ArcObjects Library Reference (ArcMapUI)  

IContentsView2 Interface

Provides access to members that control the table of contents views of GMx.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop.


Method Activate Activates the contents view.
Method AddToSelectedItems Adds to the selected items.
Method BasicActivate Activates the contents view.
Read/write property ContextItem The context item (could be an enumerator).
Method Deactivate Deactivates the contents view.
Read-only property hWnd The HWND of the contents view.
Read-only property Name The name of the contents view.
Write-only property ProcessEvents Indicates if the view is currently responding to events.
Method Refresh Refreshes the contents view. If a non-null item is specified, it refreshes only that item and its children.
Method RemoveFromSelectedItems Removes an item from the selected items.
Read/write property SelectedItem The selected item (could be an enumerator).
Read/write property ShowLines Indicates if lines are shown in the TOC tree.
Read/write property Visible Indicates if the view is visible.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IContentsView Provides access to members that control table of contents views.

CoClasses that implement IContentsView2

CoClasses and Classes Description
TOCGMxCatalogView (esriArcGlobe) Esri TOC GMx Catalog View.
TOCGMxDisplayView (esriArcGlobe) Esri TOC GMx Display View.
TOCGMxLegendSelectionView (esriArcGlobe)
TOCGMxTypeView (esriArcGlobe) Esri TOC GMx Type View.