Class Summary |
Abs |
Calculates the absolute value of the cells in a raster. |
ACos |
Calculates the inverse cosine of cells in a raster. |
ACosH |
Calculates the inverse hyperbolic cosine of cells in a raster. |
Aggregate |
Generates a reduced-resolution version of a raster. |
AreaSolarRadiation |
Derives incoming solar radiation from a raster surface. |
ASin |
Calculates the inverse sine of cells in a raster. |
ASinH |
Calculates the inverse hyperbolic sine of cells in a raster. |
Aspect |
Derives aspect from a raster surface. |
ATan |
Calculates the inverse tangent of cells in a raster. |
ATan2 |
Calculates the inverse tangent (based on x,y) of cells in a raster. |
ATanH |
Calculates the inverse hyperbolic tangent of cells in a raster. |
BandCollectionStats |
Calculates the statistics for a set of raster bands. |
Basin |
Creates a raster delineating all drainage basins. |
BitwiseAnd |
Performs a Bitwise And operation on the binary values of two input rasters. |
BitwiseLeftShift |
Performs a Bitwise Left Shift operation on the binary values of two input rasters. |
BitwiseNot |
Performs a Bitwise Not (complement) operation on the binary value of an input raster. |
BitwiseOr |
Performs a Bitwise Or operation on the binary values of two input rasters. |
BitwiseRightShift |
Performs a Bitwise Right Shift operation on the binary values of two input rasters. |
BitwiseXOr |
Performs a Bitwise eXclusive Or operation on the binary values of two input rasters. |
BlockStatistics |
Partitions the input into non-overlapping blocks and calculates the statistic of the values within each block. |
BooleanAnd |
Performs a Boolean And operation on the cell values of two input rasters. |
BooleanNot |
Performs a Boolean Not (complement) operation on the cell values of the input raster. |
BooleanOr |
Performs a Boolean Or operation on the cell values of two input rasters. |
BooleanXOr |
Performs a Boolean eXclusive Or operation on the cell values of two input rasters. |
BoundaryClean |
Smoothes the boundary between zones by expanding and shrinking it. |
CellStatistics |
Calculates a per-cell statistic from multiple rasters. |
ClassProbability |
Creates a multiband raster of probability bands, with one band being created for each class represented in the input signature file. |
CombinatorialAnd |
Performs a Combinatorial And operation on the cell values of two input rasters. |
CombinatorialOr |
Performs a Combinatorial Or operation on the cell values of two input rasters. |
CombinatorialXOr |
Performs a Combinatorial eXclusive Or operation on the cell values of two input rasters. |
Combine |
Combines multiple rasters so that a unique output value is assigned to each unique combination of input values. |
ConTool |
Performs a conditional if/else evaluation on each of the input cells of an input raster. |
Contour |
Creates a line feature class of contours (isolines) from a raster surface. |
ContourList |
Creates a feature class of selected contour values from a raster surface. |
ContourWithBarriers |
Creates contours from a raster surface. |
Corridor |
Calculates the sum of accumulative costs for two input accumulative cost rasters. |
Cos |
Calculates the cosine of cells in a raster. |
CosH |
Calculates the hyperbolic cosine of cells in a raster. |
CostAllocation |
Calculates for each cell its nearest source based on the least accumulative cost over a cost surface. |
CostBackLink |
Defines the neighbor that is the next cell on the least accumulative cost path to the nearest source. |
CostDistance |
Calculates the least accumulative cost distance for each cell to the nearest source over a cost surface. |
CostPath |
Calculates the least-cost path from a source to a destination. |
CreateConstantRaster |
Creates a raster of a constant value within the extent and cell size of the analysis window. |
CreateNormalRaster |
Creates a raster of random values with a normal (gaussian) distribution within the extent and cell size of the analysis window. |
CreateRandomRaster |
Creates a raster of random floating point values between 0.0 and 1.0 within the extent and cell size of the analysis window. |
CreateSignatures |
Creates an ASCII signature file of classes defined by input sample data and a set of raster bands. |
Curvature |
Calculates the curvature of a raster surface, optionally including profile and plan curvature. |
CutFill |
Calculates the volume change between two surfaces. |
DarcyFlow |
Calculates the groundwater volume balance residual and other outputs for steady flow in an aquifer. |
DarcyVelocity |
Calculates the groundwater seepage velocity vector (direction and magnitude) for steady flow in an aquifer. |
Dendrogram |
Constructs a tree diagram (dendrogram) showing attribute distances between sequentially merged classes in a signature file. |
Diff |
Determines which values from the first input are logically different from the values of the second input on a cell-by-cell basis. |
Divide |
Divides the values of two rasters on a cell-by-cell basis. |
EditSignatures |
Edits and updates a signature file by merging, renumbering, and deleting class signatures. |
EqualTo |
Performs a Relational equal-to operation on two inputs on a cell-by-cell basis. |
EqualToFrequency |
Evaluates on a cell-by-cell basis the number of times the values in a set of rasters are equal to another raster. |
EucAllocation |
Calculates, for each cell, the nearest source based on Euclidean distance. |
EucDirection |
Calculates, for each cell, the direction, in degrees, to the nearest source. |
EucDistance |
Calculates, for each cell, the Euclidean distance to the closest source. |
Exp |
Calculates the base e exponential of the cells in a raster. |
Exp10 |
Calculates the base 10 exponential of the cells in a raster. |
Exp2 |
Calculates the base 2 exponential of the cells in a raster. |
Expand |
Expands specified zones of a raster by a specified number of cells. |
ExtractByAttributes |
Extracts the cells of a raster based on a logical query. |
ExtractByCircle |
Extracts the cells of a raster based on a circle. |
ExtractByMask |
Extracts the cells of a raster that correspond to the areas defined by a mask. |
ExtractByPoints |
Extracts the cells of a raster based on a set of coordinate points. |
ExtractByPolygon |
Extracts the cells of a raster based on a polygon. |
ExtractByRectangle |
Extracts the cells of a raster based on a rectangle. |
ExtractMultiValuesToPoints |
Extracts cell values at locations specified in a point feature class from one or more rasters, and records the values to the attribute table of the point feature class. |
ExtractValuesToPoints |
Extracts the cell values of a raster based on a set of point features and records the values in the attribute table of an output feature class. |
Fill |
Fills sinks in a surface raster to remove small imperfections in the data. |
Filter |
Performs either a smoothing (Low pass) or edge-enhancing (High pass) filter on a raster. |
Float |
Converts each cell value of a raster into a floating-point representation. |
FlowAccumulation |
Creates a raster of accumulated flow into each cell. |
FlowDirection |
Creates a raster of flow direction from each cell to its steepest downslope neighbor. |
FlowLength |
Calculates the upstream or downstream distance, or weighted distance, along the flow path for each cell. |
FocalFlow |
Determines the flow of the values in the input raster within each cell's immediate neighborhood. |
FocalStatistics |
Calculates for each input cell location a statistic of the values within a specified neighborhood around it. |
FuzzyMembership |
Scales input raster data into values ranging from zero to one, indicating the strength of a membership in a set. |
FuzzyOverlay |
Combine fuzzy membership rasters data together, based on selected overlay type. |
GreaterThan |
Performs a Relational greater-than operation on two inputs on a cell-by-cell basis. |
GreaterThanEqual |
Performs a Relational greater-than-or-equal-to operation on two inputs on a cell-by-cell basis. |
GreaterThanFrequency |
Evaluates on a cell-by-cell basis the number of times a set of rasters is greater than another raster. |
HighestPosition |
Determines on a cell-by-cell basis the position of the raster with the maximum value in a set of rasters. |
HillShade |
Creates a shaded relief from a surface raster by considering the illumination source angle and shadows. |
Idw |
Interpolates a raster surface from points using an inverse distance weighted (IDW) technique. |
InList |
Determines which values from the first input are contained in a set of other inputs, on a cell-by-cell basis. |
Int |
Converts each cell value of a raster to an integer by truncation. |
IsNull |
Determines which values from the input raster are NoData on a cell-by-cell basis. |
IsoCluster |
Uses an isodata clustering algorithm to determine the characteristics of the natural groupings of cells in multidimensional attribute space and stores the results in an output ASCII signature file. |
IsoClusterUnsupervisedClassification |
Performs unsupervised classification on an input multiband raster using the Iso Cluster and Maximum Likelihood Classification tools. |
KernelDensity |
Calculates a magnitude per unit area from point or polyline features using a kernel function to fit a smoothly tapered surface to each point or polyline. |
Kriging |
Interpolates a raster surface from points using kriging. |
LessThan |
Performs a Relational less-than operation on two inputs on a cell-by-cell basis. |
LessThanEqual |
Performs a Relational less-than-or-equal-to operation on two inputs on a cell-by-cell basis. |
LessThanFrequency |
Evaluates on a cell-by-cell basis the number of times a set of rasters is less than another raster. |
LineDensity |
Calculates a magnitude per unit area from polyline features that fall within a radius around each cell. |
LineStatistics |
Calculates a statistic on the attributes of lines in a circular neighborhood around each output cell. |
Ln |
Calculates the natural logarithm (base e) of cells in a raster. |
Log10 |
Calculates the base 10 logarithm of cells in a raster. |
Log2 |
Calculates the base 2 logarithm of cells in a raster. |
Lookup |
Creates a new raster by looking up values found in another field in the table of the input raster. |
LowestPosition |
Determines on a cell-by-cell basis the position of the raster with the minimum value in a set of rasters. |
MajorityFilter |
Replaces cells in a raster based on the majority of their contiguous neighboring cells. |
Minus |
Subtracts the value of the second input raster from the value of the first input raster on a cell-by-cell basis. |
MLClassify |
Performs a maximum likelihood classification on a set of raster bands and creates a classified raster as output. |
Mod |
Finds the remainder (modulo) of the first raster when divided by the second raster on a cell-by-cell basis. |
MultiOutputMapAlgebra |
Runs an expression built with the Map Algebra language. |
NaturalNeighbor |
Interpolates a raster surface from points using a natural neighbor technique. |
Negate |
Changes the sign (multiplies by -1) of the cell values of the input raster on a cell-by-cell basis. |
Nibble |
Replaces cells of a raster corresponding to a mask with the values of the nearest neighbors. |
NotEqual |
Performs a Relational not-equal-to operation on two inputs on a cell-by-cell basis. |
ObserverPoints |
Identifies which observer points are visible from each raster surface location. |
Over |
For the cell values in the first input that are not 0, the output value will be that of the first input. |
ParticleTrack |
Calculates the path of a particle through a velocity field, returning an ASCII file of particle tracking data and, optionally, a coverage of track information. |
PathAllocation |
Calculates the nearest source for each cell based on the least accumulative cost over a cost surface, while accounting for surface distance and horizontal and vertical cost factors. |
PathBackLink |
Defines the neighbor that is the next cell on the least accumulative cost path to the nearest source, while accounting for surface distance and horizontal and vertical cost factors. |
PathDistance |
Calculates, for each cell, the least accumulative cost distance to the nearest source, while accounting for surface distance and horizontal and vertical cost factors. |
Pick |
Assigns output values using one of a list of rasters determined by the value of an input raster. |
Plus |
Adds (sums) the values of two rasters on a cell-by-cell basis. |
PointDensity |
Calculates a magnitude per unit area from point features that fall within a neighborhood around each cell. |
PointsSolarRadiation |
Derives incoming solar radiation for specific locations in a point feature class or location table. |
PointStatistics |
Calculates a statistic on the points in a neighborhood around each output cell. |
Popularity |
Determines the value in an argument list that is at a certain level of popularity on a cell-by-cell basis. |
PorousPuff |
Calculates the time-dependent, two-dimensional concentration distribution in mass per volume of a solute introduced instantaneously and at a discrete point into a vertically mixed aquifer. |
Power |
Raises the cell values in a raster to the power of the values found in another raster. |
PrincipalComponents |
Performs Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on a set of raster bands and generates a single multiband raster as output. |
Rank |
The values from the set of input rasters are ranked on a cell-by-cell basis, and which of these gets returned is determined by the value of the rank input raster. |
ReclassByASCIIFile |
Reclassifies or changes the values of the input cells of a raster using an ASCII remap file. |
ReclassByTable |
Reclassifies or changes the values of the input cells of a raster using a remap table. |
Reclassify |
Reclassifies (or changes) the values in a raster. |
RegionGroup |
For each cell in the output, the identity of the connected region to which that cell belongs is recorded. |
RoundDown |
Returns the next lower whole number for each cell in a raster. |
RoundUp |
Returns the next higher whole number for each cell in a raster. |
Sample |
Creates a table that shows the values of cells from a raster, or set of rasters, for defined locations. |
SetNull |
Set Null sets identified cell locations to NoData based on a specified criteria. |
Shrink |
Shrinks the selected zones by a specified number of cells by replacing them with the value of the cell that is most frequent in its neighborhood. |
Sin |
Calculates the sine of cells in a raster. |
SingleOutputMapAlgebra |
Runs a single expression built with the Map Algebra language. |
SinH |
Calculates the hyperbolic sine of cells in a raster. |
Sink |
Creates a raster identifying all sinks or areas of internal drainage. |
Slice |
Slices or reclassifies the range of values of the input cells into zones of equal interval, equal area, or by natural breaks. |
Slope |
Identifies the slope (gradient, or rate of maximum change in z-value) from each cell of a raster surface. |
SnapPourPoint |
Snaps pour points to the cell of highest flow accumulation within a specified distance. |
SolarRadiationGraphics |
Derives raster representations of a hemispherical viewshed, sunmap, and skymap, which are used in the calculation of direct, diffuse, and global solar radiation. |
Spline |
Interpolates a raster surface from points using a two-dimensional minimum curvature spline technique. |
SplineWithBarriers |
Interpolates a raster surface, using barriers, from points using a minimum curvature spline technique. |
Square |
Calculates the square of the cell values in a raster. |
SquareRoot |
Calculates the square root of the cell values in a raster. |
StreamLink |
Assigns unique values to sections of a raster linear network between intersections. |
StreamOrder |
Assigns a numeric order to segments of a raster representing branches of a linear network. |
StreamToFeature |
Converts a raster representing a linear network to features representing the linear network. |
TabulateArea |
Calculates cross-tabulated areas between two datasets and outputs a table. |
Tan |
Calculates the tangent of cells in a raster. |
TanH |
Calculates the hyperbolic tangent of cells in a raster. |
Test |
Performs a Boolean evaluation of the input raster using a logical expression. |
Thin |
Thins rasterized linear features by reducing the number of cells representing the width of the features. |
Times |
Multiplies the values of two rasters on a cell-by-cell basis. |
TopoToRaster |
Interpolates a hydrologically correct raster raster surface from point, line, and polygon data. |
TopoToRasterByFile |
Interpolates a hydrologically correct raster surface from point, line, and polygon data using parameters specified in a file. |
Trend |
Interpolates a raster surface from points using a trend technique. |
Viewshed |
Determines the raster surface locations visible to a set of observer features. |
Watershed |
Determines the contributing area above a set of cells in a raster. |
WeightedOverlay |
Overlays several rasters using a common measurement scale and weights each according to its importance. |
WeightedSum |
Overlays several rasters, multiplying each by their given weight and summing them together. |
ZonalFill |
Fills zones using the minimum cell value from a weight raster along the zone boundary. |
ZonalGeometry |
Calculates for each zone in a dataset the specified geometry measure (area, perimeter, thickness, or the characteristics of ellipse). |
ZonalGeometryAsTable |
Calculates for each zone in a dataset the geometry measures (area, perimeter, thickness, and the characteristics of ellipse) and reports the results as a table. |
ZonalHistogram |
Creates a table and a histogram graph that shows the amount of cells of a Value input for each unique Zone. |
ZonalStatistics |
Calculates statistics on values of a raster within the zones of another dataset. |
ZonalStatisticsAsTable |
Summarizes the values of a raster within the zones of another dataset and reports the results to a table. |