public class MakeVehicleRoutingProblemLayer
Makes a vehicle routing problem (VRP) network analysis layer and sets its analysis properties. A vehicle routing problem analysis layer is useful for optimizing a set of routes using a fleet of vehicles. The Make Vehicle Routing Problem Layer tool is contained in the Network Analyst Tools tool box.
Field Summary |
Fields inherited from class com.esri.arcgis.geoprocessing.AbstractGPTool |
vals |
Constructor Summary | |
Creates the Make Vehicle Routing Problem Layer tool with defaults. |
MakeVehicleRoutingProblemLayer(Object inNetworkDataset,
String outNetworkAnalysisLayer,
String timeImpedance)
Creates the Make Vehicle Routing Problem Layer tool with the required parameters. |
Method Summary | |
int |
Returns the Capacity Count parameter of this tool . |
Object |
Returns the Default Date parameter of this tool . |
String |
Returns the Distance Attribute parameter of this tool . |
String |
Returns the Distance Field Units parameter of this tool . |
String |
Returns the Excess Transit Time Importance parameter of this tool . |
String |
Returns the Use hierarchy in analysis parameter of this tool . |
Object |
Returns the Hierarchy rank settings parameter of this tool . |
Object |
Returns the Input analysis network parameter of this tool . |
String |
Returns the Output layer name parameter of this tool . |
Object |
Returns the Network Analyst Layer parameter of this tool (Read only). |
String |
Returns the Output path shape parameter of this tool . |
Object |
Returns the Restrictions parameter of this tool . |
String |
Returns the Time Attribute parameter of this tool . |
String |
Returns the Time Field Units parameter of this tool . |
String |
Returns the Time Window Violation Importance parameter of this tool . |
String |
Returns the alias of the tool box containing this tool. |
String |
Returns the name of the tool box containing this tool. |
String |
Returns the name of this tool. |
String |
Returns the U-turn policy parameter of this tool . |
void |
setCapacityCount(int capacityCount)
Sets the Capacity Count parameter of this tool . |
void |
setDefaultDate(Object defaultDate)
Sets the Default Date parameter of this tool . |
void |
setDistanceImpedance(String distanceImpedance)
Sets the Distance Attribute parameter of this tool . |
void |
setDistanceUnits(String distanceUnits)
Sets the Distance Field Units parameter of this tool . |
void |
setExcessTransitFactor(String excessTransitFactor)
Sets the Excess Transit Time Importance parameter of this tool . |
void |
setHierarchy(String hierarchy)
Sets the Use hierarchy in analysis parameter of this tool . |
void |
setHierarchySettings(Object hierarchySettings)
Sets the Hierarchy rank settings parameter of this tool . |
void |
setInNetworkDataset(Object inNetworkDataset)
Sets the Input analysis network parameter of this tool . |
void |
setOutNetworkAnalysisLayer(String outNetworkAnalysisLayer)
Sets the Output layer name parameter of this tool . |
void |
setOutputPathShape(String outputPathShape)
Sets the Output path shape parameter of this tool . |
void |
setRestrictionAttributeName(Object restrictionAttributeName)
Sets the Restrictions parameter of this tool . |
void |
setTimeImpedance(String timeImpedance)
Sets the Time Attribute parameter of this tool . |
void |
setTimeUnits(String timeUnits)
Sets the Time Field Units parameter of this tool . |
void |
setTimeWindowFactor(String timeWindowFactor)
Sets the Time Window Violation Importance parameter of this tool . |
void |
setUTurnPolicy(String uTurnPolicy)
Sets the U-turn policy parameter of this tool . |
Methods inherited from class com.esri.arcgis.geoprocessing.AbstractGPTool |
getParameterValues, toString |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait |
Constructor Detail |
public MakeVehicleRoutingProblemLayer()
Initializes the array of tool parameters with the default values specified when the tool was created.
public MakeVehicleRoutingProblemLayer(Object inNetworkDataset, String outNetworkAnalysisLayer, String timeImpedance)
Initializes the array of tool parameters with the values as specified for the required parameters and with the default values for the other parameters.
- the network dataset on which the vehicle routing problem analysis will be performed. The network dataset must have a time based cost attribute since the VRP solver minimizes time.outNetworkAnalysisLayer
- name of the vehicle routing problem network analysis layer to create.timeImpedance
- the time cost attribute used to define the traversal time along the elements of the network. The time cost attribute is required, since the vehicle routing problem solver minimizes time.Method Detail |
public Object getInNetworkDataset()
public void setInNetworkDataset(Object inNetworkDataset)
- the network dataset on which the vehicle routing problem analysis will be performed. The network dataset must have a time based cost attribute since the VRP solver minimizes time.public String getOutNetworkAnalysisLayer()
public void setOutNetworkAnalysisLayer(String outNetworkAnalysisLayer)
- name of the vehicle routing problem network analysis layer to create.public String getTimeImpedance()
public void setTimeImpedance(String timeImpedance)
- the time cost attribute used to define the traversal time along the elements of the network. The time cost attribute is required, since the vehicle routing problem solver minimizes time.public String getDistanceImpedance()
public void setDistanceImpedance(String distanceImpedance)
- the distance cost attribute used to define the length along the elements of the network. The distance cost attribute is optional.public String getTimeUnits()
public void setTimeUnits(String timeUnits)
- the time units used by the temporal fields of the analysis layer's sublayers and tables (network analysis classes). This does not have to be the same as the units of the time cost attribute.public String getDistanceUnits()
public void setDistanceUnits(String distanceUnits)
- the distance units used by distance fields of the analysis layer's sublayers and tables (network analysis classes). This does not have to be the same as the units of the optional distance cost attribute.public Object getDefaultDate()
public void setDefaultDate(Object defaultDate)
- the implied date for time field values that don't have a date specified with the time. If a time field for an order object, such as TimeWindowStart1, has a time-only value, the date is assumed to be the Default Date. For example, if an order has a TimeWindowStart1 value of 9:00 AM and the Default Date is March 6, 2011, then the entire time value for the field is 9:00 A.M., March 6, 2011. The default date has no effect on time field values that already have a date. the day of the week can also be specified as the Default Date using the following dates. for example, to specify that the implied date for time field values should be Tuesday, specify the parameter value as 1/2/1900. if your network dataset includes historical traffic data, the results of the analysis could change depending on the date that you specify here. For example, if your routes start at 8:00 a.m. on Sunday, when there is not much traffic, versus 8:00 a.m. on Monday, during rush hour, the Monday route would take longer. Furthermore, the best path could change depending on traffic conditions.public int getCapacityCount()
public void setCapacityCount(int capacityCount)
- the number of capacity constraint dimensions required to describe the relevant limits of the vehicles. In an order delivery case, each vehicle may have a limited amount of weight and volume it can carry at one time based on physical and legal limitations. In this case, if you track the weight and volume on the orders, you can use these two capacities to prevent the vehicles from getting overloaded. The capacity count for this scenario is two (weight and volume). Depending on the problem, you may need to track different types or amounts of capacities. The capacities entered into the capacity fields (DeliveryQuantities and PickupQuantities for the Orders class and Capacities for the Routes class) are space-delimited strings of numbers, which can hold up to the number of values specified in Capacity Count. Each capacity dimension should appear in the same positional order for all capacity field values in the same VRP analysis layer. The capacities themselves are unnamed, so to avoid accidentally transposing capacity dimensions, ensure that the space-delimited capacity lists are always entered in the same order for all capacity field values.public String getTimeWindowFactor()
public void setTimeWindowFactor(String timeWindowFactor)
- this parameter allows you to rate the importance of honoring time windows without causing violations. A time window violation occurs when a route arrives at an order, depot, or break after a time window has closed. The violation is the interval between the end of the time window and the arrival time of a route. the VRP solution can change according to the value you choose for the Time Window Violation Importance parameter. The following list describes what the values mean and how the resulting VRP solution can vary:public String getExcessTransitFactor()
public void setExcessTransitFactor(String excessTransitFactor)
- this parameter allows you to rate the importance of reducing excess transit time. Excess transit time is the amount of time exceeding the time required to travel directly between the paired orders. The excess time results from breaks or travel to other orders or depots between visits to the paired orders. the VRP solution can change according to the value you choose for the Excess Transit Time Importance. The following list describes what the values mean and how the resulting VRP solution can vary:public String getUTurnPolicy()
public void setUTurnPolicy(String uTurnPolicy)
- restrict or permit U-turns at junctions that could occur during network traversal between stops.public Object getRestrictionAttributeName()
public void setRestrictionAttributeName(Object restrictionAttributeName)
- list of restriction attributes to apply during the analysis.public String getHierarchy()
public void setHierarchy(String hierarchy)
- the parameter is not used if a hierarchy attribute is not defined on the network dataset used to perform the analysis. In such cases, use "#" as the parameter value.public Object getHierarchySettings()
public void setHierarchySettings(Object hierarchySettings)
- nullpublic String getOutputPathShape()
public void setOutputPathShape(String outputPathShape)
- nullpublic Object getOutputLayer()
public String getToolName()
public String getToolboxName()
public String getToolboxAlias()