ArcObjects Library Reference (Display)  

INewEnvelopeFeedback Interface

Provides access to members that control the creation of a new envelope. Note: the INewEnvelopeFeedback interface has been superseded byINewEnvelopeFeedback2. Please consider using the more recent version.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Read/write property AspectRatio The aspect ratio for the custom constraint type.
Read/write property Constraint The constraint on this rubberbander.
Write-only property Display The display the feedback object will use.
Method MoveTo Move to the new point.
Method Refresh Call this after a refresh to show feedback again.
Method Start Begins a normal feedback at the given point.
Method Stop Stops the feedback and returns the shape.
Read/write property Symbol The symbol the feedback object will use.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IDisplayFeedback Provides access to members that control the base display feedback.

CoClasses that implement INewEnvelopeFeedback

CoClasses and Classes Description
NewEnvelopeFeedback New Envelope Display Feedback Object.

See Also

INewDimensionFeedback Interface | INewBezierCurveFeedback Interface | IMoveGeometryFeedback Interface | INewEnvelopeFeedback Interface | IResizeEnvelopeFeedback2 Interface | INewCircleFeedback Interface | ILineMovePointFeedback Interface | INewMultiPointFeedback Interface | IMoveImageFeedback Interface | IMoveLineFeedback Interface | IResizeEnvelopeFeedback Interface | IMovePolygonFeedback Interface | INewEnvelopeFeedback2 Interface | IPolygonMovePointFeedback Interface | IReshapeFeedback Interface | IMoveImageFeedback2 Interface | INewPolygonFeedback Interface | IVertexFeedback Interface | IMoveEnvelopeFeedback Interface | INewLineFeedback Interface | IStretchLineFeedback Interface | IMovePointFeedback Interface

.NET Samples

Custom map navigation commands (Code Files: ZoomIn ZoomOut) | Display feedback (Code Files: DisplayFeedbackSampleVB) | Add map surrounds using the SymbologyControl (Code Files: NorthArrows ScaleBars ScaleText)