ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabase)  

IFeatureClass Interface

Provides access to members that control the behavior and properties of a feature class.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.

When To Use

The IFeatureClass interface is the main interface for getting and setting properties of a feature class. For example, use the IFeatureClass interface to get the type of feature class, get a count of features that satisfy some query, or create a new feature in the feature class. The IFeatureClass interface inherits from the IObjectClass interface.


Method AddField Adds a field to this object class.
Method AddIndex Adds an index to this object class.
Read-only property AliasName The alias name of the object class.
Read-only property AreaField The geometry area field.
Read-only property CLSID The GUID for the COM Class (CoClass) corresponding to instances of this object class.
Method CreateFeature Create a new feature, with a system assigned object ID and null property values.
Method CreateFeatureBuffer Create a feature buffer that can be used with an insert cursor.
Method DeleteField Deletes a field from this object class.
Method DeleteIndex Deletes an index from this object class.
Read-only property EXTCLSID The GUID for the COM Class (CoClass) corresponding to the class extension for this object class.
Read-only property Extension The extension for this object class.
Read-only property ExtensionProperties The extension properties for this object class.
Read-only property FeatureClassID The unique ID for the Feature Class.
Method FeatureCount The number of features selected by the specified query.
Read-only property FeatureDataset The feature dataset that contains the feature class.
Read-only property FeatureType The type of features in this feature class.
Read-only property Fields The fields collection for this object class.
Method FindField The index of the field with the specified name.
Method GetFeature Get the feature with the specified object ID.
Method GetFeatures Get a cursor of Rows given a set of object ids.
Read-only property HasOID Indicates if the class has an object identity (OID) field.
Read-only property Indexes The indexes collection for this object class.
Method Insert Returns a cursor that can be used to insert new features.
Read-only property LengthField The geometry length field.
Read-only property ObjectClassID The unique ID for the object class.
Read-only property OIDFieldName The name of the field corresponding to the OID.
Read-only property RelationshipClasses The relationship classes in which this object class participates in for the specified role.
Method Search Returns an object cursor that can be used to fetch feature objects selected by the specified query.
Method Select Returns a selection That contains the object ids selected by the specified query.
Read-only property ShapeFieldName The name of the default sShape field.
Read-only property ShapeType The type of the default Shape for the features in this feature class.
Method Update Returns a cursor that can be used to update features selected by the specified query.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IObjectClass Provides access to members that return information about an object class.
IClass Provides access to members that return information about and manage the class.

CoClasses that implement IFeatureClass

CoClasses and Classes Description
FeatureClass Esri Feature Class object.
NAClass (esriNetworkAnalyst) Holds features used as input and generated as output during network analysis.
RasterCatalog A collection of raster datasets in a Geodatabase table.
RelQueryTable An object that joins two datasets based on common data values.
RouteEventSource (esriLocation) Route event source object.
SchematicInMemoryFeatureClass (esriSchematic) Schematic in memory feature class object.
TemporalFeatureClass (esriTrackingAnalyst) Controls settings for the temporal feature class.
TemporalRecordSet (esriTrackingAnalyst) Defines the COM coclass for the TemporalRecordSet COM object.
XYEventSource XY event source object.


Feature classes can be created using the IFeatureWorkspace.CreateFeatureClass and IFeatureDataset.CreateFeatureClass methods.

See Also

IClass Interface | IObjectClass Interface | INetworkClass Interface

.NET Snippets

Get All Features from Point Search in GeoFeatureLayer | Create DistanceOp Cost Distance Raster | Get First Feature from Point Search in GeoFeatureLayer | Load Force Element Layer | Create DistanceOp EucDirection Raster | Create Animation from Path | Add Shapefile Using OpenFileDialog | Create DistanceOp CostDistanceFull Cost Allocation Raster | Zoom to Selected Globe Features | Create DistanceOp Cost Allocation Raster | Set Data Source | Load Tactical Graphic Layer | Create DistanceOp CostDistanceFull Backlink Raster | Create DistanceOp EucDistanceFull Direction Raster | Create DistanceOp Cost Path Raster | Create DistanceOp EucDistanceFull Allocation Raster | Get FeatureClass of Selected Feature Layer in Contents View | Create FeatureClass | Create DistanceOp CostDistanceFull Least Accumulative Cost Raster | Create DistanceOp EucAllocation Raster | Create DistanceOp Cost Back Link Raster | Perform Spatial Query | Create Grid From Feature Class | Create DistanceOp EucDistanceFull Distance Raster | Get FeatureClass From Shapefile On Disk

.NET Samples

Closest facility solver (Code Files: frmClosestFacilitySolver) | Convert part to feature command (Code Files: ConvertPart) | Curve conversion add-in (Code Files: CurveConversionDockWin) | Add a custom menu created in .NET to ArcGIS for Desktop (Code Files: AddShapefile) | Cut polygons without selection edit task (Code Files: CutPolygonsWithoutSelectionEditTask) | Editing using a custom form (Code Files: EditorForm) | ArcGIS Network Analyst extension Engine application (Code Files: frmLoadLocations) | 3D dynamic element tracking (Code Files: TrackDynamicObject) | Service area solver (Code Files: frmServiceAreaSolver) | Points along line construction tool (Code Files: PointsAlongLineForm) | Location-allocation solver (Code Files: frmLocationAllocationSolver) | Tabbed feature inspector (Code Files: AttachTabbedInspectorExtensionCommand) | Utility wizard for basic schematic datasets configuration (Code Files: GenerateSchematicTemplate) | Adding a real-time feed to ArcMap (Code Files: AddTrackingServerLayerButton) | Selection restriction evaluator (Code Files: SelectionRestrictionEvaluator) | Vehicle routing problem solver (Code Files: frmVRPSolver) | Simple point plug-in data source (Code Files: OpenSimplePointDlg) | Origin-destination cost matrix solver (Code Files: frmODCostMatrixSolver) | Implementing an XML builder external component (Code Files: XMLDocImpl) | Executing geoprocessing tools in the background (Code Files: RunGPForm) | Extending the replication synchronization process (Code Files: RasterSyncWorkspaceExtension) | Implementing extended criteria for some predefined schematic rules (Code Files: CollapseRelatedElts) | Calculate area geoprocessing function tool (Code Files: CalculateAreaFunction) | Implementing associations between GIS features and schematic features (Code Files: ElementFeatureAssociation) | RSS weather GraphicTracker (Code Files: RSSWeather) | ArcGIS Network Analyst extension barrier location editor (Code Files: EditorForm NABarrierLocationEditor) | Add a traversal result to the map (Code Files: AddTraversalResultsToMap) | Buffer snap agent (Code Files: BufferSnap) | Get and set key properties on a mosaic dataset (Code Files: GetSetKeyProperty) | StreetMap routing (Code Files: RoutingForm) | RSS weather layer (Code Files: AddWeatherItemTool RSSWeatherLayerClass) | Multivariate renderer (Code Files: MultivariateRenderer) | Add and symbolize a historical temporal layer in ArcMap (Code Files: AddTemporalLayerButton) | Create camera flyby from path (Code Files: frmCameraPath) | Route layer (Code Files: Program) | Retrieve a color ramp from the SymbologyControl (Code Files: SymbolForm) | Play back tracking data (Code Files: PlaybackDataButton) | Tabbed feature inspector (Code Files: AddEXTCLSID)

.NET Related Topics

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