Class SelectLayerByLocation

  extended by com.esri.arcgis.geoprocessing.AbstractGPTool
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SelectLayerByLocation
extends AbstractGPTool

Adds, updates, or removes a layer's selection based on a spatial relationship to features in another layer. The Select Layer By Location tool is contained in the Data Management Tools tool box.

Usage tips:

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.esri.arcgis.geoprocessing.AbstractGPTool
Constructor Summary
          Creates the Select Layer By Location tool with defaults.
SelectLayerByLocation(Object inLayer)
          Creates the Select Layer By Location tool with the required parameters.
Method Summary
 Object getInLayer()
          Returns the Input Feature Layer parameter of this tool .
 Object getOutLayerOrView()
          Returns the Output Layer Name parameter of this tool (Read only).
 String getOverlapType()
          Returns the Relationship parameter of this tool .
 Object getSearchDistance()
          Returns the Search Distance parameter of this tool .
 Object getSelectFeatures()
          Returns the Selecting Features parameter of this tool .
 String getSelectionType()
          Returns the Selection type parameter of this tool .
 String getToolboxAlias()
          Returns the alias of the tool box containing this tool.
 String getToolboxName()
          Returns the name of the tool box containing this tool.
 String getToolName()
          Returns the name of this tool.
 void setInLayer(Object inLayer)
          Sets the Input Feature Layer parameter of this tool .
 void setOverlapType(String overlapType)
          Sets the Relationship parameter of this tool .
 void setSearchDistance(Object searchDistance)
          Sets the Search Distance parameter of this tool .
 void setSelectFeatures(Object selectFeatures)
          Sets the Selecting Features parameter of this tool .
 void setSelectionType(String selectionType)
          Sets the Selection type parameter of this tool .
Methods inherited from class com.esri.arcgis.geoprocessing.AbstractGPTool
getParameterValues, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SelectLayerByLocation()
Creates the Select Layer By Location tool with defaults.

Initializes the array of tool parameters with the default values specified when the tool was created.


public SelectLayerByLocation(Object inLayer)
Creates the Select Layer By Location tool with the required parameters.

Initializes the array of tool parameters with the values as specified for the required parameters and with the default values for the other parameters.

inLayer - the layer containing the features which be evaluated against the Selecting Features. The selection will be applied to this layer. The input can be a layer in the ArcMap table of contents, or a layer created in ArcCatalog or in scripts using the Make Feature Layer tool. The input cannot be the path to a feature class on disk.
Method Detail


public Object getInLayer()
Returns the Input Feature Layer parameter of this tool . This parameter is the layer containing the features which be evaluated against the Selecting Features. The selection will be applied to this layer. The input can be a layer in the ArcMap table of contents, or a layer created in ArcCatalog or in scripts using the Make Feature Layer tool. The input cannot be the path to a feature class on disk. This is a required parameter.

the Input Feature Layer


public void setInLayer(Object inLayer)
Sets the Input Feature Layer parameter of this tool . This parameter is the layer containing the features which be evaluated against the Selecting Features. The selection will be applied to this layer. The input can be a layer in the ArcMap table of contents, or a layer created in ArcCatalog or in scripts using the Make Feature Layer tool. The input cannot be the path to a feature class on disk. This is a required parameter.

inLayer - the layer containing the features which be evaluated against the Selecting Features. The selection will be applied to this layer. The input can be a layer in the ArcMap table of contents, or a layer created in ArcCatalog or in scripts using the Make Feature Layer tool. The input cannot be the path to a feature class on disk.


public String getOverlapType()
Returns the Relationship parameter of this tool . This parameter is the spatial relationship to be evaluated. This is an optional parameter.

the Relationship


public void setOverlapType(String overlapType)
Sets the Relationship parameter of this tool . This parameter is the spatial relationship to be evaluated. This is an optional parameter.

overlapType - the spatial relationship to be evaluated.


public Object getSelectFeatures()
Returns the Selecting Features parameter of this tool . This parameter is the features in the Input Feature Layer will be selected based on their relationship to the features from this layer or feature class. This is an optional parameter.

the Selecting Features


public void setSelectFeatures(Object selectFeatures)
Sets the Selecting Features parameter of this tool . This parameter is the features in the Input Feature Layer will be selected based on their relationship to the features from this layer or feature class. This is an optional parameter.

selectFeatures - the features in the Input Feature Layer will be selected based on their relationship to the features from this layer or feature class.


public Object getSearchDistance()
Returns the Search Distance parameter of this tool . This parameter is this parameter is only valid if the Relationship parameter is set to one of the following: WITHIN_A_DISTANCE, WITHIN_A_DISTANCE_3D, INTERSECT, INTERSECT_3D, HAVE_THEIR_CENTER_IN, CONTAINS, WITHIN. This is an optional parameter.

the Search Distance


public void setSearchDistance(Object searchDistance)
Sets the Search Distance parameter of this tool . This parameter is this parameter is only valid if the Relationship parameter is set to one of the following: WITHIN_A_DISTANCE, WITHIN_A_DISTANCE_3D, INTERSECT, INTERSECT_3D, HAVE_THEIR_CENTER_IN, CONTAINS, WITHIN. This is an optional parameter.

searchDistance - this parameter is only valid if the Relationship parameter is set to one of the following: WITHIN_A_DISTANCE, WITHIN_A_DISTANCE_3D, INTERSECT, INTERSECT_3D, HAVE_THEIR_CENTER_IN, CONTAINS, WITHIN.


public String getSelectionType()
Returns the Selection type parameter of this tool . This parameter is determines how the selection will be applied to the input, and how to combine with an existing selection. Note that there is no option here to clear an existing selection. To clear a selection use the CLEAR_SELECTION option on the Select Layer By Attribute Tool. This is an optional parameter.

the Selection type


public void setSelectionType(String selectionType)
Sets the Selection type parameter of this tool . This parameter is determines how the selection will be applied to the input, and how to combine with an existing selection. Note that there is no option here to clear an existing selection. To clear a selection use the CLEAR_SELECTION option on the Select Layer By Attribute Tool. This is an optional parameter.

selectionType - determines how the selection will be applied to the input, and how to combine with an existing selection. Note that there is no option here to clear an existing selection. To clear a selection use the CLEAR_SELECTION option on the Select Layer By Attribute Tool.


public Object getOutLayerOrView()
Returns the Output Layer Name parameter of this tool (Read only). This is an derived parameter.

the Output Layer Name


public String getToolName()
Returns the name of this tool.

the tool name


public String getToolboxName()
Returns the name of the tool box containing this tool.

the tool box name


public String getToolboxAlias()
Returns the alias of the tool box containing this tool.

the tool box alias