Class MakeRouteLayer

  extended by com.esri.arcgis.geoprocessing.AbstractGPTool
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MakeRouteLayer
extends AbstractGPTool

Makes a route network analysis layer and sets its analysis properties. A route analysis layer is useful for determining the best route between a set of network locations based on a specified network cost. The Make Route Layer tool is contained in the Network Analyst Tools tool box.

Usage tips:

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.esri.arcgis.geoprocessing.AbstractGPTool
Constructor Summary
          Creates the Make Route Layer tool with defaults.
MakeRouteLayer(Object inNetworkDataset, String outNetworkAnalysisLayer, String impedanceAttribute)
          Creates the Make Route Layer tool with the required parameters.
Method Summary
 Object getAccumulateAttributeName()
          Returns the Accumulators parameter of this tool .
 String getFindBestOrder()
          Returns the Reorder stops to find optimal route parameter of this tool .
 String getHierarchy()
          Returns the Use hierarchy in analysis parameter of this tool .
 Object getHierarchySettings()
          Returns the Hierarchy rank settings parameter of this tool .
 String getImpedanceAttribute()
          Returns the Impedance attribute parameter of this tool .
 Object getInNetworkDataset()
          Returns the Input analysis network parameter of this tool .
 String getOrderingType()
          Returns the Preserve ordering of stops parameter of this tool .
 String getOutNetworkAnalysisLayer()
          Returns the Output layer name parameter of this tool .
 Object getOutputLayer()
          Returns the Network Analyst Layer parameter of this tool (Read only).
 String getOutputPathShape()
          Returns the Output path shape parameter of this tool .
 Object getRestrictionAttributeName()
          Returns the Restrictions parameter of this tool .
 Object getStartDateTime()
          Returns the Start Time parameter of this tool .
 String getTimeWindows()
          Returns the Use time windows parameter of this tool .
 String getToolboxAlias()
          Returns the alias of the tool box containing this tool.
 String getToolboxName()
          Returns the name of the tool box containing this tool.
 String getToolName()
          Returns the name of this tool.
 String getUTurnPolicy()
          Returns the U-turn policy parameter of this tool .
 void setAccumulateAttributeName(Object accumulateAttributeName)
          Sets the Accumulators parameter of this tool .
 void setFindBestOrder(String findBestOrder)
          Sets the Reorder stops to find optimal route parameter of this tool .
 void setHierarchy(String hierarchy)
          Sets the Use hierarchy in analysis parameter of this tool .
 void setHierarchySettings(Object hierarchySettings)
          Sets the Hierarchy rank settings parameter of this tool .
 void setImpedanceAttribute(String impedanceAttribute)
          Sets the Impedance attribute parameter of this tool .
 void setInNetworkDataset(Object inNetworkDataset)
          Sets the Input analysis network parameter of this tool .
 void setOrderingType(String orderingType)
          Sets the Preserve ordering of stops parameter of this tool .
 void setOutNetworkAnalysisLayer(String outNetworkAnalysisLayer)
          Sets the Output layer name parameter of this tool .
 void setOutputPathShape(String outputPathShape)
          Sets the Output path shape parameter of this tool .
 void setRestrictionAttributeName(Object restrictionAttributeName)
          Sets the Restrictions parameter of this tool .
 void setStartDateTime(Object startDateTime)
          Sets the Start Time parameter of this tool .
 void setTimeWindows(String timeWindows)
          Sets the Use time windows parameter of this tool .
 void setUTurnPolicy(String uTurnPolicy)
          Sets the U-turn policy parameter of this tool .
Methods inherited from class com.esri.arcgis.geoprocessing.AbstractGPTool
getParameterValues, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MakeRouteLayer()
Creates the Make Route Layer tool with defaults.

Initializes the array of tool parameters with the default values specified when the tool was created.


public MakeRouteLayer(Object inNetworkDataset,
                      String outNetworkAnalysisLayer,
                      String impedanceAttribute)
Creates the Make Route Layer tool with the required parameters.

Initializes the array of tool parameters with the values as specified for the required parameters and with the default values for the other parameters.

inNetworkDataset - the network dataset on which the route analysis will be performed.
outNetworkAnalysisLayer - name of the route network analysis layer to create.
impedanceAttribute - the cost attribute to be used as impedance in the analysis.
Method Detail


public Object getInNetworkDataset()
Returns the Input analysis network parameter of this tool . This parameter is the network dataset on which the route analysis will be performed. This is a required parameter.

the Input analysis network


public void setInNetworkDataset(Object inNetworkDataset)
Sets the Input analysis network parameter of this tool . This parameter is the network dataset on which the route analysis will be performed. This is a required parameter.

inNetworkDataset - the network dataset on which the route analysis will be performed.


public String getOutNetworkAnalysisLayer()
Returns the Output layer name parameter of this tool . This parameter is name of the route network analysis layer to create. This is a required parameter.

the Output layer name


public void setOutNetworkAnalysisLayer(String outNetworkAnalysisLayer)
Sets the Output layer name parameter of this tool . This parameter is name of the route network analysis layer to create. This is a required parameter.

outNetworkAnalysisLayer - name of the route network analysis layer to create.


public String getImpedanceAttribute()
Returns the Impedance attribute parameter of this tool . This parameter is the cost attribute to be used as impedance in the analysis. This is a required parameter.

the Impedance attribute


public void setImpedanceAttribute(String impedanceAttribute)
Sets the Impedance attribute parameter of this tool . This parameter is the cost attribute to be used as impedance in the analysis. This is a required parameter.

impedanceAttribute - the cost attribute to be used as impedance in the analysis.


public String getFindBestOrder()
Returns the Reorder stops to find optimal route parameter of this tool . This is an optional parameter.

the Reorder stops to find optimal route


public void setFindBestOrder(String findBestOrder)
Sets the Reorder stops to find optimal route parameter of this tool . This is an optional parameter.

findBestOrder - null


public String getOrderingType()
Returns the Preserve ordering of stops parameter of this tool . This parameter is specifies the ordering of stops when FIND_BEST_ORDER is used. This is an optional parameter.

the Preserve ordering of stops


public void setOrderingType(String orderingType)
Sets the Preserve ordering of stops parameter of this tool . This parameter is specifies the ordering of stops when FIND_BEST_ORDER is used. This is an optional parameter.

orderingType - specifies the ordering of stops when FIND_BEST_ORDER is used.


public String getTimeWindows()
Returns the Use time windows parameter of this tool . This parameter is specifies if time windows will be used at the stops. This is an optional parameter.

the Use time windows


public void setTimeWindows(String timeWindows)
Sets the Use time windows parameter of this tool . This parameter is specifies if time windows will be used at the stops. This is an optional parameter.

timeWindows - specifies if time windows will be used at the stops.


public Object getAccumulateAttributeName()
Returns the Accumulators parameter of this tool . This parameter is list of cost attributes to be accumulated during analysis. These accumulation attributes are purely for reference; the solver only uses the cost attribute specified by the Impedance attribute parameter to calculate the route. for each cost attribute that is accumulated, a Total_[Impedance] property is added to the routes that are output by the solver. This is an optional parameter.

the Accumulators


public void setAccumulateAttributeName(Object accumulateAttributeName)
Sets the Accumulators parameter of this tool . This parameter is list of cost attributes to be accumulated during analysis. These accumulation attributes are purely for reference; the solver only uses the cost attribute specified by the Impedance attribute parameter to calculate the route. for each cost attribute that is accumulated, a Total_[Impedance] property is added to the routes that are output by the solver. This is an optional parameter.

accumulateAttributeName - list of cost attributes to be accumulated during analysis. These accumulation attributes are purely for reference; the solver only uses the cost attribute specified by the Impedance attribute parameter to calculate the route. for each cost attribute that is accumulated, a Total_[Impedance] property is added to the routes that are output by the solver.


public String getUTurnPolicy()
Returns the U-turn policy parameter of this tool . This parameter is restrict or permit U-turns at junctions that could occur during network traversal between stops. This is an optional parameter.

the U-turn policy


public void setUTurnPolicy(String uTurnPolicy)
Sets the U-turn policy parameter of this tool . This parameter is restrict or permit U-turns at junctions that could occur during network traversal between stops. This is an optional parameter.

uTurnPolicy - restrict or permit U-turns at junctions that could occur during network traversal between stops.


public Object getRestrictionAttributeName()
Returns the Restrictions parameter of this tool . This parameter is list of restriction attributes to apply during the analysis. This is an optional parameter.

the Restrictions


public void setRestrictionAttributeName(Object restrictionAttributeName)
Sets the Restrictions parameter of this tool . This parameter is list of restriction attributes to apply during the analysis. This is an optional parameter.

restrictionAttributeName - list of restriction attributes to apply during the analysis.


public String getHierarchy()
Returns the Use hierarchy in analysis parameter of this tool . This parameter is the parameter is not used if a hierarchy attribute is not defined on the network dataset used to perform the analysis. In such cases, use "#" as the parameter value. This is an optional parameter.

the Use hierarchy in analysis


public void setHierarchy(String hierarchy)
Sets the Use hierarchy in analysis parameter of this tool . This parameter is the parameter is not used if a hierarchy attribute is not defined on the network dataset used to perform the analysis. In such cases, use "#" as the parameter value. This is an optional parameter.

hierarchy - the parameter is not used if a hierarchy attribute is not defined on the network dataset used to perform the analysis. In such cases, use "#" as the parameter value.


public Object getHierarchySettings()
Returns the Hierarchy rank settings parameter of this tool . This is an optional parameter.

the Hierarchy rank settings


public void setHierarchySettings(Object hierarchySettings)
Sets the Hierarchy rank settings parameter of this tool . This is an optional parameter.

hierarchySettings - null


public String getOutputPathShape()
Returns the Output path shape parameter of this tool . This parameter is specifies the shape type for the route features that are output by the analysis. no matter which output shape type is chosen, the best route is always determined by the network impedance, never Euclidean distance. This means only the route shapes are different, not the underlying traversal of the network. This is an optional parameter.

the Output path shape


public void setOutputPathShape(String outputPathShape)
Sets the Output path shape parameter of this tool . This parameter is specifies the shape type for the route features that are output by the analysis. no matter which output shape type is chosen, the best route is always determined by the network impedance, never Euclidean distance. This means only the route shapes are different, not the underlying traversal of the network. This is an optional parameter.

outputPathShape - specifies the shape type for the route features that are output by the analysis. no matter which output shape type is chosen, the best route is always determined by the network impedance, never Euclidean distance. This means only the route shapes are different, not the underlying traversal of the network.


public Object getStartDateTime()
Returns the Start Time parameter of this tool . This parameter is specifies a start date and time for the route. Route start time is mostly used to find routes based on the impedance attribute that varies with the time of the day. For example, a start time of 9 AM could be used to find a route that considers the rush hour traffic. The default value for this parameter is 8:00 AM. A date and time can be specified as 10/21/05 10:30 AM. If the route spans multiple days, and only the start time is specified, then the current date is used. instead of using a particular date, a day of the week can be specified using the following dates. for example, to specify that the route should start at 5:00 PM on Tuesday, specify the parameter value as 1/2/1900 5:00 PM. after the solve, the start and end time of the route are populated in the output routes. These start and end times are also used when directions are generated. this option is only valid when a time based cost attribute has been specified as the impedance attribute. This is an optional parameter.

the Start Time


public void setStartDateTime(Object startDateTime)
Sets the Start Time parameter of this tool . This parameter is specifies a start date and time for the route. Route start time is mostly used to find routes based on the impedance attribute that varies with the time of the day. For example, a start time of 9 AM could be used to find a route that considers the rush hour traffic. The default value for this parameter is 8:00 AM. A date and time can be specified as 10/21/05 10:30 AM. If the route spans multiple days, and only the start time is specified, then the current date is used. instead of using a particular date, a day of the week can be specified using the following dates. for example, to specify that the route should start at 5:00 PM on Tuesday, specify the parameter value as 1/2/1900 5:00 PM. after the solve, the start and end time of the route are populated in the output routes. These start and end times are also used when directions are generated. this option is only valid when a time based cost attribute has been specified as the impedance attribute. This is an optional parameter.

startDateTime - specifies a start date and time for the route. Route start time is mostly used to find routes based on the impedance attribute that varies with the time of the day. For example, a start time of 9 AM could be used to find a route that considers the rush hour traffic. The default value for this parameter is 8:00 AM. A date and time can be specified as 10/21/05 10:30 AM. If the route spans multiple days, and only the start time is specified, then the current date is used. instead of using a particular date, a day of the week can be specified using the following dates. for example, to specify that the route should start at 5:00 PM on Tuesday, specify the parameter value as 1/2/1900 5:00 PM. after the solve, the start and end time of the route are populated in the output routes. These start and end times are also used when directions are generated. this option is only valid when a time based cost attribute has been specified as the impedance attribute.
  • Today -- 12/30/1899
  • Sunday -- 12/31/1899
  • Monday -- 1/1/1900
  • Tuesday -- 1/2/1900
  • Wednesday -- 1/3/1900
  • Thursday -- 1/4/1900
  • Friday -- 1/5/1900
  • Saturday -- 1/6/1900


public Object getOutputLayer()
Returns the Network Analyst Layer parameter of this tool (Read only). This is an derived parameter.

the Network Analyst Layer


public String getToolName()
Returns the name of this tool.

the tool name


public String getToolboxName()
Returns the name of the tool box containing this tool.

the tool box name


public String getToolboxAlias()
Returns the alias of the tool box containing this tool.

the tool box alias