About working with maps
The majority of geographic information system (GIS)) applications are based on one or more maps, whether the map is the result or output of an application or the central aspect of the application with which users interact. ArcGIS for Server applications are no different.
A map is a collection of layers of geographic information and graphic elements. It also has a coordinate system and an extent. A layer is a thematic representation of geographic information that is stored in a database.
ArcGIS maps are stored in map documents (.mxd) that are created using the ArcMap desktop application. In a map document, a map is referenced by a data frame. Map documents have one or more data frames and contain a single map layout that includes its data frames and marginalia.
You can interact with maps, layouts, and layers in a variety of ways including the following:
- Panning and zooming interactively
- Turning layer visibility on and off
- Identifying features
- Finding features
- Selecting features by their attributes or their geometry
- Outputing maps to printers or as images
Maps are also windows into a geographic database and are used to define the inputs for various analysis functions such as network analysis and functions that are available through the geoprocessing framework.
A map is a collection of layers. A layer is a thematic representation of geographic information that is stored in a database as shown in the following graphic:

A map document includes a single layout that contains data frames and marginalia as shown in the following graphic:

To exploit map documents and their contents through ArcGIS for Server applications, ArcGIS for Server includes a MapServer object. The MapServer object provides access to the contents of a map document and methods for querying and drawing the map.
The Server software development kit (SDK) includes Web controls for embedding mapping functionality in your Web application, and a smart client control for embedding mapping in your smart client application.
To create a server application or Web service that includes mapping functionality using ArcGIS for Desktop, you need to do the following:
- Use ArcMap to create a map document that includes the layers that you want to display and query.
- Use ArcCatalog or Manager to create a MapServer server object based on the map you created.
- With your integrated development environment (IDE), use the MapServer, Web controls, or smart client controls to create your application or Web service.
- The application you create can be built from scratch, or it can be based on extending the Web Mapping Application.
See Also:
Managing application mapping stateMapping Web services
MapServer extensions