AgsJWS Map Viewer

PurposeThe ArcGIS Java WebServices (AgsJWS) Map Viewer Sample is a web mapping application built with the AgsJWS API. Features of the sample include basic map navigation such as panning and zooming. The application uses Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) over Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to connect with a user-supplied Map Service Web Service Description (Language) WSDL endpoint Uniform Resouce Locator (URL).

How to use

See How to run the Java Server ADF samples for help on running the sample. If the sample has associated data, you will find that the sample's zip file includes a "data" folder alongside the language folders. However, you will need to update the sample to point to the location of the data once you have extracted all the files.

Run sample
  1. Open a command prompt and navigate to the samples root directory, for example, $AGSDEVKITJAVA/java/samples/adf/webservicesmapviewer.
  2. Run the Ant build task; from a command prompt, type > ant build. This creates a deployable war file in the samples root directory.
  3. Deploy webservicesmapviewer.war to your Java application server and run the application in your Internet browser.
  4. Enter the URL of a known ArcGIS for Server Map Service, for example, a map resource URL from ArcGIS Online.

Import the sample into Eclipse 3.4.x (Ganymede)
  1. Source code is included in the .war file generated from the previous steps, so you can easily import it to Eclipse to review the source and/or edit the application.
  2. In Eclipse, select File > Import from the Eclipse toolbar.
  3. Select the Web\.war file from the Select dialog box.
  4. Browse to the webservicesmapviewer.war file generated from the previous steps and accept the Web Project and Target Runtime selections.
  5. Click Finish (you do not need to import the Web libraries).

Import the sample into NetBeans v6.5.1
  1. Source code is included in the sample file structure so you can easily import it to NetBeans.
  2. In NetBeans, select File > New Project from the NetBeans toolbar.
  3. Select Java Web from the Categories left-hand pane and Web Application from the Existing Sources from the Projects right hand-pane.
  4. Browse to the WebContent directory in the sample root directory, for example, $AGSDEVKITJAVA/java/samples/adf/webservicesmapviewer/WebContent.
  5. Ensure that the Existing Sources and libraries dialog box is appropriately populated.
  6. Click Delete on the Warning dialog box to delete the precompiled class files.

Download the files for Java
MapView.jsp Map Viewer

Development licensing Deployment licensing
Server Server