Class TableToEllipse

  extended by com.esri.arcgis.geoprocessing.AbstractGPTool
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TableToEllipse
extends AbstractGPTool

Converts a table (text file, CSV file, Excel file, dBASE table, or geodatabase table) containing coordinate and other required fields to a feature class. The output features are elliptical polygons. A single ellipse is generated from each row in the table. The features created are defined by a starting point, semi-major and semi-minor axis lengths, and rotation. The Table To Ellipse tool is contained in the Data Management Tools tool box.

Usage tips:

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.esri.arcgis.geoprocessing.AbstractGPTool
Constructor Summary
          Creates the Table To Ellipse tool with defaults.
TableToEllipse(Object inTable, Object outFeatureclass, Object xField, Object yField, Object majorField, Object minorField, String distanceUnits)
          Creates the Table To Ellipse tool with the required parameters.
Method Summary
 Object getAzimuthField()
          Returns the Azimuth Field parameter of this tool .
 String getAzimuthUnits()
          Returns the Azimuth Units parameter of this tool .
 String getDistanceUnits()
          Returns the Distance Units parameter of this tool .
 Object getIdField()
          Returns the ID parameter of this tool .
 Object getInTable()
          Returns the Input Table parameter of this tool .
 Object getMajorField()
          Returns the Major Field parameter of this tool .
 Object getMinorField()
          Returns the Minor Field parameter of this tool .
 Object getOutFeatureclass()
          Returns the Output Feature Class parameter of this tool .
 Object getSpatialReference()
          Returns the Spatial Reference parameter of this tool .
 String getToolboxAlias()
          Returns the alias of the tool box containing this tool.
 String getToolboxName()
          Returns the name of the tool box containing this tool.
 String getToolName()
          Returns the name of this tool.
 Object getXField()
          Returns the X Field parameter of this tool .
 Object getYField()
          Returns the Y Field parameter of this tool .
 void setAzimuthField(Object azimuthField)
          Sets the Azimuth Field parameter of this tool .
 void setAzimuthUnits(String azimuthUnits)
          Sets the Azimuth Units parameter of this tool .
 void setDistanceUnits(String distanceUnits)
          Sets the Distance Units parameter of this tool .
 void setIdField(Object idField)
          Sets the ID parameter of this tool .
 void setInTable(Object inTable)
          Sets the Input Table parameter of this tool .
 void setMajorField(Object majorField)
          Sets the Major Field parameter of this tool .
 void setMinorField(Object minorField)
          Sets the Minor Field parameter of this tool .
 void setOutFeatureclass(Object outFeatureclass)
          Sets the Output Feature Class parameter of this tool .
 void setSpatialReference(Object spatialReference)
          Sets the Spatial Reference parameter of this tool .
 void setXField(Object xField)
          Sets the X Field parameter of this tool .
 void setYField(Object yField)
          Sets the Y Field parameter of this tool .
Methods inherited from class com.esri.arcgis.geoprocessing.AbstractGPTool
getParameterValues, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TableToEllipse()
Creates the Table To Ellipse tool with defaults.

Initializes the array of tool parameters with the default values specified when the tool was created.


public TableToEllipse(Object inTable,
                      Object outFeatureclass,
                      Object xField,
                      Object yField,
                      Object majorField,
                      Object minorField,
                      String distanceUnits)
Creates the Table To Ellipse tool with the required parameters.

Initializes the array of tool parameters with the values as specified for the required parameters and with the default values for the other parameters.

inTable - the input table from which to generate ellipse features.
outFeatureclass - the output feature class that will contain the ellipse features.
xField - the input table field containing the X (longitude) center point coordinate.
yField - the input table field containing the Y (latitude) center point coordinate.
majorField - field name containing (semi) major axis length values of the ellipses.
minorField - field name containing (semi) minor axis length values of the ellipses.
distanceUnits - the units of measure of the major and minor axes. METERS is the default.
Method Detail


public Object getInTable()
Returns the Input Table parameter of this tool . This parameter is the input table from which to generate ellipse features. This is a required parameter.

the Input Table


public void setInTable(Object inTable)
Sets the Input Table parameter of this tool . This parameter is the input table from which to generate ellipse features. This is a required parameter.

inTable - the input table from which to generate ellipse features.


public Object getOutFeatureclass()
Returns the Output Feature Class parameter of this tool . This parameter is the output feature class that will contain the ellipse features. This is a required parameter.

the Output Feature Class


public void setOutFeatureclass(Object outFeatureclass)
Sets the Output Feature Class parameter of this tool . This parameter is the output feature class that will contain the ellipse features. This is a required parameter.

outFeatureclass - the output feature class that will contain the ellipse features.


public Object getXField()
Returns the X Field parameter of this tool . This parameter is the input table field containing the X (longitude) center point coordinate. This is a required parameter.

the X Field


public void setXField(Object xField)
Sets the X Field parameter of this tool . This parameter is the input table field containing the X (longitude) center point coordinate. This is a required parameter.

xField - the input table field containing the X (longitude) center point coordinate.


public Object getYField()
Returns the Y Field parameter of this tool . This parameter is the input table field containing the Y (latitude) center point coordinate. This is a required parameter.

the Y Field


public void setYField(Object yField)
Sets the Y Field parameter of this tool . This parameter is the input table field containing the Y (latitude) center point coordinate. This is a required parameter.

yField - the input table field containing the Y (latitude) center point coordinate.


public Object getMajorField()
Returns the Major Field parameter of this tool . This parameter is field name containing (semi) major axis length values of the ellipses. This is a required parameter.

the Major Field


public void setMajorField(Object majorField)
Sets the Major Field parameter of this tool . This parameter is field name containing (semi) major axis length values of the ellipses. This is a required parameter.

majorField - field name containing (semi) major axis length values of the ellipses.


public Object getMinorField()
Returns the Minor Field parameter of this tool . This parameter is field name containing (semi) minor axis length values of the ellipses. This is a required parameter.

the Minor Field


public void setMinorField(Object minorField)
Sets the Minor Field parameter of this tool . This parameter is field name containing (semi) minor axis length values of the ellipses. This is a required parameter.

minorField - field name containing (semi) minor axis length values of the ellipses.


public String getDistanceUnits()
Returns the Distance Units parameter of this tool . This parameter is the units of measure of the major and minor axes. METERS is the default. This is a required parameter.

the Distance Units


public void setDistanceUnits(String distanceUnits)
Sets the Distance Units parameter of this tool . This parameter is the units of measure of the major and minor axes. METERS is the default. This is a required parameter.

distanceUnits - the units of measure of the major and minor axes. METERS is the default.


public Object getAzimuthField()
Returns the Azimuth Field parameter of this tool . This parameter is field name containing Azimuth (rotation) values for the ellipse. azimuth values are geographic rotation and measured from North (zero degrees) with positive clockwise rotation. This is an optional parameter.

the Azimuth Field


public void setAzimuthField(Object azimuthField)
Sets the Azimuth Field parameter of this tool . This parameter is field name containing Azimuth (rotation) values for the ellipse. azimuth values are geographic rotation and measured from North (zero degrees) with positive clockwise rotation. This is an optional parameter.

azimuthField - field name containing Azimuth (rotation) values for the ellipse. azimuth values are geographic rotation and measured from North (zero degrees) with positive clockwise rotation.


public String getAzimuthUnits()
Returns the Azimuth Units parameter of this tool . This parameter is the measurement units of the values in the Azimuth Field. DEGREES is the default. This is an optional parameter.

the Azimuth Units


public void setAzimuthUnits(String azimuthUnits)
Sets the Azimuth Units parameter of this tool . This parameter is the measurement units of the values in the Azimuth Field. DEGREES is the default. This is an optional parameter.

azimuthUnits - the measurement units of the values in the Azimuth Field. DEGREES is the default.


public Object getIdField()
Returns the ID parameter of this tool . This parameter is iD field from the input table. This may be used to join the output features back to the input table. This is an optional parameter.

the ID


public void setIdField(Object idField)
Sets the ID parameter of this tool . This parameter is iD field from the input table. This may be used to join the output features back to the input table. This is an optional parameter.

idField - iD field from the input table. This may be used to join the output features back to the input table.


public Object getSpatialReference()
Returns the Spatial Reference parameter of this tool . This parameter is the spatial reference of the input coordinates in the X Field and Y Field. This will become the spatial refrence of the output feature class. The default is GCS_WGS_1984. This is an optional parameter.

the Spatial Reference


public void setSpatialReference(Object spatialReference)
Sets the Spatial Reference parameter of this tool . This parameter is the spatial reference of the input coordinates in the X Field and Y Field. This will become the spatial refrence of the output feature class. The default is GCS_WGS_1984. This is an optional parameter.

spatialReference - the spatial reference of the input coordinates in the X Field and Y Field. This will become the spatial refrence of the output feature class. The default is GCS_WGS_1984.


public String getToolName()
Returns the name of this tool.

the tool name


public String getToolboxName()
Returns the name of the tool box containing this tool.

the tool box name


public String getToolboxAlias()
Returns the alias of the tool box containing this tool.

the tool box alias