Makes a node enumerator based on the extent of the envelope.
[Visual Basic .NET] Public Function MakeNodeEnumerator ( _ ByVal pAreaOfInterest As IEnvelope, _ ByVal Criteria As Integer, _ ByVal pFilter As ITinFilter _ ) As IEnumTinNode
[C#] public IEnumTinNode MakeNodeEnumerator ( IEnvelope pAreaOfInterest, int Criteria, ITinFilter pFilter );
HRESULT MakeNodeEnumerator(
IEnvelope* pAreaOfInterest,
long Criteria,
ITinFilter* pFilter,
IEnumTinNode** ppEnumerator
pAreaOfInterest [in]pAreaOfInterest is a parameter of type IEnvelope
Criteria [in] Criteria is a parameter of type long pFilter [in]pFilter is a parameter of type ITinFilter
ppEnumerator [out, retval]ppEnumerator is a parameter of type IEnumTinNode
Product Availability
Returns a node enumerator that honors the constraints defined by the input arguments.
The pAreaOfInterest argument is an envelope that defines the area for which elements will be returned. Only nodes that fall inside the envelope qualify. The argument can be set to a Null pointer ('Nothing' in VB) in which case the TIN's data extent will be used.
The Criteria argument takes an esriTinQualification enumeration. The possible values for nodes are esriTinAll, esriTinInsideTin, esriTinInsideDataArea.
The pFilter argument is an additional constraint that can be applied. Any valid TinFilter can be used. Pass a Null pointer ('Nothing' in VB) if you don't want to apply a filter.
Functional License Check
If your application/site is not appropriately licensed, MakeNodeEnumerator can return an error of .