Class EngineInitializer

  extended by com.esri.arcgis.system.EngineInitializer

public class EngineInitializer
extends Object

Title: EngineInitializer

Description: EngineInitializer initializes ArcObjects for Java for usage in ArcGIS Engine

Copyright: Copyright (c) 2003

Company: ESRI

Field Summary
static boolean isInitVisualBeans
static boolean noMTASTACommunication
static boolean setVersion
Method Summary
 void init()
          Initialize the ArcObjects for Java with options set previously by calling setXxx() methods.
static void initializeEngine()
          Initialize the ArcObjects for Java with options optimal for usage in a ArcGIS Engine
static void initializeServer(int productCode)
          Initialize the ArcObjects for ArcGIS Server with options optimal for usage in a ArcGIS Server
static void initializeVisualBeans()
          Initialize ArcObjects for Java with options optimal for using visual Java Beans in ArcGIS Engine.
static void initLicensing(int product, String pathToBin)
          Initialize the ArcObjects for ArcGIS Server with options optimal for usage in a ArcGIS Server
static void release(Object anObject)
          Release a specific reference to a COM object.
static void releaseAll()
          Release all outstanding references to COM objects.
static void releaseAllInCurrentThread()
          Tell the runtime to release all objects used in the current thread since the last 'trackObjectsInCurrentThread' call.
 void setBeanUsage(boolean beanUsage)
          Indicates whether visual ArcObjects for Java beans are used
static void setDefault(String domain, String user, String password)
          Set the authentification to be used by default if none is specified when creating or using a ArcObjects Java component
 void setEngineUsage()
          Sets the default usage for using the ArcGIS ArcObjects for Java.
 void setNativeMode(boolean nativeMode)
          Indicates whether native mode is used.
 void setShutdownHook(boolean shutdownHook)
          Causes the runtime to release COM references when the JVM shuts down normally like when Ctrl- C is pressed
static void setVersionAndInitialize()
static void trackObjectsInCurrentThread()
          Tell the runtime to remember all objects used in the current thread.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static boolean isInitVisualBeans


public static boolean noMTASTACommunication


public static boolean setVersion
Method Detail


public void setBeanUsage(boolean beanUsage)
Indicates whether visual ArcObjects for Java beans are used

beanUsage - set to true if visual ArcEngine java beans are to be used


public void setNativeMode(boolean nativeMode)
Indicates whether native mode is used.

nativeMode - set to true if native mode is to be used.


public void setShutdownHook(boolean shutdownHook)
Causes the runtime to release COM references when the JVM shuts down normally like when Ctrl- C is pressed

shutdownHook - set to true if shutdownHook is to be enabled.


public void setEngineUsage()
Sets the default usage for using the ArcGIS ArcObjects for Java. Note that this method only sets the options for initialization, but init() method should be called to actually initialize the ArcObjects for Java with these options


public void init()
Initialize the ArcObjects for Java with options set previously by calling setXxx() methods.


public static void initializeEngine()
Initialize the ArcObjects for Java with options optimal for usage in a ArcGIS Engine


public static void initLicensing(int product,
                                 String pathToBin)
Initialize the ArcObjects for ArcGIS Server with options optimal for usage in a ArcGIS Server


public static void initializeServer(int productCode)
Initialize the ArcObjects for ArcGIS Server with options optimal for usage in a ArcGIS Server


public static void initializeVisualBeans()
Initialize ArcObjects for Java with options optimal for using visual Java Beans in ArcGIS Engine. This method includes all the optimization parameters in initializeEngine


public static void setVersionAndInitialize()


public static void setDefault(String domain,
                              String user,
                              String password)
Set the authentification to be used by default if none is specified when creating or using a ArcObjects Java component

domain - - the domain to be used when authenticating using default authentification
user - - the user to be used when authenticating using default authentification
password - - the password to be used when authenticating using default authentification


public static void release(Object anObject)
Release a specific reference to a COM object.


public static void releaseAll()
Release all outstanding references to COM objects.


public static void releaseAllInCurrentThread()
Tell the runtime to release all objects used in the current thread since the last 'trackObjectsInCurrentThread' call.


public static void trackObjectsInCurrentThread()
Tell the runtime to remember all objects used in the current thread.