ArcObjects Library Reference (Carto)  

IIndexGrid Interface

Provides access to members that control the index grid.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Read/write property Border The map grid border.
Read/write property ColumnCount The number of columns in the index grid.
Method Draw Draws the map grid for a map frame to the given display.
Read-only property ExteriorWidth The width (in display units) of the portion of the grid that is outside of the frame.
Method GenerateGraphics Generates graphic elements corresponding to the grid lines and stores them in the specified graphics container.
Read/write property LabelFormat The label format for map grid labels.
Read/write property LineSymbol The symbol used to draw grid lines - null will draw no lines.
Read/write property Name The name of the map grid.
Method PrepareForOutput Prepares the map grid for output to a device.
Method QueryCellExtent Provides access to the cell extent in page space for the given row and column.
Method QueryLabelVisibility Returns the visibility of the labels along all four sides of the map grid.
Method QuerySubTickVisibility Returns the visibility of the subticks along all four sides of the map grid.
Method QueryTickVisibility Returns the visibility of the ticks along all four sides of the map grid.
Read/write property RowCount The number of rows in the index grid.
Method SetDefaults Sets the properties of the map grid to default values.
Method SetLabelVisibility Sets the visibility of the labels along all four sides of the map grid.
Method SetSubTickVisibility Sets the visibility of the subticks along all four sides of the map grid.
Method SetTickVisibility Sets the visibility of the ticks along all four sides of the map grid.
Read/write property SubTickCount The number of subticks to draw between the major ticks.
Read/write property SubTickLength The length of the subticks in points.
Read/write property SubTickLineSymbol The symbol used to draw the subtick lines.
Read/write property TickLength The length of the major ticks in points.
Read/write property TickLineSymbol The line symbol used to draw the major ticks.
Read/write property TickMarkSymbol The symbol used to draw tick marks at the grid interval intersections - null will draw no tick marks.
Read/write property Visible Indicates if the map grid is visible.
Read/write property XLabel The label for the given column in the index grid.
Read/write property YLabel The label for the given row in the index grid.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IMapGrid Provides access to members that control a map grid.

CoClasses that implement IIndexGrid

CoClasses and Classes Description
IndexGrid A map grid that divides the map into a grid for indexing.


IIndexGrid gives you access to the functionality common to all index grids.

Using the XLabel and the YLabel properties, you can set or retrieve the label for each column and index in the grid. You can access the number of rows and columns of the grid with RowCount and ColumnCount.

The QueryCellExtent method allows you to get the envelope of any given cell in the grid.

See also the Carto Library Overview.

See Also

ICustomOverlayGrid Interface | IIndexGrid Interface | IMeasuredGrid Interface | IMapGrid Interface | IGraticule Interface