Provides access to members that control advanced TIN functions.
Product Availability
Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.
Description | ||
ConvertToPolygons | Converts similar triangles to a polygon feature class. | |
ConvertToPolylines | Converts qualified edges to a polyline feature class. | |
DataEdgeCount | The number of TIN edges that have a data triangle on one side or the other. | |
DataNodeCount | The number of data nodes in the TIN. | |
DataTriangleCount | The number of data triangles in the TIN. | |
EdgeCount | The total number of edges in the TIN. | |
Extent | The interpolation zone of the TIN. | |
ExtractPolygon | Returns a polygon definition based on all contiguous triangles having the same filter criteria. | |
ExtractPolyline | Returns a polyline definition based on triangle edges that meet the same filter criteria. | |
Fields | The collection of attribute items of the TIN. | |
FindNaturalNeighbors | Returns the immediate surrounding nodes to the query point. | |
FindTriangle | The triangle at the specified location. | |
FindTriangleIndex | The triangle at the specified location. | |
FindTriangleNeighborhood | Returns all triangles whose circumscribed circle contains the query point. | |
Flag | The user-defined flag for the TIN. | |
FullExtent | The full 2D-extent of the TIN including NODATA nodes. | |
GenerateUniqueTagValue | Returns a new, previously unused tag value for the element. | |
GetCountedUniqueTagValues | Returns unique tag values with counts for the specified element type. | |
GetDataArea | Returns a polygon representing the data area of the TIN. | |
GetEdge | The edge referenced by the index. | |
GetEdgeTagValue | The tag value of the edge referenced by the index. | |
GetEdgeType | Gets the specified edge's type. | |
GetLeftTriangleIndex | Gets left triangle index of the specified edge. | |
GetNaturalNeighborZ | Return the z-coordinate of the specified location using Natural Neighbor interpolation. | |
GetNeighborEdgeIndex | Gets neighbor edge index. | |
GetNode | The node referenced by the specified index. | |
GetNodeDegree | Returns the degree of the specified node. | |
GetNodeSource | Returns the source of the specified node. | |
GetNodeSourceCounts | Returns the number of nodes with respect to different sources. | |
GetNodeTagValue | The tag value of the node referenced by the index. | |
GetNodeZ | The z value of the node referenced by the index. | |
GetRightTriangleIndex | Gets right triangle index of the specified edge. | |
GetSpecialEdgeCounts | Returns the total number of special edges in the TIN. | |
GetTriangle | The triangle referenced by the index. | |
GetTriangleSeeds | Returns one triangle representing each polygon defined by the filter criteria of the TIN. | |
GetTriangleTagValue | The tag value of the triangle referenced by the index. | |
GetUniqueTagValues | Returns unique tag values for the specified element type. | |
HasEdgeTagValues | Indicates if the TIN dataset has edge tag values. | |
HasEdgeType | Returns TRUE if the TIN contains the specified edge type. | |
HasNodeTagValues | Indicates if the TIN dataset has node tag values. | |
HasTriangleTagValues | Indicates if the TIN dataset has triangle tag values. | |
Init | Opens the specified TIN. | |
IsDelaunay | Indicates if TIN was constructed using Delaunay triangulation. | |
IsEdgeInsideDataArea | Returns TRUE if the edge is inside data area. | |
IsEmpty | Indicates if the TIN contains no data. | |
IsNodeInsideDataArea | Returns TRUE if the node is inside data area. | |
IsNodeOnDomainBoundary | Returns TRUE if the specified node is on domain's boundary. | |
IsTriangleInsideDataArea | Returns TRUE if the triangle is inside data area. | |
IsVoidZ | Indicates if the passed value is equal to the TIN's void value. | |
MakeEdgeEnumerator | Makes an edge enumerator based on the extent of the envelope. | |
MakeNodeEnumerator | Makes a node enumerator based on the extent of the envelope. | |
MakeTriangleEnumerator | Makes a triangle enumerator based on the extent of the envelope. | |
NodeCount | The total number of nodes in the TIN. | |
ProcessCancelled | Indicates if a process has been cancelled. | |
QueryAllEdgeIndicesAroundNode | Returns all edges connected to the specified node. If the last edge in the array has negative value, then its end node, instead of begin node, is the specified node. | |
QueryBeginEndNodeIndices | Gets begin and end nodes of the specified edge. | |
QueryEdge | The edge equal to that referenced by the index. | |
QueryEdgeAsLine | The line equal to the edge referenced by the index. | |
QueryEdgeAsWKSPointZs | The points equal to the end points of the edge referenced by the index. | |
QueryEdgeIndicesAroundNode | Returns all edges having the specified node as begin node. | |
QueryElementAsGeometry | Output the specified TIN element as Geometry object. | |
QueryNaturalNeighborIndices | Returns all Natural Neighbors corresponding to the query point. | |
QueryNearestEdge | Finds and returns the nearest edge to the query point. | |
QueryNearestNode | Finds and returns the nearest node to the query point. | |
QueryNeighborsAndWeights | Returns natural neighbors and their weights corresponding to the query point. | |
QueryNode | Queries the node equal to that specified by the index. | |
QueryNodeAsPoint | Queries the point equal to that specified by the index. | |
QueryNodeAsWKSPointZ | Queries the point equal to that specified by the index. | |
QueryNodeIndicesAroundNode | Returns all nodes connected to the specified node. | |
QueryTriangle | The triangle equal to that referenced by the index. | |
QueryTriangleAsRing | The ring equal to the triangle referenced by the index. | |
QueryTriangleAsWKSPointZs | Queries the points equal to the nodes of the triangle referenced by the index. | |
QueryTriangleEdgeIndices | Gets the three edges of the specified triangle (clockwise). | |
QueryTriangleIndicesAroundNode | Returns all triangles sharing the specified node. | |
QueryTriangleNeighborhoodIndices | Returns all triangles whose circumscribed circle contains the query point. | |
QueryTriangleNodeIndices | Gets the three nodes of the specified triangle (clockwise). | |
SaveAs | Saves the TIN to disk using the specified name. | |
SaveAsVersion | Saves the TIN to disk using the specified (full path) name. | |
SetEmpty | Uninitializes the TIN. | |
Surface | The ISurface interface (convenient tool for chaining in VB). | |
TrackCancel | The process cancellation on TIN methods. | |
TriangleCount | The total number of triangles in the TIN. | |
UniqueTagValueCount | The number of unique tag values for the specified element type. | |
ZFactor | Multiplication factor applied to all z values in a TIN to provide unit-congruency between coordinate components. |
Inherited Interfaces
Interfaces | Description |
ITinAdvanced | Provides access to members that control advanced TIN functions. |
ITin | Provides access to members that control TINs. |
CoClasses that implement ITinAdvanced2
CoClasses and Classes | Description |
Tin | The Esri TIN component. |