ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabaseExtensions)  

ILasDataset.GetSurfaceConstraint Method

Gets surface constraint specified by the index.

[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Sub GetSurfaceConstraint ( _
    ByVal index As Integer, _
    ByRef ppClass As IFeatureClass, _
    ByRef ppHeightField As IField, _
    ByRef ppTagField As IField, _
    ByRef pType As esriTinSurfaceType _
public void GetSurfaceConstraint (
    int index,
    ref IFeatureClass ppClass,
    ref IField ppHeightField,
    ref IField ppTagField,
    ref esriTinSurfaceType pType
HRESULT GetSurfaceConstraint(
  long index,
  IFeatureClass** ppClass,
  IField** ppHeightField,
  IField** ppTagField,
  esriTinSurfaceType* pType


index [in]   index is a parameter of type long ppClass [out]

  ppClass is a parameter of type IFeatureClass

ppHeightField [out]

  ppHeightField is a parameter of type IField

ppTagField [out]

  ppTagField is a parameter of type IField

pType [out]

  pType is a parameter of type esriTinSurfaceType

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Returns the surface constraint specified by the index.
index is the input index.
ppClass is the feature class specified by the index.
ppHeightField is the field being used as the source of height value.
ppTagField is the field being used as the source of tag values.
pType indicates how the surface constraint is incorporated into the triangulation.

See Also

ILasDataset Interface