Interface IServerObjectConfiguration3

All Superinterfaces:
IServerObjectConfiguration, IServerObjectConfiguration2, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
IServerObjectConfiguration4, IServerObjectConfiguration5
All Known Implementing Classes:
IServerObjectConfiguration3Proxy, ServerObjectConfiguration

public interface IServerObjectConfiguration3
extends IServerObjectConfiguration2, Serializable

Provides access to administrators to members that control the behavior and properties of a server object configuration with extensions.


This interface is new at ArcGIS 9.3. It supersedes IServerObjectConfiguration and IServerObjectConfiguration2.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.

Method Summary
 int getIdleTimeout()
          Maximum time (in seconds) an instance of a server object for this server object configuration can remain idle.
 int getInstancesPerContainer()
          Number of instances in a single low isolation container.
 void setIdleTimeout(int pVal)
          Maximum time (in seconds) an instance of a server object for this server object configuration can remain idle.
 void setInstancesPerContainer(int pVal)
          Number of instances in a single low isolation container.
Methods inherited from interface com.esri.arcgis.server.IServerObjectConfiguration2
deserialize, getCleanupTimeout, getExtensionInfo, getExtensionProperties, getInfo, getStartupTimeout, isExtensionEnabled, serialize, setCleanupTimeout, setExtensionEnabled, setExtensionInfoByRef, setExtensionPropertiesByRef, setInfoByRef, setStartupTimeout
Methods inherited from interface com.esri.arcgis.server.IServerObjectConfiguration
getDescription, getIsolationLevel, getMaxInstances, getMinInstances, getName, getProperties, getRecycleProperties, getStartupType, getTypeName, getUsageTimeout, getWaitTimeout, isPooled, setDescription, setIsolationLevel, setIsPooled, setMaxInstances, setMinInstances, setName, setPropertiesByRef, setRecyclePropertiesByRef, setStartupType, setTypeName, setUsageTimeout, setWaitTimeout

Method Detail


int getIdleTimeout()
                   throws IOException,
Maximum time (in seconds) an instance of a server object for this server object configuration can remain idle.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.

The pVal
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


void setIdleTimeout(int pVal)
                    throws IOException,
Maximum time (in seconds) an instance of a server object for this server object configuration can remain idle.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.

pVal - The pVal (in)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


int getInstancesPerContainer()
                             throws IOException,
Number of instances in a single low isolation container.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.

The pVal
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


void setInstancesPerContainer(int pVal)
                              throws IOException,
Number of instances in a single low isolation container.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.

pVal - The pVal (in)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.