Class SurfaceContour

  extended by com.esri.arcgis.geoprocessing.AbstractGPTool
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SurfaceContour
extends AbstractGPTool

Creates a feature class containing a set of contours generated from a terrain dataset or TIN surface. The output feature class is 2D and contains an attribute with contour values. The Surface Contour tool is contained in the 3D Analyst Tools tool box.

Usage tips:

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.esri.arcgis.geoprocessing.AbstractGPTool
Constructor Summary
          Creates the Surface Contour tool with defaults.
SurfaceContour(Object inSurface, Object outFeatureClass, double interval)
          Creates the Surface Contour tool with the required parameters.
Method Summary
 double getBaseContour()
          Returns the Base Contour parameter of this tool .
 String getContourField()
          Returns the Contour Field parameter of this tool .
 int getContourFieldPrecision()
          Returns the Contour Field Precision parameter of this tool .
 double getIndexInterval()
          Returns the Index Interval parameter of this tool .
 String getIndexIntervalField()
          Returns the Index Interval Field parameter of this tool .
 Object getInSurface()
          Returns the Input Surface parameter of this tool .
 double getInterval()
          Returns the Contour Interval parameter of this tool .
 Object getOutFeatureClass()
          Returns the Output Feature Class parameter of this tool .
 double getPyramidLevelResolution()
          Returns the Pyramid Level Resolution parameter of this tool .
 String getToolboxAlias()
          Returns the alias of the tool box containing this tool.
 String getToolboxName()
          Returns the name of the tool box containing this tool.
 String getToolName()
          Returns the name of this tool.
 double getZFactor()
          Returns the Z Factor parameter of this tool .
 void setBaseContour(double baseContour)
          Sets the Base Contour parameter of this tool .
 void setContourField(String contourField)
          Sets the Contour Field parameter of this tool .
 void setContourFieldPrecision(int contourFieldPrecision)
          Sets the Contour Field Precision parameter of this tool .
 void setIndexInterval(double indexInterval)
          Sets the Index Interval parameter of this tool .
 void setIndexIntervalField(String indexIntervalField)
          Sets the Index Interval Field parameter of this tool .
 void setInSurface(Object inSurface)
          Sets the Input Surface parameter of this tool .
 void setInterval(double interval)
          Sets the Contour Interval parameter of this tool .
 void setOutFeatureClass(Object outFeatureClass)
          Sets the Output Feature Class parameter of this tool .
 void setPyramidLevelResolution(double pyramidLevelResolution)
          Sets the Pyramid Level Resolution parameter of this tool .
 void setZFactor(double zFactor)
          Sets the Z Factor parameter of this tool .
Methods inherited from class com.esri.arcgis.geoprocessing.AbstractGPTool
getParameterValues, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SurfaceContour()
Creates the Surface Contour tool with defaults.

Initializes the array of tool parameters with the default values specified when the tool was created.


public SurfaceContour(Object inSurface,
                      Object outFeatureClass,
                      double interval)
Creates the Surface Contour tool with the required parameters.

Initializes the array of tool parameters with the values as specified for the required parameters and with the default values for the other parameters.

inSurface - the input Terrain dataset or TIN surface.
outFeatureClass - the output feature class.
interval - the interval between the contours.
Method Detail


public Object getInSurface()
Returns the Input Surface parameter of this tool . This parameter is the input Terrain dataset or TIN surface. This is a required parameter.

the Input Surface


public void setInSurface(Object inSurface)
Sets the Input Surface parameter of this tool . This parameter is the input Terrain dataset or TIN surface. This is a required parameter.

inSurface - the input Terrain dataset or TIN surface.


public Object getOutFeatureClass()
Returns the Output Feature Class parameter of this tool . This parameter is the output feature class. This is a required parameter.

the Output Feature Class


public void setOutFeatureClass(Object outFeatureClass)
Sets the Output Feature Class parameter of this tool . This parameter is the output feature class. This is a required parameter.

outFeatureClass - the output feature class.


public double getInterval()
Returns the Contour Interval parameter of this tool . This parameter is the interval between the contours. This is a required parameter.

the Contour Interval


public void setInterval(double interval)
Sets the Contour Interval parameter of this tool . This parameter is the interval between the contours. This is a required parameter.

interval - the interval between the contours.


public double getBaseContour()
Returns the Base Contour parameter of this tool . This parameter is along with the index interval, the base height is used to determine what contours are produced. The base height is a starting point from which the index interval is either added or subtracted. By default, the base contour is 0.0. This is an optional parameter.

the Base Contour


public void setBaseContour(double baseContour)
Sets the Base Contour parameter of this tool . This parameter is along with the index interval, the base height is used to determine what contours are produced. The base height is a starting point from which the index interval is either added or subtracted. By default, the base contour is 0.0. This is an optional parameter.

baseContour - along with the index interval, the base height is used to determine what contours are produced. The base height is a starting point from which the index interval is either added or subtracted. By default, the base contour is 0.0.


public String getContourField()
Returns the Contour Field parameter of this tool . This parameter is the field containing contour values. This is an optional parameter.

the Contour Field


public void setContourField(String contourField)
Sets the Contour Field parameter of this tool . This parameter is the field containing contour values. This is an optional parameter.

contourField - the field containing contour values.


public int getContourFieldPrecision()
Returns the Contour Field Precision parameter of this tool . This parameter is the precision of the contour field. Zero specifies an integer, and the numbers 1�9 indicate how many decimal places the field will contain. By default, the field will be an integer (0). This is an optional parameter.

the Contour Field Precision


public void setContourFieldPrecision(int contourFieldPrecision)
Sets the Contour Field Precision parameter of this tool . This parameter is the precision of the contour field. Zero specifies an integer, and the numbers 1�9 indicate how many decimal places the field will contain. By default, the field will be an integer (0). This is an optional parameter.

contourFieldPrecision - the precision of the contour field. Zero specifies an integer, and the numbers 1�9 indicate how many decimal places the field will contain. By default, the field will be an integer (0).


public double getIndexInterval()
Returns the Index Interval parameter of this tool . This parameter is the difference, in Z units, between index contours. The value specified should be evenly divisible by the contour interval. Typically, it�s five times greater. Use of this parameter adds an attribute field to the output feature class that�s used to differentiate index contours from regular contours. This is an optional parameter.

the Index Interval


public void setIndexInterval(double indexInterval)
Sets the Index Interval parameter of this tool . This parameter is the difference, in Z units, between index contours. The value specified should be evenly divisible by the contour interval. Typically, it�s five times greater. Use of this parameter adds an attribute field to the output feature class that�s used to differentiate index contours from regular contours. This is an optional parameter.

indexInterval - the difference, in Z units, between index contours. The value specified should be evenly divisible by the contour interval. Typically, it�s five times greater. Use of this parameter adds an attribute field to the output feature class that�s used to differentiate index contours from regular contours.


public String getIndexIntervalField()
Returns the Index Interval Field parameter of this tool . This parameter is the name of the field used to record whether a contour is a regular or an index contour. By default, the value is �Index�. This is an optional parameter.

the Index Interval Field


public void setIndexIntervalField(String indexIntervalField)
Sets the Index Interval Field parameter of this tool . This parameter is the name of the field used to record whether a contour is a regular or an index contour. By default, the value is �Index�. This is an optional parameter.

indexIntervalField - the name of the field used to record whether a contour is a regular or an index contour. By default, the value is �Index�.


public double getZFactor()
Returns the Z Factor parameter of this tool . This parameter is specifies a factor by which to multiply the surface heights. Used to convert z units to x and y units. This is an optional parameter.

the Z Factor


public void setZFactor(double zFactor)
Sets the Z Factor parameter of this tool . This parameter is specifies a factor by which to multiply the surface heights. Used to convert z units to x and y units. This is an optional parameter.

zFactor - specifies a factor by which to multiply the surface heights. Used to convert z units to x and y units.


public double getPyramidLevelResolution()
Returns the Pyramid Level Resolution parameter of this tool . This parameter is the pyramid level resolution of the terrain dataset to use for interpolation. The default is 0, full resolution. This is an optional parameter.

the Pyramid Level Resolution


public void setPyramidLevelResolution(double pyramidLevelResolution)
Sets the Pyramid Level Resolution parameter of this tool . This parameter is the pyramid level resolution of the terrain dataset to use for interpolation. The default is 0, full resolution. This is an optional parameter.

pyramidLevelResolution - the pyramid level resolution of the terrain dataset to use for interpolation. The default is 0, full resolution.


public String getToolName()
Returns the name of this tool.

the tool name


public String getToolboxName()
Returns the name of the tool box containing this tool.

the tool box name


public String getToolboxAlias()
Returns the alias of the tool box containing this tool.

the tool box alias