Managing layers in the map document

This topic applies to ArcGIS for Desktop Standard and ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced only.

When the Local Government Information Model is enabled on a parcel fabric, parcel types, attributes, and domains that reflect the editing requirements of Local Government parcel maintenance are added to parcel fabric tables. The parcel fabric layer is displayed and symbolized using the Local Government configuration, and the parcel fabric can be used in efficient and automated parcel editing workflows.

A description or the configuration of each layer in the parcel fabric is described below.

Parcel fabric layer enabled with the Local Government Information Model

Table Of Contents window

Tax Lines Anno layer

The Tax Lines Anno layer is an annotation layer that references the ParcelDimensions annotation feature class in the ParcelEditing feature dataset. The annotation layer is feature linked to the parcel fabric Lines sublayer and contains annotation at a 1:1,200 scale. Annotation is derived from the Distance, Bearing and Radius attributes on the parcel fabric Lines table.

Historic Parcels layer

The Historic Parcels layer is the parcel fabric Parcels sublayer queried to display historic parcels of type 7 (tax), type 9 (encumbrance), and type 6 (lots). The definition query "SystemEndDate IS NOT NULL" is used on the layer to query for historic parcels.

Layer Properties dialog box

The layer is also symbolized using the Reason Parcel Retired field in the parcel fabric parcels attribute table.

Historic Parcels layer

Layer symbology is defined under the Symbology tab on the Layer Properties dialog box.

Layer symbology

Learn more about historic parcels in the parcel fabric

Cadastral Framework layer

The Cadastral Framework layer is the parcel fabric parcels sublayer queried to display PLSS (Public Land Survey System) parcels (parcel type1, parcel type 2, and parcel type 3). The layer has also been symbolized using the Parcel Type field in the parcel fabric parcels attribute table.

Cadastral Framework layer

Subs and Condos layer

The Subs and Condos layer is the parcel fabric parcels sublayer queried to display current subdivision and condominium parcels (parcel type 5).


You can choose to symbolize this layer using the Sub or Condo Type field on the parcel fabric parcels attribute table.

Tax Parcels layer

The Tax Parcels layer is the parcel fabric parcels sublayer queried to display current tax parcels (parcel type 7).

Lots and Units layer

The Lots and Units layer is the parcel fabric parcels sublayer queried to display current lot parcels and public right-of-ways (parcel type 6). The layer has also been symbolized using the Lot or Unit Type field in the parcel fabric parcels attribute table.

Lots and Units layer

Encumbrances layer

The Encumbrances layer is the parcel fabric parcels sublayer queried to display current encumbrance parcels (parcel type 9). The layer has also been symbolized using the Encumbrance Type field in the parcel fabric parcels attribute table.

Encumbrances layer

Setting layer selectability and visibility

Different parcel editing workflows in the TaxParcelEditingMap use different parcel types. To simplify the map display and editing experience it is recommenced that you enable selectability on only the parcel type you are working with. For example, if you are merging tax parcels, you would turn off selectability, and if you prefer, visibility of lot parcels, subdivision parcels, PLSS parcels, and so on.

To turn layer selectability on or off, click List By Selection List By Selection on the Table Of Contents window. To make a layer selectable or not selectable, click the icon Toggle Selectable to the right of the layer name. If that icon is colored, the layer is selectable; if it is gray, the layer is not selectable. To clear a selection of features from a layer, click the white selection icon.

Setting layer selectability

To turn layer visibility on or off, click the layer icon to the left of the layer name.

Changing the selection color of parcel traverse lines

You can change the selection color of the traverse lines of an open parcel. The selection color is applied when selecting lines on the Lines grid on the Parcel Details dialog box as well as when selecting lines in the map. By default, the selection color is yellow.

Selecting parcel traverse lines

To change the traverse line selection color, right-click the Lines sublayer on the Table Of Contents window, and click Properties to open the Layer Properties dialog box.


You can also double-click the Lines sublayer.

Selected line properties can be changed under the Selection tab.

Changing symbols for join links

When new parcels are added to the parcel fabric, they need to be joined to the parcel fabric to become part of the parcel fabric layer. A newly created parcel is not yet connected to the parcel fabric layer, even if existing fabric points were used as from- or to-points in the creation of the parcel. New parcels need to be joined to the parcel fabric to be connected to the parcel fabric.

Parcel joining is an interactive process where the parcel points of a floating parcel or group of parcels are matched with their corresponding points in the parcel fabric.

You can change the colors and symbols that are used during the joining process. By default, the standard edit sketch symbology is used for the display of join vertices.

Join links

Edit sketch symbology can be changed under the General tab of the Editing Options dialog box. To open the Editing Options dialog box, click Editor > Options on the Editor toolbar.

Changing the edit sketch symbology
