Managing annotation

This topic applies to ArcGIS for Desktop Standard and ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced only.

Annotation in a parcel fabric enabled with the Local Government Information Model is contained in the Tax Lines Anno layer in ArcMap. The Tax Lines Anno layer references the ParcelDimensions feature-linked annotation class that is created during the enabling process.

Annotation is derived from the COGO dimension attributes on the parcel fabric Lines table and is displayed at a 1:1,200 scale.

To view a summary of how annotation is defined for the Tax Lines Anno layer, right-click the layer and click Properties. On the Layer Properties dialog box, click the Annotation tab.

Annotation Layer Properties dialog box

Annotation editing behavior

Annotation editing behavior is defined under the Annotation tab on the annotation Feature Class Properties dialog box. It is recommended that new annotation not be created when new parcels are added. In the Catalog window, right-click the ParcelDimensions feature class to open the annotation Feature Class Properties dialog box. Make sure Create annotation when new features are added is unchecked.

Annotation expression

The annotation class expression displays distance and curve parameter values on current parcel lines. You can change the expression to display bearings on parcel lines in addition to distances.

  1. Right-click the 1:1200 annotation class layer under the Tax Lines Anno layer and click Properties.
  2. On the Layer Properties dialog box under SQL Query, you will see that the annotation expression is only displayed for current parcels ("Historical" is null OR "Historical" = 0). The annotation layer is feature linked to the parcel fabric Parcels sublayer.
    The annotation class expression is defined under Expression, and there is a description of the expression before the expression logic begins.

    Annotation class Layer Properties dialog box

    Expression description

  3. If necessary, edit the annotation description to change how the annotation is displayed:

    Display bearings.

    Change ShowBearing = 0 to ShowBearing = 1

    Change the minimum line distance on which both bearings and distance annotation is displayed.

    Change MinDistance = 20 to a new line distance

  4. If necessary, click Placement Properties to change how annotation is placed.

Editing annotation using the Attributes window

When an annotation feature is selected in ArcMap using theEdit Annotation Tool, additional tabs for editing annotation become available in the Attributes window. Under these tabs, you can quickly update annotation display properties and attributes.

Annotation and the Attributes window

Learn more about shortcuts for editing annotation

Changing annotation symbology

You can change the default text color of the map annotation to make the text more visible on the map:

  1. Double-click the Tax Lines Anno annotation layer to open the Layer Properties dialog box.
  2. Under the Symbology tab, choose Substitute test symbol colors with this color, and click the color palette on the right to choose a color.
  3. TipTip:

    You can also change annotation font type, font size, and so on, by choosing Substitute individual symbols in the symbol collection.
