data Table or FeatureClass that contains the right zone attribute; this property is only required if your geocoding index indexes the right zone attribute.
- RightZoneSoundexFieldName - The name of the Field in the geocoding index Table that contains the Soundex value for the right zone attribute; this property is only required if your geocoding index indexes the right zone attribute.
- SoundexFieldName - The name of the Field in the geocoding index Table that contains the Soundex value for the street name or place name.
- StreetNameFieldName - The name of the Field in the reference data Table or FeatureClass that contains the street name; this property is only required if your geocoding index indexes the street name or place name.
- ZoneFieldName - The name of the Field in the reference data Table or FeatureClass that contains the zone attribute; this property is only required if your geocoding index indexes the zone attribute.
- ZoneSoundexFieldName - The name of the Field in the geocoding index Table that contains the Soundex value for the zone attribute; this property is only required if your geocoding index indexes the zone attribute.
For an example of setting up a geocoding index Table so that it is maintained automatically, see the Geocoding Index Maintenance sample in the Developer Samples section of the ArcObjects Developer Help system.
See Also
IGeocodingIndexCompute Interface | IEnumReferenceDataIndex Interface | IReferenceDataIndex Interface | IReferenceDataIndexEdit Interface | IAddressGeocoding.Validate Method | ReferenceDataIndex Class | IReferenceDataTable.GeocodingIndexes Property | ReferenceDataIndexEnumerator Class | GeocodingIndexClassExtension Class | GeocodingIndexObject Class