ArcObjects Library Reference (Display)  

IReshapeFeedback Interface

Provides access to members that control the reshape display feedback.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Write-only property Display The display the feedback object will use.
Method MoveTo Move to the new point.
Method Refresh Call this after a refresh to show feedback again.
Method Start Begins a feedback operation at the point.
Method Stop Finishes a reshape feedback operation.
Read/write property Symbol The symbol the feedback object will use.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IDisplayFeedback Provides access to members that control the base display feedback.

CoClasses that implement IReshapeFeedback

CoClasses and Classes Description
ReshapeFeedback Rubberbanding class for editing a shape.


The ReshapeFeedback allows the user to reshape an object that supports the IPath interface. Such objects are the Path and Ring objects, which can represent one part of a Polyline or Polygon, respectively. The reshaping process can behave in two quite separate ways depending on how the stretch parameter is set.

The Start method takes the input geometry as an IPath, the index of the vertex that is being used, and a Boolean describing how the feedback should behave. The Stop method returns an IPath, which is a new object.

Both Path and Ring objects, which represent single parts of Polyline objects and Polygon objects, respectively, support the IPath interface. Therefore, the object underlying the returned IPath will be either a Ring or a path, depending on the input object's class.

If stretching is set to True, then the whole shape may be scaled or rotated by the feedback and all of the segments may be altered. Conversely, if Stretch is False, then only one vertex and its adjacent segments may be altered. If stretching is used, then the shape is rotated and/or scaled around the start and endpoints of the path. For a Ring, these two points will be coincident and the shape can therefore only undergo a translation--it will maintain its relative shape. For a Path, however, this may not be the case and, as a result, the shape may become transformed or have its actual "shape" changed.

See Also

INewDimensionFeedback Interface | INewBezierCurveFeedback Interface | IMoveGeometryFeedback Interface | INewEnvelopeFeedback Interface | IResizeEnvelopeFeedback2 Interface | INewCircleFeedback Interface | ILineMovePointFeedback Interface | INewMultiPointFeedback Interface | IMoveImageFeedback Interface | IMoveLineFeedback Interface | IResizeEnvelopeFeedback Interface | IMovePolygonFeedback Interface | INewEnvelopeFeedback2 Interface | IPolygonMovePointFeedback Interface | IReshapeFeedback Interface | IMoveImageFeedback2 Interface | INewPolygonFeedback Interface | IVertexFeedback Interface | IMoveEnvelopeFeedback Interface | INewLineFeedback Interface | IStretchLineFeedback Interface | IMovePointFeedback Interface