ArcGIS 10.1 for Server Enterprise 快速入门指南

包括 ArcGIS 10.1 Spatial Data Server 和 ArcSDE 10.1 应用程序服务器



下载、解压缩和安装 ArcGIS 10.1 for Server

安装 ArcGIS 10.1 SP1 for Server

授权 ArcGIS 10.1 for Server


设置 ArcSDE 应用程序服务器

安装 ArcGIS Spatial Data Server

授权 ArcGIS Spatial Data Server

有关 ArcGIS 的详细信息




下载、解压缩和安装 ArcGIS 10.1 for Server


  1. Make sure you have write access to your download directory location as well as your ArcGIS installation directory location, and that no one is accessing it.
  2. Existing users previous to ArcGIS 10.1: Use the ArcGIS Uninstall Utility, available on the Esri Customer Care Portal, to locate and automatically remove previous ArcGIS 9.x or 10.x products that are installed on your machine.
  3. Click on the product's download link on Esri's Customer Care Portal. Recommended: Use the Esri Download Manager to manage your 10.1 downloads.

    When downloading with the Esri Download Manager, you can select and download multiple products. However, only one product should be started at a time when the downloads are complete.

  4. The first panel of the extraction wizard will allow you to indicate the location on your computer to which you would like the installation files extracted. When satisfied, click OK.

    If you choose to change the destination location when starting the .exe (either from the Launch option in the Esri Download Manager or running the downloaded self-extracting .exe manually), be sure to choose a unique location to extract the files.

  5. You will be notified when the file extraction is complete. To automatically install the software, leave the Launch the setup program check box on the final panel of the extraction wizard checked. To install the software at a later time, uncheck the check box. You can install the software at any time by browsing to the product's extracted location and running the setup.exe.

    Administrative privileges will be required for installing the ArcGIS software product. If you do not have the necessary privileges, an administrator on your system can install the software by running the setup.exe at the product's extracted location.

  6. 有关安装 ArcGIS 10.1 for Server 的帮助,请参阅 ArcGIS Server 安装指南


  1. Click on the product's download link on Esri's Customer Care Portal.
  2. Save the file to a disk location large enough to hold both the gzip file and the tar file.

    If you are installing more than one ArcGIS 10.1 product, please place each gzip file in a separate directory before expanding and extracting the tar file; otherwise, the Documentation directory, support directory, Setup script, and install.htm files will be overwritten.

  3. Make sure you have read-write-execute (rwx) access to your intended ArcGIS installation location.
  4. gunzip the ArcGIS 10.1 file for your platform to get the tar file. At the prompt, type % gunzip <file_name>.tar.gz..
  5. Extract the product tar file to create the installation directory: % tar xvf <file_name>.tar.
  6. 将目录更改为解压缩的 tar 文件位置,并运行所提供的 ./Setup 脚本以安装 ArcGIS 10.1 for Server。

安装 ArcGIS 10.1 SP1 for Server

ArcGIS 10.1 SP1 for Server 可以安装到尚未安装 ArcGIS 10.1 for Server 的计算机上。安装此补丁包之前,不必预先安装 ArcGIS 10.1 for Server。有关安装 Service Pack 1 的详细信息,请参阅适用于 WindowsLinux 的 ArcGIS Server 安装指南。有关 ArcGIS 10.1 SP1 for Server 中所含内容的详细信息,请参阅 Server 帮助中的本补丁包所修复的问题新特性

授权 ArcGIS 10.1 for Server


  • ArcGIS 10.1 版本的软件需要 10.1 版本的授权码,可从 Esri 客户关怀中心门户中的“授权”和“配置”页获得此授权码。
  • 建议您:使用 Internet 连接来完成下边的授权步骤。
  • 如果需要安装该软件的计算机未连接到 Internet,则可以使用另一台能够访问 Internet 的计算机通过电子邮件或网站对软件进行授权。

  1. 要授权软件:
    • Windows:单击开始 > 程序 > ArcGIS > 软件授权
    • Linux:从下列产品安装位置打开 ArcGIS 10.1 for Server 的软件授权 向导:

      <安装路径>/arcgis/server/tools ./authorizeSoftware

  2. 选择默认选项我已安装了软件,需要对它进行授权。
  3. 选择立即使用 Internet 通过 Esri 进行授权
  4. 输入您的个人信息。
  5. 输入您的核心产品授权码 (ECPxxxxxxxxx)。如果您没有该授权码,可查看 Esri 客户关怀中心门户中的“授权”和“配置”页来获得该授权码。
  6. 输入扩展模块的授权码(如果适用)。
  7. 完成授权过程后,单击完成
  8. 单击确定关闭软件授权 向导。

如果不使用企业级地理数据库或 ArcSDE 应用程序服务器,则该软件可以立即投入使用。有关如何开始使用 ArcGIS Server 软件的指导说明,请访问 ArcGIS Server 管理器,然后单击帮助链接。要访问 ArcGIS Server 管理器,请访问地址 http://<ArcGIS Server 名称>:6080/arcgis/manager。此处提供了有关 ArcGIS Server 的详细信息。如果要使用企业级地理数据库,请参阅创建并授权企业级地理数据库。如果还要使用 ArcSDE 应用程序服务器以连接到企业级地理数据库,请参阅设置 ArcSDE 应用程序服务器以获得有关配置此环境的详细信息。


使用创建企业级地理数据库启用企业级地理数据库地理处理工具或者 Python 脚本来创建企业级地理数据库。

所有企业级地理数据库必须使用 ArcGIS Server 企业级版本的授权文件进行授权。创建地理数据库时必须指定一个有效的授权文件。使用授权 ArcGIS for Server 时所生成的密钥代码文件。在 Windows 操作系统上,创建的密钥代码文件位于 \\Program Files\ESRI\License10.1\sysgen 文件夹中,在 Linux 操作系统上,位于 /arcgis/server/framework/runtiime/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/ESRI/License10.1/sysgen 目录中。

授权 ArcGIS for Server 并获得密钥代码文件后,即可以创建企业级地理数据库或更新现有地理数据库的授权。

设置 ArcSDE 应用程序服务器


  1. Make sure you have write access to your download directory location as well as your ArcGIS installation directory location, and that no one is accessing it.
  2. Click on the product's download link on Esri's Customer Care Portal. Recommended: Use the Esri Download Manager to manage your 10.1 downloads.

    When downloading with the Esri Download Manager, you can select and download multiple products. However, only one product should be started at a time when the downloads are complete.

  3. The first panel of the extraction wizard will allow you to indicate the location on your computer to which you would like the installation files extracted. When satisfied, click OK.

    If you choose to change the destination location when starting the .exe (either from the Launch option in the Esri Download Manager or running the downloaded self-extracting .exe manually), be sure to choose a unique location to extract the files.

  4. You will be notified when the file extraction is complete. To automatically install the software, leave the Launch the setup program check box on the final panel of the extraction wizard checked. To install the software at a later time, uncheck the check box. You can install the software at any time by browsing to the product's extracted location and running the setup.exe. 安装程序将指导您完成整个安装过程。

    Administrative privileges will be required for installing the ArcGIS software product. If you do not have the necessary privileges, an administrator on your system can install the software by running the setup.exe at the product's extracted location.

  5. 有关设置 ArcSDE 应用程序服务器的帮助,请参阅 ArcGIS Resource Center 上针对您的数据库平台的安装指南。


  1. Click on the product's download link on Esri's Customer Care Portal.
  2. Save the file to a disk location large enough to hold both the gzip file and the tar file.

    If you are installing more than one ArcGIS 10.1 product, please place each gzip file in a separate directory before expanding and extracting the tar file; otherwise, the Documentation directory, support directory, Setup script, and install.htm files will be overwritten.

  3. Make sure you have read-write-execute (rwx) access to your intended ArcGIS installation location.
  4. gunzip the ArcGIS 10.1 file for your platform to get the tar file. At the prompt, type % gunzip <file_name>.tar.gz.
  5. Extract the product tar file to create the installation directory: % tar xvf <file_name>.tar.
  6. Change to the extracted installation directory (cd) and run the provided ./Setup script to install the ArcGIS 10.1 product.
  7. 有关设置 ArcSDE 应用程序服务器的帮助,请参阅 ArcGIS Resource Center 上针对您的数据库平台的安装指南。

安装 ArcGIS 10.1 Spatial Data Server


  1. Make sure you have write access to your download directory location as well as your ArcGIS installation directory location, and that no one is accessing it.
  2. Existing users previous to ArcGIS 10.1: Use the ArcGIS Uninstall Utility, available on the Esri Customer Care Portal, to locate and automatically remove previous ArcGIS 9.x or 10.x products that are installed on your machine.
  3. Click on the product's download link on Esri's Customer Care Portal. Recommended: Use the Esri Download Manager to manage your 10.1 downloads.

    When downloading with the Esri Download Manager, you can select and download multiple products. However, only one product should be started at a time when the downloads are complete.

  4. The first panel of the extraction wizard will allow you to indicate the location on your computer to which you would like the installation files extracted. When satisfied, click OK.

    If you choose to change the destination location when starting the .exe (either from the Launch option in the Esri Download Manager or running the downloaded self-extracting .exe manually), be sure to choose a unique location to extract the files.

  5. You will be notified when the file extraction is complete. To automatically install the software, leave the Launch the setup program check box on the final panel of the extraction wizard checked. To install the software at a later time, uncheck the check box. You can install the software at any time by browsing to the product's extracted location and running the setup.exe. 安装程序将指导您完成整个安装过程。

    Administrative privileges will be required for installing the ArcGIS software product. If you do not have the necessary privileges, an administrator on your system can install the software by running the setup.exe at the product's extracted location.

  6. 有关安装 ArcGIS 10.1 Spatial Data Server 的其他帮助,请参阅 ArcGIS Spatial Data Server for IIS 安装指南ArcGIS Spatial Data Server for the Java Platform (Windows) 安装指南。


  1. Click on the product's download link on Esri's Customer Care Portal.
  2. Save the file to a disk location large enough to hold both the gzip file and the tar file.

    If you are installing more than one ArcGIS 10.1 product, please place each gzip file in a separate directory before expanding and extracting the tar file; otherwise, the Documentation directory, support directory, Setup script, and install.htm files will be overwritten.

  3. Make sure you have read-write-execute (rwx) access to your intended ArcGIS installation location.
  4. gunzip the ArcGIS 10.1 file for your platform to get the tar file. At the prompt, type % gunzip <file_name>.tar.gz.
  5. Extract the product tar file to create the installation directory: % tar xvf <file_name>.tar.
  6. Change to the extracted installation directory (cd) and run the provided ./Setup script to install the ArcGIS 10.1 product.
  7. 有关安装 ArcGIS 10.1 Spatial Data Server 的其他帮助,请参阅 ArcGIS Spatial Data Server for the Java Platform 安装指南。

授权 ArcGIS 10.1 Spatial Data Server


  • ArcGIS 10.1 版本的软件需要 10.1 版本的授权码,可从 Esri 客户关怀中心门户中的“授权”和“配置”页获得此授权码。
  • 建议您:使用 Internet 连接来完成下边的授权步骤。
  • 如果需要安装该软件的计算机未连接到 Internet,则可以使用另一台能够访问 Internet 的计算机通过电子邮件或网站对软件进行授权。


  1. 单击开始 > 程序 > ArcGIS > ArcGIS 10.1 for Server > Spatial Data Server for IIS/Spatial Data Server for Java > 软件授权
  2. 选择默认选项我已安装了软件,需要对它进行授权。
  3. 选择立即使用 Internet 通过 Esri 进行授权
  4. 输入您的个人信息。
  5. 输入您的核心产品授权码 (ECPxxxxxxxxx)。如果您没有该授权码,可查看 Esri 客户关怀中心门户中的“授权”和“配置”页来获得该授权码。
  6. 输入扩展模块的授权码(如果适用)。
  7. 完成授权过程后,单击完成
  8. 单击确定关闭软件授权 向导。
  1. 运行<安装路径>/bin > ./
  2. 单击下一步
  3. 软件授权可以使用后,单击完成

必须部署 ArcGIS 10.1 Spatial Data Server (Java Platform) 以完成授权。请执行以下步骤:

  1. 在部署了 ArcGIS Spatial Data Server 的服务器中打开 Web 浏览器。有关如何部署,请参阅 ArcGIS Spatial Data Server for Java Help 的“部署空间数据服务器”部分。
  2. 输入以下 URL:localhost:<Web 应用程序端口>/arcgis/admin/authorizeSDS
  3. 浏览至在使用软件授权 向导授权 ArcGIS Spatial Data Server 时所创建的密钥代码文件。
    • Linux:<安装路径>/sysgen/keycodes,例如,/arcgis/SDS10.1/java/sysgen
    • Windows:\\Program Files\ESRI\License<版本号>\sysgen\keycodes,例如,C:\Program Files\ESRI\License10.1\sysgen\keycodes
  4. 单击授权 SDS

有关 ArcGIS 的详细信息

More information and assistance for ArcGIS products are available via the ArcGIS Resource Center. Use the Resource Centers website as your portal to ArcGIS resources, such as finding out what's new at the ArcGIS 10.1 release, help, forums, blogs, downloads, samples, and knowledge base articles.


Your Esri office or distributor provides support of ArcGIS 10.1. For your Esri office or distributor's contact information, please visit
