About parcel fabric information models

This topic applies to ArcGIS for Desktop Standard and ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced only.

A parcel fabric information model is a parcel fabric dataset that has been enhanced with the data model and parcel editing workflows of a chosen organization. Currently, the parcel fabric can be enabled with the Local Government Information Model (a model for local governments in the USA).

The Local Government Information Model

When the Local Government Information Model is enabled on a parcel fabric, parcel types, attributes, and domains that reflect the editing requirements of Local Government parcel maintenance are added to parcel fabric tables. The parcel fabric layer is displayed and symbolized using the Local Government configuration, and the parcel fabric can be used in efficient and automated parcel editing workflows.

Parcel fabric enabled with an information model

Parcels in the parcel fabric layer are displayed by parcel type in a series of sublayers. Each sublayer references a single parcel fabric Parcels table, which is configured differently based on the parcel type of the sublayer. For example, the Name system attribute on the Parcels table has an alias named Parcel Identification Number for the Tax Parcels sublayer and an alias of Lot or Unit Number for the Lots and Units sublayer. For each parcel sublayer, different attributes are turned on and off for editing.


To view the parcel fabric Parcels table, use the Make Parcel Fabric Table View geoprocessing tool under System Toolboxes > Layers and Table Views.

Parcel types and attribute domains

Before enabling the Local Government Information Model on your parcel fabric, you need to ensure that you have typed your parcels using the Local Government parcel types. Furthermore, the Historic Parcels, Subs and Condos, Lots and Units, and Encumbrances sublayers are displayed using attribute domains. You also need to ensure that you have specified attribute domains for these parcel types.


If you have no parcel types or use different numbering for your parcel types, your parcels will not display in the parcel fabric layer. If you have not set an attribute domain for the Historic Parcels, Subs and Condos, Lots and Units, and Encumbrances sublayers, these parcels will not display in the parcel fabric layer.

The Local Government Information Model uses the following parcel types:

Sub Layer

Parcel Type

Historic Parcels

Type = 7, 9, 6

Cadastral Framework

Type = 1, 2, 3

Subs and Condos

Type = 5

Tax Parcels

Type = 7

Lots and Units

Type = 6


Type = 9

The Local Government Information Model uses attribute domains on the following sublayers:

Sub Layer

Attribute Domain

Historic Parcels

Reason Parcel Retired

Subs and Condos

Sub or Condo Type

Lots and Units

Lot or Unit Type


Encumbrance Type

Learn more about the Local Government Information Model data dictionary

Parcel editing workflows

Once you have successfully enabled your parcel fabric with the Local Government Information Model, you can use automated parcel editing workflows. These workflows are common editing workflows used by local governments for parcel maintenance. To access the workflows, click Parcel Editor > Parcel Workflows.

Enabling a parcel fabric information model

A parcel fabric can be enabled with an information model in the Catalog window. Right-click your parcel fabric, point to Information Models, and click Enable Information Model to run the Enable Fabric Information Model wizard.

Enabling the Local Government Information Model

The Local Government Information Model uses a feature-linked annotation class (feature linked to parcel fabric lines). If you have an existing lines feature-linked annotation class, the Enable Fabric Information Model wizard detects and uses the annotation class. If no lines feature-linked annotation class is detected, a new lines feature-linked annotation class is created.

If schema errors are found during the enabling process, the parcel fabric will not be enabled with the Local Government Information Model. Schema errors are listed on the Information model report page of the Enable Fabric Information Model wizard and need to be corrected before your parcel fabric can be enabled with the Local Government Information Model.
