ArcObjects Library Reference (ArcMapUI)  

ArcMapUI Library Contents

The ArcMapUI library provides user interfaces components specific to the ArcMap application.


Interface Description
IAddDataDialog Provides access to members that control the Add Data Dialog.
IAddDataDialog2 Provides access to members that control the Add Data Dialog.
IAddLayersOperation Provides access to members that control the Add layers operation.
IAggregateOptions Provides access to members that allows you to specify the types of aggregation that will be applied to all numeric fields during an aggregate spatial join.
IAIAProperties Provides access to members that control AIA window properties.
IAnnotateFeaturesCallback Provides access to members for the annotate selected features callback.
IAnnotateSelectedFeatures Provides access to members that control the annotate selected features.
IApplicationWindows Provides access to members that control the DataWindow Container.
IBasicDocument Provides access to members that control the Basic Document.
IBasicDocument2 Provides additional access to members that control the Basic Document.
IBasicDocumentDefaultSymbols Provides access to members that control Default basic symbols for the document.
IChangeLayout Provides access to members that control changing the document's layout.
IClipboardFormat Provides access to members that control the ClipBoard Format.
IClipboardFormat2 Provides access to members that control the ClipBoard Format.
IContentsView Provides access to members that control table of contents views.
IContentsView2 Provides access to members that control the table of contents views of GMx.
IContentsViewEdit Provides access to members that control Contents View Edit.
IContentsViewSelection Provides access to members that control table of contents views.
IDataConnectionCallback Provides access to members that control Callback from data connection property page.
IDataConnectionCallback2 Provides more access to members that control Callback from data connection property page.
IDataConnectionPropertyPage Provides access to members that control the Data connection property page.
IDataConnectionPropertyPage2 Provides access to members that control the Data connection property page.
IDataGraphTWizard Provides access to members that control the data graph wizard.
IDataGraphWindow2 Provides access to members that control the DataGraph Window.
IDatasetFilter Provides access to members that control the Filter for dataset inclusion.
IDataWindow Provides access to members that control popup windows that show map data.
IDataWindow2 Provides access to members that control popup windows that show map data.
IDataWindowEvents Provides access to events that occur in a data window.
IDataWindowFactory Provides access to members that control the Factory for creating floating windows.
IDissolveUI Provides access to members that dissolve features by a common attribute value.
IDissolveUIAdmin Provides access to alternative members that dissolve features by a common attribute value.
IDocumentDefaultSymbols Provides access to members that control Default Symbols for the document.
IDocumentEvents Provides access to events that occur in ArcMap.
IDocumentEventsDisp Provides access to events that occur in ArcMap.
IEnumPrinterNames Provides access to an enumeration of all the Printers.
IEnumTableProperties Provides access to an enumeration of table properties.
IFindCallBack Provides access to members that control the results in a custom find dialog page.
IFinder Provides access to IFinder interface for the MxFind routine. Implement this interface to create a custom find dialog page.
IFindPanelEvents Provides access to events that control communication from find pages to the main find form.
IFindWindow Provides access to members that control the Find Window. Allows you to search for features/addresses/etc. Deprecated. Please consider using the IFind interface in the Carto library instead.
IFindWindow2 Provides access to additional control of the Find Window. Deprecated. Please consider using the IFind interface in the Carto library instead.
IGenericWindow Provides access to members that control a data window with a particular hWnd.
IGNetExtension Provides access to members that control the Geography Network Extension.
IGpsExtension Provides access to GPS Extension properties.
IGpsPositionDialog Provides access to members that control GPS position dialog.
IGroupLayersOperation Provides access to members that control the Group layers operation.
IHistoryViewerWindow Provides access to members of HistoryViewerWindow.
IJoinData Provides access to members that join a feature class or a table to a layer/standalone table in ArcMap.
IJoinData2 Provides access to members that join a feature class or a table to a layer/standalone table in ArcMap.
IJoinPages Provides access to members that control which pages are shown.
ILayerEffectsEnvironment Provides access to members that control the Layer Effects Environment.
ILayerEffectsEnvironment2 Provides access to members that control the Layer Effects Environment.
ILayerEffectsEnvironment3 Provides access to members that control the Layer Effects Environment.
ILensWindow Provides access to members that control the Lens Window.
IMapInsetWindow Provides access to members that control the Map Inset Window.
IMensurationResult Provides access to members that control mensuration result.
IMetadataViewWindow Provides access to members setting the Metadata View Window.
IMetadataViewWindow2 Provides access to members setting the Metadata View Window.
IMetadataViewWindow3 Provides access to members setting the Metadata View Window.
IModelessQueryAttributes Provides access to members that control the Modeless Attribute query window.
IMoveLayersOperation Provides access to members that control the Move layer operation.
IMoveMapsOperation Provides access to members that control the Move maps operation.
IMxApplication Provides access to members that control the Mx Application.
IMxApplication2 Provides access to members that control the Mx Application.
IMxApplication3 Provides access to members that control the Mx Application.
IMxDocument Provides access to members that control the Mx Document.
IMxDocumentDropTarget Provides access to members that control the MxDocument Drop Target.
INewDocumentDialog Provides access to members that control the new document dialog.
IOverviewWindow Provides access to members that control the Overview Window.
IPageIndexControl Data Driven Page Control interface.
IPixelInspectionWindow Provides access to members that control the PixelInspection Window.
IQueryAttributes Provides access to members that control the Attribute query window.
IReferenceScaleOperation Provides access to members that control the Reference Scale Operation.
IRelateData Provides access to members that relate a class or a table to a layer.
IRelateData2 Provides access to members that join a feature class or a table to a layer/standalone table in ArcMap.
IRemoveLayerOperation Provides access to members that control the Remove layer operation.
IRemoveLayerOperation2 Provides access to members that control the Remove layer operation.
IRemoveLayersOperation Provides access to members that control the Remove layers operation.
IReportUnitFormat Provides access to report unit formatting.
IReportUnitFormat2 Provides access to report unit formatting.
ISelectFeaturesOperation Provides access to members that control the Select Features operation.
ISpatialJoin Provides access to members that join the attributes of feature classes based on the spatial relationships of the features.
IStartupDialog Provides access to members that control the Startup Dialog.
IStartupDialog2 Provides access to more members that control the Startup Dialog.
IStartupDialog3 Provides access to more members that control the Startup Dialog.
IStartupDialogSettings Provides access to members that contorl the behavior of the Getting Started window.
ISummarizeUI Provides access to members that summarize a table by an attribute.
ITableDockWindowAdmin Provides access to the table docking window.
ITableFrame Provides access to members that control table frames.
ITableProperties Provides access to members that control Table properties, for Layers and Tables in ArcMap.
ITableProperty Provides access to members that control Table window properties.
ITableProperty2 Provides access to members that control Linked table window properties.
ITableProperty3 Provides access to members that control Linked table window properties.
ITableWindow Provides access to members that display table window in ArcMap. This interface intergrates ITableView with ArcMap's events and selections.
ITableWindow2 Provides access to members that extend ITableWindow functionality to work with ILayers.
ITableWindow3 Provides access to members that extend ITableWindow functionality to work with dockable tables.
ITinHistogram Provides access to members that create a Histogram from TIN data values.
IUngroupLayerOperation Provides access to members that control the Ungroup layers operation.
IViewCommand Provides access to members that control view commands.
IViewCommandToolbars Provides access to members that control view commands which have toolbars associated with them.

CoClasses and Classes

CoClass or Class Description
AddDataDialog Add Data Dialog.
AddLayersOperation Add Layers Operation.
AddQueryTableDialog Add Query table dialog.
AnnotateSelectedFeatures Display annotate selected features dialog.
AppDisplay Esri Display.
AVImageThemeImporter A mechanism for importing image themes from Arc View 3.x into ArcGIS.
BasemapSubLayerRasterLayerContextAnalyzer A coclass for Basemap Sub Layer which is a RasterLayer context analyzer.
BmpClipboardFormat BMP Clipboard Format.
ColorCorrectionDockWin The Color Correction Tools Dockable Window.
ColorCorrectionWindowCommand Opens Color Correction Window
DataConnectionCallback DataConnectionCallback.
DataConnectionPropertyPage Data Connection Property Page.
DataGraphMxDocumentDropTarget Supports data graph drag-and-drop functionality in ArcMap.
DataGraphTCreateScatterplotMatrix Dialog in creating data scatterplot matrix graph.
DataGraphTWizard Wizard in creating data graph.
DataGraphWindow Window in hosting and displaying data graph.
DataViewPropertyPage Property page for Data view properties.
DocumentEvents Helper coclass for working with the nondefault outbound IDocumentEvents interface in VB.
DocumentPropertyPage Property page for Document general properties.
ElementEditVerticesOperation Command for editing an elements vertices.
ElementNewOperation Command for adding new maps to a layout.
ElementSelection Maintains the the graphic element selection.
EnhMetaFileClipboardFormat Enhanced Metafile Clipboard Format(EMF).
ExcludeUnselectedFeaturesCommand Adds all unselected features in all layers to the layer's exclusion set, so those feature will not draw.
FindFeatures Provides access to FindFeatures. Create a class with this interface (and add to category) for custom find dialog page.
FindWindowUI Window to display Find dialog in. Deprecated. Please consider using the IFind interface in the Carto library instead.
GenericWindow User data windows.
GettingStartedSettings Getting Started Settings
GettingStartedWindow Getting Started Window
GNetCommandHandler GNet Command Handler.
GNetExtension GNet Extension.
GpsExtension The GPS extension object.
GpsLogFilter The GPS Log Filter.
GpsPositionDialog Display GPS Position information.
GroupLayerContextAnalyzer Group Layer Context Analyzer.
GroupLayersOperation Group Layer Operation.
HistoryViewerWindow History Viewer Window
IdentifyWindow Esri map identify window.
IdentifyWindowCommand Command to open the Identify Window.
ImageAnalysisWindowCommand Command to open the Image Analysis Window.
ImageInsetWindow Window to display ImageInsets.
ImageServerLayerContextAnalyzer A coclass for ImageServerLayer context analyzer.
IMSFeatureLayerSymbology Defines the symbology for an IMS feature layer.
IMSLayerFactory IMS Layer Factory.
IMSLayersPropertyPage IMS Map Layers property page.
IMSMapLayerSourcePropertyPage IMS Map Layer source property page.
IMSPropsPropertyPage IMS properties property page.
IMSSubLayerContextAnalyzer IMS SubLayer Context Analyzer.
JoinData Join Data dialog.
JoinRelatePage Join and Relate property page.
LasDatasetGxBrowserFactory The LasDataset GX Browser Factory is used to help look for LasDatasets.
LasDatasetIdentifyObject Provides programmatic access to LasDataset layer identify object.
LayerEffectsEnvironment Singleton instance of the Layer Effects Environment.
LayersClipboardFormat Esri Layers Clipboard format.
LayerSelectionContextMenu Layer Selection Context Menu.
LayoutViewPropertyPage Property page for Layout view properties.
MapDocumentPropPage Property page for Document properties.
MapGridsPropertyPage Property page for Map grid properties.
MapIlluminationPropertyPage Property page for Map illumination properties.
MapInsetPropertyPage Property page for magnifier window.
MapInsetWindow Window to display MapInsets.
MapInsetWindowFactory Factory to generate a MapInset window.
MapPropertyPage Property page for Map general properties.
Maps Helper for working with the IMaps interface.
MapServerIdentifyObject Provides programmatic access to a map server identify object.
MapServerLayerAdvancedPropertyPage Property page for showing a map server layer's advanced properties.
MapServerLayerCachePropertyPage Property page for showing a map server layer's local cache properties.
MapServerLayerSourcePropertyPage Property page for showing a map server layer's source information.
MapServerSublayersPropertyPage Property page for showing a map server layer's sublayer information.
MapViewCommandsContextAnalyzer Map View Commands Context Analyzer.
MapViewCommandsContextMenu Map View Commands Context Menu.
MapViewCommandsMenuItems Map View Commands Menu Items.
MapViewerWindowFactory Factory to generate a Viewer Window.
MensurationDockWin The Mensuration Result Dockable Window.
MetadataViewWindow MetadataViewWindow class used to display the metadata of selected layer's data source.
MetaFileClipboardFormat Windows Metafile Clipboard Format (WMF).
MosaicDatasetExtension The extension of the mosaic layer.
MoveLayersOperation Move Layers Operation.
MoveMapsOperation Move Maps Operation.
MxDocument Esri Mx Document.
MxStatusBar MxStatusBar object.
NetCDFFeaturePropertyPage The NetCDF Feature Property Page.
NetCDFRasterPropertyPage The NetCDF Raster Property Page.
NetCDFTablePropertyPage The NetCDF Table Property Page.
NewDocumentDialog New Document Dialog
OleFrame The OLE frame.
OpenTableCommand Global Command that opens the table(s) associated to the current selection in the TOC.
OverviewPropertyPage Property page for Overview window properties.
OverviewWindow Window to display Overviews.
OverviewWindowFactory Factory to generate an Overview window.
PageIndexExtentPropPage Extent property page for data driven pages.
PageIndexGeneralPropPage General property page for data driven pages.
PixelInspectionDockWin The Pixel Inspection Dockable Window.
ProgressAnimation ProgressAnimation object.
ProgressBar ProgressBar object.
ProgressDialog Progress dialog object.
PublishAntiAliasingPage Publishing UI - Anti Aliasing Property Page.
PublishDestinationPage Publishing UI - Destination Property Page.
PublishOptionsPage Global Publishing UI Option Property Page.
QueryAttributes Display query attribute dialog in Mx.
RasterBasemapLayerContextAnalyzer A coclass for Raster Basemap Layer context analyzer.
RasterCatalogGxBrowserFactory The Raster Catalog GX Browser Factory.
RasterGxBrowserFactory The Raster GX Browser Factory is used to help look for rasters on disk.
RasterLayerContextAnalyzer A coclass for RasterLayer context analyzer.
RasterTableShowMultiItem A coclass shows multi-item menu of a RasterTable.
RasterToolExtension The extension of raster tool.
RasterToolsDockWin The Raster Tools Dockable Window.
ReferenceScaleOperation Reference Scale Operation.
RelateData Relate Data dialog.
RemoveLayerOperation Remove Layer Operation.
RemoveLayersOperation Remove Layers Operation.
ReportSelection Captures selection change, and reports this on the status bar.
RestoreExcludedFeaturesCommand Removes features from all layers' exclusion sets.
RotateOperation Operation for handling rotation.
SelectByCommonValueTool Tool for selecting features by a common attribute value.
SelectFeaturesOperation Select Features Operation.
SpatialJoin Spatial Join two feature classes.
SummarizeUI Window to display the summarize dialog in ArcMap.
TableContextMenuArrange Arrange table windows context menu.
TableContextMenuArrangeItems Arrange table windows context menu items.
TableDockWindow Table dock window
TableProperties Table window properties.
TableProperty Table window property.
TableWindow Window to display Tables in ArcMap.
TemplateStartupDialog Startup dialog that lets you choose a template.
TerrainGxBrowserFactory The Terrain GX Browser Factory is used to help look for Terrains.
TextClipboardFormat Text Clipboard Format.
TimeSliderWindowCommand Command to open the Time Slider Window.
TinGxBrowserFactory The TIN GX Browser Factory is used to help look for TINs on disk.
TinHistogram TIN histogram of data values.
TOCCatalogView Esri TOC Catalog View.
TOCDisplayView Esri TOC Display View.
TOCDockableWindow Esri TOC Dockable Window.
TOCGeneralPropertyPage Property page for Table Of Contents window general properties.
TOCPatchesPropertyPage Property page for Table Of Contents window patch properties.
TOCSelectionView Esri TOC Selection View.
UngroupLayerOperation Ungroup Layer Operation.
WMSIdentifyObject Provides programmatic access to a WMS map layer factory.
WMSLayerAdvancedPropertyPage Property page for showing a map server layer's advanced properties.
WMSLayerSourcePropertyPage Property page for showing a map server layer's source information.
WMSLayerStylePropertyPage Property page for showing wms sub layer's properties.
WMSMapLayerFactory Provides programmatic access to a WMS map layer factory.
WMSSublayersPropertyPage Property page for showing a map server layer's sublayer information.


Enumeration Description
esriDCType The type of data we are getting or putting from the DataConnection property page.
esriMxCustomizationEvent Mx customization event types.
esriMxDefaultColorTypes Default properties Identifiers.
esriMxDlgIDs Dialog Identifiers.
esriTinHistogramType The TIN Histogram Types.