ArcObjects Library Reference (Display)  

ICharacterMarkerSymbol Interface

Provides access to members that control the character marker symbol.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


ICharacterMarkerSymbol can be used to create a marker symbol that uses a TrueType, OpenType or Postscript Type-1 font glyph. You can set the Font and CharacterIndex properties to control the font and glyph used. Use the IMarkerSymbol and ICartographicMarkerSymbol interfaces to set additional properties for ICharacterMarkerSymbols.


Read/write property Angle Marker symbol angle.
Read/write property CharacterIndex Character index within font.
Read/write property Color Marker symbol color.
Read/write property Font Font used for character symbol.
Read/write property Size Marker symbol size.
Read/write property XOffset Symbol X-axis offset from point location.
Read/write property YOffset Symbol Y-axis offset from point location.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IMarkerSymbol Provides access to members that control marker symbols.

CoClasses that implement ICharacterMarkerSymbol

CoClasses and Classes Description
CharacterMarkerSymbol A marker symbol based on a character from a font.

See Also

IPictureMarkerSymbol Interface | IMultiLayerMarkerSymbol Interface | ICartographicMarkerSymbol Interface | IArrowMarkerSymbol Interface | ICharacterMarkerSymbol Interface | IMarkerSymbol Interface