Signing in

Before you can sign in to ArcGIS Online for the first time, you need to join an organization or create a public account.

Once you have an account, follow these steps to sign in:

  1. From the website, click the Sign In link on the upper right or access the sign-in page directly from your organization's URL or
  2. Enter your user name exactly as it was spelled when you or your administrator created your account.

    If you are using an ArcGIS account, your user name is case sensitive when signing in to ArcGIS Online. For more tips, see Account troubleshooting. If your organization is set up with Enterprise Logins, check with your provider if you have issues signing in with your enterprise user name.

  3. Enter your password exactly as you spelled it when you set up your password.

    If you are using an ArcGIS account, your password is case sensitive when signing in to ArcGIS Online. For more tips, see Account troubleshooting. If your organization is set up with Enterprise Logins, check with your provider if you have issues signing in with your enterprise password.

  4. Check the option Keep me signed in to stay signed in for two weeks unless you sign out.

Verifying the spelling of your ArcGIS user name

Your ArcGIS user name and password are case sensitive. You can verify the exact capitalization of your ArcGIS user name by requesting an email that lists all your ArcGIS user names. If you have forgotten the user name for your Enterprise Login, contact your enterprise identity provider.

To request an email with your ArcGIS user name, follow these steps:

  1. From the website, click the Sign In link on the upper right or access the sign-in page directly from your organization's URL or
  2. Click the Forgot Username or Password? link.
  3. Click the I forgot my username link. You are redirected to the Forgot your username? page.
  4. Enter your email address and click Submit.
  5. You will receive an email with the user name or user names associated with your email. Your login is case sensitive, so pay attention to the exact spelling of the user name or user names.

Resetting your password

Esri cannot retrieve your password. If you've forgotten or want to change your ArcGIS password, you can create a new one from the Forgot Username or Password? link on the sign-in page. If you have an organizational account that you or your administrator created when you joined the organization, you can also reset your password on your profile page. If you want to reset your Enterprise Login password, contact your enterprise identity provider.

To reset your ArcGIS password from the sign-in page, follow these steps:

  1. From the website, click the Sign In link on the upper right or access the sign-in page directly from your organization's URL or
  2. Click the Forgot Username or Password? link.
  3. Click the I want to change my password link. You are redirected to the Reset Password page.
  4. Enter your user name and click Submit.
  5. If your account is detected as an organizational account that you or your administrator created when you joined the organization, you reset your password on the Reset Password page.
    1. Answer your security question.
    2. Enter a new password that is between 8 and 28 characters in length and contains letters, numbers, special characters, or a combination. Spaces are not allowed. Your password is case sensitive.
    3. Reenter your new password and click Submit.
  6. If your account is detected as a public account or an organizational account you originally created as an Esri Global Account, you are redirected to the Esri Global Account site where you can reset your password by following the steps below.
    1. Enter your user name.
    2. Enter your last name.
    3. Enter your email address and click Submit.

    You will receive an email with a temporary password from Emails are sent during business hours, so you may experience a delay in receiving your temporary password if you reset it during nonbusiness hours. Log in again to the Esri Global Account site to change the temporary password to one that you will remember, keeping in mind that your password and user name are case sensitive. The website won't prompt you to change your temporary password. You can use your temporary password on the website, but it is recommended you change it to one you will remember.
