Subset Features (Geostatisical Analyst)
Divides the original dataset into two parts: one part to be used to model the spatial structure and produce a surface, the other to be used to compare and validate the output surface.
If multipart features are used as input, the output will be a subset of multipart features and not individual features.
If you want the random sequence used to create the subsets to be repeatable, you need to specify a nonzero seed value in the Random number generator environment variable.
Only the MERSENNE_TWISTER random number generator type is supported; if ACM599 or STANDARD_C is chosen, MERSENNE_TWISTER will be used instead.
The test feature class is often used in validation of a model created using the training feature class.
Parameter | Erläuterung | Datentyp |
in_features |
Points, lines, polygon features, or table from which to create a subset. | Table View |
out_training_feature_class |
The subset of training features to be created. | Feature Class; Table |
out_test_feature_class (optional) |
The subset of test features to be created. | Feature Class; Table |
size_of_training_dataset (optional) |
The size of the output training feature class, entered either as a percentage of the input features or as an absolute number of features. | Double |
subset_size_units (optional) |
Type of subset size.
| Boolean |
Randomly split the features into two feature classes.
import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/gapyexamples/data"
arcpy.SubsetFeatures_ga("ca_ozone_pts", "C:/gapyexamples/output/training",
Randomly split the features into two feature classes.
# Name:
# Description: Randomly split the features into two feature classes.
# Requirements: Geostatistical Analyst Extension
# Import system modules
import arcpy
# Set environment settings
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/gapyexamples/data"
# Set local variables
inPointFeatures = "ca_ozone_pts.shp"
outtrainPoints = "C:/gapyexamples/output/training.shp"
outtestPoints = ""
trainData = ""
subsizeUnits = "PERCENTAGE_OF_INPUT"
# Check out the ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst extension license
# Execute SubsetFeatures
arcpy.SubsetFeatures_ga(inPointFeatures, outtrainPoints, outtestPoints,
trainData, subsizeUnits)