Create a feature buffer that can be used with an insert cursor.
[Visual Basic .NET] Public Function CreateFeatureBuffer ( _ ) As IFeatureBuffer
[C#] public IFeatureBuffer CreateFeatureBuffer ( );
HRESULT CreateFeatureBuffer(
IFeatureBuffer** buffer
buffer [out, retval]buffer is a parameter of type IFeatureBuffer
Product Availability
The CreateFeatureBuffer method creates a feature buffer and returns the IFeatureBuffer interface. This can be used to create new features in the feature class with an insert cursor. Like creating a feature with IFeatureClass::CreateFeature, the field values for the new feature must be initialized to some value before it can be stored in the database. All edits to features that participate in a Topology or Geometric Network must be performed within an edit session and bracketed within an edit operation.
Calling the CreateFeatureBuffer method in IFeatureClass has the same effect as calling the CreateRowBuffer interface in ITable except that the IFeatureClass methods return an IFeatureBuffer interface on the created row buffer.
See Also
IFeatureClass Interface | IFeatureCursor Interface | IFeature Interface