Introduction to storing the BIS workspace in SQL Server (Bathymetry Solution)

Before you can take full advantage of the ArcGIS for Maritime: Bathymetry tools, you need to create at least one Bathymetry Information System (BIS) workspace. The Create BIS Database tool on the Bathymetry toolbar is designed to create new BIS geodatabases. The BIS is a geodatabase that references bathymetry data stored either locally or on your network and can be set up on a file or ArcSDE geodatabase. A BIS created within a file geodatabase is typically used for small implementations where having multiple, disparate users accessing the workspace is not required. The file geodatabase does not support versioning, only local connections, and is stored on your internal network or file system. An ArcSDE geodatabase should be used if your agency or organization needs to allow multiple users to access the system.

One of the key features of the BIS is that the system does not load the bathymetric surfaces directly into the geodatabase. This makes the BIS very scalable since the system tables that manage the bathymetric surfaces can grow based on the database system’s table storage capabilities.

This guide book is intended for database administrators as recommendations for establishing the BIS workspace in a geodatabase in SQL Server. The geodatabase in SQL Server uses ArcSDE technology as the gateway between geographic information system (GIS) clients and SQL Server.

Before starting this guide book, you need to install the SQL Server software and, optionally, the ArcSDE application server software.

ArcSDE application server software installation

Connections to a geodatabase in SQL Server use direct connections by default, but the ArcSDE application server is required if you want to connect to your geodatabase using ArcSDE service connections. Direct connections are recommended.

If you will only be using direct connections and don't want the administration command line tools, then ArcSDE installation isn't required.

If you want to install the ArcSDE application server and/or the administration command line tools, you need to download the ArcSDE installation files for your database management system and operating system from the Esri Customer Care portal. It may be useful to install the ArcSDE administration command line tools to perform certain advanced configuration operations.

For more information on ArcSDE services, see What is an ArcSDE service.

SQL Server installation

Before starting this guide book, install SQL Server 2012 on a Windows operating system. The default settings for the SQL Server database management system work well with ArcSDE. Configure the instance to accept remote connections.

When you install SQL Server, be sure to install Full-Text Search.

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