public interface IGeometryServer
Provides access to standard operations on geometric 'value' objects. The input geometries are never modified by these operations. Designed for use in building web services and web applications.
This interface is new at ArcGIS 9.3.
The GeometryServer lets clients programmatically apply common geometric operations to arrays of geometry 'value' objects. Buffering, projection of geometries from one spatial reference system to another, and evaluation of spatial relations are some of the operations provided.
For on overview of this interface, please refer to the documentation for the GeometryServer object defined in the geodatabase object library (esriGeodatabase).
Method Summary | |
IGeometryArray |
buffer(ISpatialReference pInSR,
ISpatialReference pBufferSR,
ISpatialReference pOutSR,
IDoubleArray pDistances,
IUnit pUnit,
boolean bUnion,
IGeometryArray pInGeometries)
Buffers an array of geometries by each distance specified in an array of distances. |
IGeometryArray |
densify(ISpatialReference pSR,
IGeometryArray pInGeometries,
double maxSegmentLength,
boolean useDeviationDensification,
double densificationParameter)
Applies the ArcObjects 'Densify' operation to each element of the geometry array. |
ISpatialReference |
findSRByWKID(String authority,
int wKID,
int wKID_Z,
boolean bDefaultXYResolution,
boolean bDefaultXYTolerance)
Defines an SR based upon its well known identifier (WKID) and optionally a WKID for a vertical datum. |
ISpatialReference |
findSRByWKT(String wKT,
String wKT_Z,
boolean bDefaultXYResolution,
boolean bDefaultXYTolerance)
Defines a spatial reference object based upon its well known text string (WKT) and optionally a WKT for a vertical datum. |
IUnit |
findUnitsByWKID(String authority,
int wKID)
Defines a unit object based upon its well known identified (WKID). |
IUnit |
findUnitsByWKT(String wKT)
Defines a unit object based upon its well known text string. |
void |
getAreasAndLengths(ISpatialReference pSR,
IPolygonArray pInPolygons,
IDoubleArray[] ppAreas,
IDoubleArray[] ppLengths)
Calculates areas and perimeter lengths for each polygon in the specified array. |
IPointArray |
getLabelPoints(ISpatialReference pSR,
IPolygonArray pInPolygons)
Calculates an interior point for each polygon. |
IDoubleArray |
getLengths(ISpatialReference pSR,
IPolylineArray pInPolylines)
Calculates the length of eacch polyline in the specified array. |
IGeometryArray |
project(ISpatialReference pInSR,
ISpatialReference pOutSR,
int xFormDir,
ITransformation pXForm,
IEnvelope pExtent,
IGeometryArray pInGeometries)
Projects an array of geometries from their current spatial reference (pInSR) to a destination spatial reference (pOutSR). |
IRelationResultArray |
relation(ISpatialReference pSR,
IGeometryArray pInGA1,
IGeometryArray pInGA2,
int r,
String param)
Determines the pairs of geometries from the input geometry arrays that participate in the specified spatial relation. |
IGeometryArray |
simplify(ISpatialReference pSR,
IGeometryArray pInGeometries)
Applies the ArcObjects 'Simplify' operation to each element of the geometry array. |
Method Detail |
IGeometryArray project(ISpatialReference pInSR, ISpatialReference pOutSR, int xFormDir, ITransformation pXForm, IEnvelope pExtent, IGeometryArray pInGeometries) throws IOException, AutomationException
The Project method applies the projection pOutSR to a copy of each element of pInGeometries and places the results in ppProjectedGeometries. All input geometries are assumed to be in the spatial reference pInSR, which cannot be nil. The input geometries are not modified. The array can contain mixed top-level geometry types (specifically points, multipoints, polylines and polygons). The array can also contain envelopes. pXForm and pExtent are optional. If pXForm is specified, then it is an instance of a GeoTransformation subclass (see EDN for details on datum transformations), and xFormDir must also be specified (esriTransformForward
, esriTransformReverse
). If pExtent is specified, then all input geometries are then assumed to be contained in it, and an attempt will be made to optimize the projection operation by checking if that extent is completely contained in the projection's horizon.
The SpatialReference property for all returned geometries will be null. It is the consumers responsibility to assign the spatial reference to each geometry returned, if desired. In this case, the spatial reference is assumed to be the output spatial reference defined for the Project operation.
If pXForm is not specified and the datums of the specified spatial references are not the same, then a search is made through a set of default datum transformations (a.k.a geographic transformations) . Currently, the following transformations, identified by name and WKID, are in that set:
� esriSRGeoTransformation_NAD_1927_TO_NAD_1983_NADCON
, forward and reverse, WKID = 1241
� esriSRGeoTransformation_NAD1983_To_WGS1984_1
, forward and reverse, WKID = 1170
� esriSRGeoTransformation_NAD1927_To_WGS1984_4
, forward and reverse, WKID = 1173
Refer to FindSRByWKID for a discussion on how to create the different kinds of spatial reference systems that can be used with this method. In addition, Well Known Identifiers (WKIDs) for available geotransformations are listed in the following enumerations:
Refer to GeometryServer for additional details on how the input spatial reference is interpreted.
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.ISpatialReference (in)pOutSR
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.ISpatialReference (in)xFormDir
- A com.esri.arcgis.geometry.esriTransformDirection constant (in)pXForm
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.ITransformation (in)pExtent
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.IEnvelope (in)pInGeometries
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.IGeometryArray (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.IGeometryArray buffer(ISpatialReference pInSR, ISpatialReference pBufferSR, ISpatialReference pOutSR, IDoubleArray pDistances, IUnit pUnit, boolean bUnion, IGeometryArray pInGeometries) throws IOException, AutomationException
Applies the geometric buffer operation to each geometry in pInGeometries, using each distance in the array pDistances. All geometries are assumed to be in the coordinate system pInSR, which cannot be nil. pBufferSR is the spatial reference in which the geometries are buffered. pOutSR is the spatial reference in which the buffer polygons are returned. pInSR must be specified. Either or both of the other SRs can be null. If the output spatial reference is null, then the input spatial reference is used for output; if the buffering spatial reference is null, then the output spatial reference is used for buffering; if both output and buffer spatial references are null, then the input spatial reference is used.
The distances can be specified in a separate unit of measure. For example, the buffer distances could be specified in feet and the coordinates of the geometries could be specified in meters. If bUnion is false, each buffered polygon will be added to ppOutBuffers separately. If bUnion is true, then all geometries buffered at a given distance will be unioned into a single (possibly multipart) polygon and that unioned geometry will be placed in the output array.
The SpatialReference property for all returned geometry will be null. It is the consumers responsibility to assign the spatial reference to each geometry returned, if desired. In this case, the spatial reference is assumed to be the output spatial reference defined for the Buffer operation.
Refer to IGeometryServer for additional details on how the input spatial reference is interpreted.
Buffering of geometries with latitude-longitude coordinates is only supported for points and multipoints. In order to meaningfully buffer polylines and polygons with such coordinates, you need to specify a planar (projected) coordinate system in which the buffering will happen. Use the BufferSpatialReference parameter to define this coordinate system. When the Buffer method is called, the input features will be projected into this coordinate system (BufferSpatialReference), buffered, and then either inverse projected into the original coordinate system (InSpatialReference) or projected into the output coordinate system (OutSpatialReference).
When buffering points or multipoints and the input spatial reference is a geographic coordinate system (WGS1984, for example), you have the option of generating true geodesic buffers. To obtain such buffers, specify a linear unit of distance for the pUnit parameter.
Here is an example showing how to create a buffer using the Geometry Server.
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.ISpatialReference (in)pBufferSR
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.ISpatialReference (in)pOutSR
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.ISpatialReference (in)pDistances
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.IDoubleArray (in)pUnit
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.IUnit (in)bUnion
- The bUnion (in)pInGeometries
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.IGeometryArray (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.IRelationResultArray relation(ISpatialReference pSR, IGeometryArray pInGA1, IGeometryArray pInGA2, int r, String param) throws IOException, AutomationException
Computes the set of pairs of geometries from pInGA1 and pInGA2 that belong to the specified relation. Both arrays are assumed to be in the coordinate system pSR, which cannot be nil. The relations are evaluated in 2D. Z coordinates are not used. Geometry types cannot be mixed within an array. Further restrictions on the types of geometries in an array are listed in the following table. r is a member of esriSpatialRelationEnum and can be one of the following:
Name | Description |
esriSpatialRelationDisjoint | Same as IRelationalOperator::Disjoint. The zero-based index of a geometry from pInGA1 and the zero-based index of a geometry from pInGA2 define an element of the output array of relation results if the geometries share no points in common. See IRelationalOperator_Disjoint for some examples of the disjoint relation. There are no additional restrictions on the types of geometries in the input arrays. |
esriSpatialRelationIntersection | The opposite of esriSpatialRelationDisjoint. An element of the output array will specify the indexes of geometries from the input arrays if they share at least one point in the xy plane. There are no additional restrictions on the types of geometries in the input arrays. |
esriSpatialRelationInteriorIntersection | Same as esriSpatialRelationIntersection, but excludes intersections that occur only at boundaries (two touching polygons for example). The interior of a point is considered to be the point itself and the interior of a polyline excludes the endpoints of all its parts. There are no additional restrictions on the types of geometries in the input arrays. |
esriSpatialRelationIn, esriSpatialRelationWithin | These relations are similar. esriSpatialRelationIn is the same as IRelationalOperator::Within. esriSpatialRelationWithin is the same but also allows polylines that are strictly on the boundaries of polygons to be considered “in” the polygon. This case is disallowed by the former relation (and disallowed by IRelationalOperator::Within). The dimension of all geometries in pInGA1 must be >= the dimension of geometries in pInGA2. |
esriSpatialRelationPointTouch, esriSpatialRelationLineTouch, esriSpatialRelationTouch |
esriSpatialRelationPointTouch and esriSpatialRelationLineTouch are boundary intersections classified by dimension of intersection. esriSpatialRelationTouch is the union of those two and is equivalent to the ArcObjects IRelationalOperator Touch method. These relations are defined for polylines and polygons. |
esriSpatialRelationLineCoincidence | The boundaries of the shapes must share a 1D intersection, but the relationship between the interiors of the shapes is not considered (they could overlap, one could be contained in the other, or their interiors could be disjoint). This relation applies to polylines and polygons. |
esriSpatialRelationCross | Same as the ArcObjects IRelationalOperator::Cross method. Lines can cross other lines at a point and lines can cross polygons. See IRelationalOperator_Crosses for examples. |
esriSpatialRelationRelation | 'param' defines the 'Shape Comparison Language' string to be evaluated. Strings such as "RELATE(G1, G2, ""FFFTTT***"")" are accepted, in addition to other kinds of strings. See the following EDN topic for more details on the Shape Comparison Language. http://edndoc.esri.com/arcobjects/9.2/NET/40de6491-9b2d-440d-848b-2609efcd46b1.htm |
The output array contains elements of type
struct esriRelationPair
// The index of the left element in the relation.
long m_leftIndex;
//The index of the right element in the relation.
long m_rightIndex;
} esriRelationPair;
m_leftIndex is a zero-based index into pInGA1 and
m_rightIndex is an index into pInGA2.
esriGeometryRelationEnum is a synonym for esriSpatialRelationEnum. The former is the type name exposed through the web service. The latter is exposed through the COM api.
Refer to IGeometryServer for additional details on how the input spatial reference is interpreted.
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.ISpatialReference (in)pInGA1
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.IGeometryArray (in)pInGA2
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.IGeometryArray (in)r
- A com.esri.arcgis.geometry.esriSpatialRelationEnum constant (in)param
- The param (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.IGeometryArray simplify(ISpatialReference pSR, IGeometryArray pInGeometries) throws IOException, AutomationException
Applies the ArcObjects geometric simplification operation to a copy of each geometry in the input array, placing the result in ppSimplifiedGeometries. The input geometries are assumed to be specified in the input spatial reference pSR, which cannot be nil. The elements can be a mixture of points, multipoints, polylines or polygons. Elements that can’t be simplifed are replaced with empty geometries of the same type at the corresponding index entry in the output array.
Refer to IGeometryServer for additional details on how the input spatial reference is interpreted.
This operation uses the coordinate grid and the xy and z cluster
tolerances of the spatial reference. For more information on these
properties and how they can affect your coordinates, please refer
to the ESRI whitepaper “Understanding Coordinate
Management in the Geodatabase”:
method. Coordinates
are snapped, zero-length segments and empty parts are removed.
Length is determined in 3D if the polyline has z coordinates,
otherwise it is determined in 2D.
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.ISpatialReference (in)pInGeometries
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.IGeometryArray (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.IGeometryArray densify(ISpatialReference pSR, IGeometryArray pInGeometries, double maxSegmentLength, boolean useDeviationDensification, double densificationParameter) throws IOException, AutomationException
Replaces each curve segment, and optionally each line segment, in a polyline or polygon with line segments. Other types of input geometries will be ignored. All geometries are assumed to be in the spatial reference pSR, which cannot be nil.
When maxSegmentLength is greater than zero, lines and curves greater than that length will be replaced with lines at most maxSegmentLength long, and curves shorter than that will be replaced with lines connecting their endpoints. If maxSegmentLength is 0, then only curve segments will be densified, as explained below.
In general, this method provides three ways to densify curves:
The following table explains how the input parameters work together.
When MaxSegmentLength is | and angleOrDeviation is | then |
> 0 | 0 | All segments longer than maxSegmentLength are replaced with sequences of lines no longer than maxSegmentLength. Curves shorter than maxSegmentLength are replaced with lines connecting the curve endpoints. This is method 1, above, for densifying curves. |
0 | > 0 | Input lines are copied to the output geometries. Input curves are densified using either method 2 or method 3, based on the value of the useDeviationDensification parameter. |
> 0 | > 0 | Lines longer than maxSegmentLength units are replaced with sequences of lines no longer than maxSegmentLength; curves are replaced with sequences of lines using either method 2 or method 3, based on the value of the useDeviationDensification parameter. |
When UseDeviationDensification is false the DensificationParameter is interpreted as a central angle, instead of a deviation.
Refer to IGeometryServer for additional details on how the input spatial reference is interpreted.
If the geometries are in a geographic coordinate system, then “linear” densification distances are in units of degrees (or some other gcs angular unit). This isn’t meaningful if you expect output segments to have a constant ground length, but it still accomplishes the purpose of densifying the geometries, which is useful if you subsequently want to project them more accurately.
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.ISpatialReference (in)pInGeometries
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.IGeometryArray (in)maxSegmentLength
- The maxSegmentLength (in)useDeviationDensification
- The useDeviationDensification (in)densificationParameter
- The densificationParameter (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.ISpatialReference findSRByWKID(String authority, int wKID, int wKID_Z, boolean bDefaultXYResolution, boolean bDefaultXYTolerance) throws IOException, AutomationException
Returns a predefined, high precision spatial reference based on its OGP/EPSG Well Known Identifier (WKID, aka “factory code”). Valid WKIDs are listed below. If WKID_Z > -1, then a vertical coordinate system will be created and associated with the horizontal coordinate system.
AuthorityName is usually "EPSG" or "ESRI", but can
also be an arbitrary string. It can also be the empty string if you
want the default authority name associated with the new spatial
reference. Clients can associate their own authority names with
factory codes that are currently associated with the EPSG or ESRI
authority names, because only the WKID is used to create the
spatial reference. Here are the current rules for mapping
WKID ranges to default authority names:
• A WKID in the EPSG code range (1000
– 32768) will result in an AUTHORITY name of
“EPSG”, and the version will be the current EPSG
version used (currently “6.12”).
• A WKID in the ESRI code range (33000 –
199999) will result in an AUTHORITY name of “ESRI”, and
the version will be the current PE library version (currently
• A WKID in the user (objedit) range (200000
– 209199) will result in an AUTHORITY name of
“CUSTOM”, with no version associated with it.
This name is specified by the OGC.
For web service clients of the geometry server, the returned WKT (well known text) element of the spatial reference will have an “AUTHORITY’ tag in it, containing the default or the client-specified authority name and the specified WKID.
If bDefaultXYResolution is true, then the xy coordinate grid resolution will be set to its default value (see SetDefaultXYResolution for details). If it is false, the finest possible resolution that covers the horizon of the spatial reference will be used (see ConstructFromHorizon for details).
If bDefaultXYTolerance is true, then the default xy tolerance of 1mm will be used (see SetDefaultXYTolerance for details). If it is false, then the minimum xy tolerance will be used (2.0 * xy coordinate grid resolution).
Lists of the valid WKIDs for predefined Projected
Coordinate Systems can be found here:
Lists of the valid WKIDs for predefined Geographic Coordinate Systems can be found here:
esriSRGeoCS2Type, esriSRGeoCS3Type, esriSRGeoCSType
Default XY Resolution values
SpatialReference type |
Precision |
Default value |
ProjectedCoordinateSystem |
high |
1/10 mm |
ProjectedCoordinateSystem |
low |
1 mm |
GeographicCoordinateSystem |
high |
1/10,000 arc-second |
GeographicCoordinateSystem |
low |
1/500 arc-second |
UnknownCoordinateSystem |
high |
1/10 mm |
UnknownCoordinateSystem |
low |
1 mm |
Defining an XY resolution
Defining an XY resolution for a spatial reference depends on the
type and precision of a coordinate system. For high precision
spatial references, the domain extent and resolution must be
sufficient to cover the horizon of a given coordinate system.
For low-precision spatial references the domain extent is
centered on the horizon center.
For a high precision ProjectedCoordinateSystem (PCS), the domain extent is a square completely covering, and slightly larger than, the horizon extent of the PCS (which is an arbitrary rectangle). The scale factor (1/precision) is chosen to fit this domain. For a low precision PCS, the center of the domain extent is aligned with the center of the horizon extent and expanded to achieve a target resolution of 1mm.
For a high precision GeographicCoordinateSystem (GCS), the square domain (-400, -400, 400, 400), expressed in the units of the spatial reference, is used. For a low precision GCS the upper right hand corner is adjusted to achieve a default resolution of 1/500 of an arc-second.
For an UnknownCoordinateSystem (UCS), the "horizon" is defined to be a square that produces a resolution of 1 millimeter for a low precision UCS or 1/10 mm for a high precision UCS.
Default XY Tolerance calculations
For a ProjectedCoordinateSystem or an UnknownCoordinateSystem, the
default tolerance is 1 mm (expressed in the units of the spatial
reference) or 2.0 * XYResolution, whichever is larger. For a
GeographicCoordinateSystem, it is the angle subtending 1 mm at the
equator, or 2.0 * XYResolution, whichever is larger.
The minimum allowable XYTolerance is 2.0 * XYResolution.
If the default XY tolerance is not greater than or
equal to 2.0 * XYResolution, the XYTolerance will be set at 2.0 *
- The authority (in)wKID
- The wKID (in)wKID_Z
- The wKID_Z (in)bDefaultXYResolution
- The bDefaultXYResolution (in)bDefaultXYTolerance
- The bDefaultXYTolerance (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.ISpatialReference findSRByWKT(String wKT, String wKT_Z, boolean bDefaultXYResolution, boolean bDefaultXYTolerance) throws IOException, AutomationException
Finds a predefined spatial reference based on its OGC/EPSG
definition string, otherwise known as its well-known text string
(WKT). The text string contains individual parameters
of a spatial reference. A valid spatial reference for a
geographic coordinate system (GEOGCS) may appears as
Note the nested structure of parameters includes a datum, spheriod,
prime meridian, and angular unit.
A valid spatial reference for a projected coordinate system
(PROJCS) may appears as follows:
Note the nested structure of parameters includes a geographic
coordinate system (GEOGCS), a projection, and a set of projection
parameters such as false easting, false northing, and standard
WKT_Z is specified and not empty, then a vertical
coordinate system will be created and associated with the
horizontal coordinate system. The definition string can be
generated from ArcObjects using the ExportToESRISpatialReference
method on a PCS or GCS. The boolean parameters are as described for
- The wKT (in)wKT_Z
- The wKT_Z (in)bDefaultXYResolution
- The bDefaultXYResolution (in)bDefaultXYTolerance
- The bDefaultXYTolerance (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.IUnit findUnitsByWKID(String authority, int wKID) throws IOException, AutomationException
Finds a predefined linear or angular unit of measure based on its OGP/EPSG well known identifier (WKID, also referred to as �factory code�). AuthorityName is optional. If specified, it is usually either "EPSG" or "ESRI", but can also be an arbitrary string. As with spatial references, only the WKID value is used to locate the predefined unit. The WKIDs for predefined linear and angular units are listed here: esriSRUnit2Type, esriSRUnitType.
The Unit returned is often used in other Geometry service methods such as Buffer.
- The authority (in)wKID
- The wKID (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.IUnit findUnitsByWKT(String wKT) throws IOException, AutomationException
Finds a predefined linear or angular unit of measure based on its well known text string (WKT). The Unit returned is often used in other Geometry service methods such as Buffer.
Here are some examples of WKT strings for linear and angular
U.S. Survey Foot:
Creating custom
You can create a custom unit in ArcObjects by using the
method on an
existing linear or angular unit object. Web service clients
can do this by creating a LinearUnit or AngularUnit value first and
then assigning the WKT string to the WKT property of the value. The
example script in this topic illustrates the former approach and
the example provided in the IGeometryServer
topic illustrates the latter.
- The wKT (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.void getAreasAndLengths(ISpatialReference pSR, IPolygonArray pInPolygons, IDoubleArray[] ppAreas, IDoubleArray[] ppLengths) throws IOException, AutomationException
All geometries are assumed to be defined in the spatial reference pSR, which cannot be nil. The area and length values are computed in that spatial reference. It is not recommended that this method be used on geometries associated with a geographic coordinate system, since the length would then be calculated in units of "degrees" and the area would be calculated in units of "square degrees".
Refer to IGeometryServer for additional details on how the input spatial reference is interpreted.
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.ISpatialReference (in)pInPolygons
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.IPolygonArray (in)ppAreas
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.IDoubleArray (out: use single element array)ppLengths
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.IDoubleArray (out: use single element array)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.IDoubleArray getLengths(ISpatialReference pSR, IPolylineArray pInPolylines) throws IOException, AutomationException
All geometries are assumed to be
defined in the spatial reference pSR, which cannot be nil. The
length values are computed in that spatial reference. It is not
recommended that this method be used on geometries associated with
a geographic coordinate system, since the length would then be
calculated in units of "degrees".
You can use the GetLengthsGeodesic method to compute accurate
lengths for polylines with latitude-longitude
Refer to IGeometryServer for additional details on how the input spatial reference is interpreted.
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.ISpatialReference (in)pInPolylines
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.IPolylineArray (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.IPointArray getLabelPoints(ISpatialReference pSR, IPolygonArray pInPolygons) throws IOException, AutomationException
Generates one point geometry per input polygon. Each point is guaranteed to be inside its corresponding polygon. The ArcObjects IArea::LabelPoint property is used to generate the output points. All input geometries are assumed to be defined in the input spatial reference pSR. pSR cannot be nil.
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.ISpatialReference (in)pInPolygons
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.IPolygonArray (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.